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Over: Corpus and


“Above” mein Subject aur

Landmark separated hote
hain. Above aur Over dono
static aur Dynamic situations
ke liye use ho sakte hain.

Over ka basic spatial

meaning hai:
Over is used to refer to
paths that extend from
beyond one side of the
landmark to beyond the
other. Yahan path ka lafz
istemal kiya gaya hai jis se
maloom hota hai ke over sirf
movement ke liye istemal
hosakta hai jab ke aisa nahi
hai. Over ko ham aisi
arrangements ke liye bhi
istemal karsakte hain jis
mein subject extende from
beyond one side of the land
to beyond the other side. Is
mein koi movement nahi hai
lekin phir bhi ham over
istemal kar sakte hain jaise
doorknob vali example. Ab
over ke meaning mein
extension-beyond aur
approach ke matlab shamil
hain jab ke above ke
meaning mein directly up
and separated. Lekin over
mein approach lazmi nahi
hai aur isliye kuch static
situations mein above aur
over dono istemal hosakte
hain. Doorknob vali example
mein doorknob extends from
beyond one side of the
keyslot to beyond the other
side par tab bhi ham above
istemal karsakte hain yahan.
Shayad ham dimagh mein
pure doorknob ko sirf uske
darmiyani hisse se represent
karrahe hain.

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