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The effect of dietary glycemic index and glycemic load on

inflammatory biomarkers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of

randomized clinical trials
Alireza Milajerdi,1 Parvane Saneei,4 Bagher Larijani,2 and Ahmad Esmaillzadeh1,3,5
1 Department of Community Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics; 2 Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Endocrinology and
Metabolism Clinical Sciences Institute; 3 Obesity and Eating Habits Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Molecular–Cellular Sciences Institute,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 4 Students’ Research Committee; and 5 Food Security Research Center, Department of Community Nu-
trition, School of Nutrition and Food Science, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Background: To our knowledge, there is no study available that sum- Inflammation, characterized by increased concentrations of cy-
marizes earlier findings on the effect of dietary glycemic index (GI) tokines, plays a central role in innate immunity (1). As an essen-
and glycemic load (GL) on inflammatory biomarkers. tial part of host defense, low-grade inflammation has been asso-
Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted
ciated with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and
to systematically review the available clinical trials that examined the
other metabolic disorders (2).
effects of low-GI (LGI) and low-GL (LGL) diets on several inflam-
Different lifestyle-related factors, including diet, are associ-
matory biomarkers in adults.
ated with low-grade inflammation (3). The association between
Design: We searched for relevant articles published up to June
type and amount of dietary carbohydrate and low-grade inflam-
2017 through PubMed, Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE, and Google
mation has been shown (4). Dietary glycemic index (GI) is de-
Scholar with the use of relevant keywords. Clinical trials that exam-
fined as the potential of carbohydrate-containing foods to in-
ined the effect of dietary GI and GL on inflammation in adults were
crease postprandial blood glucose. Adherence to low-GI (LGI)
Results: Overall, 28 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) includ- diets was associated with a decreased risk of mortality, CVD, di-
ing 2961 participants (59% women, 41% men) were included in abetes, and cancer (5). Earlier studies also reported the associ-
this meta-analysis. By combining findings from 14 studies on high- ation between dietary GI and inflammation (6). In addition, di-
sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentrations, we found etary glycemic load (GL) as a measure of carbohydrate quality
no significant effect of LGI or LGL diets on serum hs-CRP con- and quantity was also associated with the risk of several chronic
centrations compared with the control diet [weighted mean dif- diseases and inflammation (7, 8). Some investigators found an in-
ference (WMD) for dietary GI: −0.05 mg/L (95% CI: −0.21, verse association between dietary GI and GL and serum concen-
0.10 mg/L); and WMD for dietary GL: 0.08 mg/L (95% CI: –0.26, trations of inflammatory biomarkers (9), whereas others found no
0.42 mg/L), respectively]. After combining effect sizes from 5 stud- significant associations (10). Qi and Hu (11) found a direct asso-
ies, we did not find significant changes in serum tumor necrosis factor ciation between dietary GL and systemic inflammation in patients
α (TNF-α) concentrations comparing control diets with LGI (WMD: with diabetes. However, findings on the association of dietary
–0.18 mg/L; 95% CI: –0.43, 0.06 mg/L) or LGL (WMD: –0.20 mg/L; GL and inflammation are conflicting (12). In a meta-analysis,
95% CI: –0.33, 0.07 mg/L) diets. Significant changes were also not a significant reduction in serum high-sensitivity C-reactive
seen in leptin and interleukin 6 (IL-6) concentrations after the con-
sumption of LGI or LGL diets.
AE was supported by the Iran National Science Foundation. No external
Conclusions: We did not find any significant effect of dietary GI funding was received for this study.
or GL on serum concentrations of inflammatory cytokines, including Address correspondence to AE (e-mail:
hs-CRP, leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α in adults. Additional RCTs—in par- Abbreviations used: CVD, cardiovascular disease; GI, glycemic index; GL,
ticular, feeding trials—are required to shed light on this issue. Am glycemic load; HGI, high glycemic index; HGL, high glycemic load; hs-CRP,
J Clin Nutr 2018;107:593–606. high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; LF, low fat; LGI, low glycemic index;
LGL, low glycemic load; RCT, randomized clinical trial; T2D, type 2 dia-
Keywords: diet, glycemic index, glycemic load, inflammation, betes; WMD, weighted mean difference.
Received June 25, 2017. Accepted for publication November 21, 2017.
First published online April 9, 2018; doi:

Am J Clin Nutr 2018;107:593–606. Printed in USA. © 2018 American Society for Nutrition. All rights reserved. 593

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protein (hs-CRP) concentrations was found after the consump- of supplements or syrups; 6) had examined only postprandial in-
tion of LGI and LGL diets compared with after consumption of flammatory responses; and 7) did not have any control group.
HGI and HGL diets. However, that meta-analysis only included
5 studies, in which the effect of an LGI and LGL diet on serum
hs-CRP concentrations was examined (13). Data extraction
Despite several publications on the effect of dietary GI and GL Two independent reviewers extracted required data, includ-
on different inflammatory biomarkers, we are aware of no further ing the following: the first author’s name, year of publication,
study that summarized the findings from previous studies in this participants’ heath status, sample size, participants’ sex, num-
regard. In the current study, we aimed to systematically review the ber of participants in each group, participants’ mean ± SD age,
available evidence about the effects of diets with different GI and type of intervention performance (feeding or free living), weight
GL on several inflammatory biomarkers in adults and to conduct changes during the intervention, design of clinical trial (parallel
a meta-analysis, if possible. or crossover), type of the intervention and control diets, duration
of the intervention, mean ± SD concentrations of inflammatory
biomarkers after the intervention in different groups, mean ± SD
METHODS changes in inflammatory biomarkers after the intervention in dif-
Search strategy ferent groups, and adjustment for confounders. All reported SEs,
IQRs, and 95% CIs were converted to SDs. When a cytokine con-
We searched for relevant articles published up to June 2017 centration was reported in different units, we converted them to
through PubMed and Medline: the most frequently used unit.
pubmed, SCOPUS:, EMBASE: https://, and Google Scholar:
com. For this purpose, we used MESH (Medical Subject Statistical analysis
Heading) and non-MESH keywords including the following:
Mean differences ± SEs of cytokine concentrations, compar-
(“Glycemic index” OR “Glycemic indices” OR “Glycemic
ing LGI and LGL to control diets were used to calculate the over-
index number” OR “Glycaemic index” OR “Glycaemic in-
all effect size. When mean differences ± SEs were not reported,
dices” OR “Glycaemic index number” OR “Glycemic Load”
we calculated them by considering changes in each cytokine con-
OR “Glyceamic Load”) AND (“Inflammation” OR “Inflamma-
centration throughout the study; otherwise, we considered end-
tory biomarker” OR “Interleukin-10” OR “Interleukin-8” OR
of-trial means in each group to calculate the mean difference ±
“Interleukin-6” OR “Tumor necrosis factor” OR “C- reactive pro-
SE. The overall effect size was calculated by using a random-
tein” OR “Transforming growth factor beta” OR “Cytokine” OR
effects model, which takes between-study variation into account.
“Acute phase reactant” OR “Matrix metalloproteinase” OR “e-
Cochran’s Q test and I2 statistic were used to assess between-
selectin” OR “p-selectin” OR “Intercellular adhesion molecule-
study heterogeneity. In addition, we used subgroup analysis to
1” OR “Monocyte chemotactic protein 1” OR “Inflammation
detect probable sources of heterogeneity with the use of a fixed-
mediator” OR “Neurogenic inflammation” OR “Myokine” OR
effects model. Sensitivity analysis was used to explore the extent
“Adipokine” OR “Interleukin-1B” OR “Interleukin” OR “Sys-
to which inferences might depend on a particular study or group
temic inflammation” OR “Biological marker”). We restricted the
of studies. Publication bias was examined by visual inspection of
search to clinical trials published in the English language. In
funnel plots and the application of Egger’s and Begg’s tests. All
addition, reference lists of all available studies, including re-
of the statistical analyses were conducted by using Stata, version
view articles, were also examined to avoid missing any publi-
11.2 (StataCorp). P values <0.05 were considered significant.
cation. Unpublished data and gray literature, including congress
abstracts, dissertations, and patents, were not included in this
meta-analysis. Moreover, duplicate citations were removed. RESULTS

Study characteristics
Inclusion criteria
Overall, 28 publications were included in this meta-analysis
Clinical trials that examined the effect of dietary GI and GL (11, 14–40). The flow diagram of the study selection is provided
on inflammation in adults were included in this systematic review in Figure 1. All of the studies were randomized clinical trials
and meta-analysis. If several publications with the same data set (RCTs) published between 2002 and 2015. The duration of the
were found, only the more complete one was included. In addi- interventions was between 10 d and 48 wk. In total, these studies
tion, if a study reported data for specific subgroups, results for the enrolled 2961 participants (59% women, 41% men). Character-
whole population were used in this analysis. istics of these studies are summarized in Table 1.
Among the publications included, 19 studies (11, 14–17, 21–
24, 26–29, 31, 34–36, 38, 39) had a parallel design, whereas the
Exclusion criteria 9 remaining studies were crossover RCTs (18–20, 25, 30, 32, 33,
Studies were excluded if they 1) were conducted in animals, 37, 40). In addition, 3 studies were conducted in patients with
pregnant women, children, or patients with chronic diseases; 2) metabolic syndrome (11, 26, 34), 4 studies in those with type
did not perform randomized allocation; 3) were observational 2 diabetes or insulin resistance (16, 17, 31, 37), and 1 study in
studies including case-control publications; 4) examined the ef- women with polycystic ovary syndrome (21).
fect of other interventions along with changes in dietary GI and Ten studies were feeding trials (18–20, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35,
GL; 5) had made alterations in dietary GI or GL through the use 37), 6 other studies had recommended subjects to choose their

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569 Potentially relevant publications identified and screened 6 Articles identified from reference lists

496 Articles excluded on the basis of title/abstract

52 Articles excluded for the following reasons

1. irrelevant (6 studies)
2. on animal models (1 study)
3. observational (12 studies)
4. review (3 studies)
5. changed GI with an individual food (4 studies)
80 Articles were retrieved 6. evaluated postprandial or post exercise biomarkers (5 studies)
for detailed evaluation 7. done on children (2 studies)
8. done on pregnant women (3 studies)
9. reduced dietary GI with a specific diet (7 studies)
10. experimental (1 study)
11. changed dietary GI along with other interventions (3 studies)
12. did not report determined inflammatory biomarkers (5 studies)

28 Randomized clinical trials included in the systematic review

5 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GI and TNF-α

3 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GL and TNF-α

14 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GI and CRP 8 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GI and leptin
7 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GL and CRP 2 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GL and leptin

5 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GI and IL-6

4 Studies included in the meta-analysis of GL and IL-6

FIGURE 1 Flow diagram of study selection. CRP, C-reactive protein; GI, glycemic index; GL, glycemic load.

foods from a list of LGI or LGL foods (semi-feeding) on each HGL diet (18), a high-cereal-fiber diet (17), and a low-energy-
day (15, 16, 22, 26, 34, 40), and in 11 studies participants were density diet (24). Nine studies also had a third intervention arm
given a recommendation (free-living) to consume LGI foods (14, (14–16, 22, 23–25, 27, 35), which was not entered in the current
17, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39). In 20 studies, an LGI diet meta-analysis. Among the included studies, 12 publications did
(14–17, 19–27, 33–38, 40), in 7 studies an LGL diet (11, 28–32, not control their findings for potential confounders (11, 14, 18,
39), and in 1 study an LGI and an LGL regimen (18) were used 23, 24, 30, 33–35, 38–40).
as the intervention. Control diets consisted of a high-GI (HGI) Biochemical analyses were conducted by using commer-
diet (15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 33–36, 40), a high-GL (HGL) cial kits, including a radioimmunoassay (DPC, USA) (36) kit,
diet (11, 29, 32, 39), a normal diet (14, 21, 37, 38), a low-fat ELISA [(R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) and (invitrogen and
(LF) diet (25, 30, 31), an LF and HGL diet (28), an HGI and Bio-Rad)] kits (34, 35), a Linco kit (St. Charles, MO) (40) and

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General characteristics of included studies1
Type of Diet type Outcome

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dietary Adjustment
First author, Weight interven- Int (name and Cnt (name and Any other or
year (ref) Participants, n Age, y loss tion Design composition) composition) Duration Int group Cnt group intervention Notes on subjects matching2
Bouché, 2002 F: 0; M: 11; 46 ± 33 No Semi- RCT, LGI: carbohydrate HGI: carbohydrate 5 wk LGI—before int: leptin: HGI—before int: leptin: No 11 healthy men, No
(40) both: 11 feeding crossover items with a GI items with a GI 22.88 ± 4.61 ng/mL; 22.42 ± 4.80 ng/mL; age 46 ± 3 y;
<45% were >60% were after int: 19.40 ± 4.27 after int: 20.86 ± 4.21 BMI: 28 ± 1
recommended recommended ng/mL ng/mL
Pereira, 2004 F: 30; M: 9; both: LGL: 28.8 ± Both Feeding RCT, LGL: Providing more LF, HGL: low in fat, 6–10 wk Before int—CRP: 2.8 ± Before int—CRP: 1.9 ± No 39 overweight or 1, 2
(28) 39; LGL diet: 22 6.3; LF, groups parallel than ample high in 2.80 mg/L; after 2.46 mg/L; after int: obese young
(17 F/5 M); HGL: carbohydrate to carbohydrate and int—CRP: 1.0 ± CRP: 1.3 ± 1.64 mg/L; adults
LF diet: 17 32.6 ± 4.3 prevent ketosis, by GL, and consistent 1.40 mg/L; changes changes (percent adj): (BMI ≥27) aged
(13 F/4 M) modifications of both with heart-healthy (percent adj): −47.7 ± −5.1 ± 13.61 mg/L 18–40 y; weight
the amount and type diet of NCEP 11.94 mg/L <135 kg
of carbohydrate guidelines
Thompson, F: 51; M: 9; both: Stand: Both Free-living RCT, Energy deficit of 500 Energy deficit of 48 wk hs-CRP hs-CRP change—stand: Third arm: 90 obese subjects No
2005 (14) 60; Stand: 29 (25 42.0 ± 8.8; groups parallel kcal with an 500 kcal; 2 change—HF/LGI: −10 ± 32 mg/L high-dairy diet (age: 25–70 y,
F/4 M); HF/LGI: HF/LGI: increased amount of servings of dairy −16 ± 40 mg/L BMI: 30–40)
31 (26 F/5 M) 41.1 ± 8.6 fiber and reduction in (4.59 servings/d
GI (1.92 servings/d HGI)
Pittas, F: 25; M: 7; both: LGL: 35.0 ± Both Feeding RCT, LGL: 40% HGL: (60% 24 wk CRP—before int: 3.1 ± CRP—before int: 2.2 ± No 32 healthy adults 1, 3
2006 (29) 32; LGL: 16 (12 1.5; HGL: groups parallel carbohydrate, 30% carbohydrate, 20% 2.79 mg/L; changes: 2.39 mg/L; changes: aged 24–42 y;

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F/4 M); HGL: 34.3 ± 1.2 protein, 30% fat, and protein, 20% fat, −1.44 ± 1.75 mg/L 0.41 ± 3.63 mg/L BMI = 25–29.9
16 (13 F/3 M) mean GI of 53 and and mean GI of 86
GL of 45 g/1000 kcal and GL of 116
g/1000 kcal
McMillan- F: 48; M: 16; LGI: 30.5 ± 4.2– Semi- RCT, LGI: high HGI: high 12 wk LGI changes—leptin: HGI changes—leptin: Third arm: 129 overweight or 1, 2, 4, 5

Price, 2006 both: 64; LGI: 1.4; HGI: 6.2% feeding parallel carbohydrate; GI = carbohydrate; GI −7.5 ± 8.48 ng/mL; −1.9 ± 8.48 ng/mL; HP/LGI or HGI obese young
(15) 32; HGI: 32 31.8 ± 1.7 40; GL = 65 = 65, GL = 116 CRP: −1.1 ± 2.26 CRP: −0.8 ± 2.26 diets adults, age
mg/L mg/L 18–40 y, BMI
McMillan- F: 50; M: 15; LGI: 34.6 ± 4.2– Semi- RCT, LGI: HP; GI = 34, HGI: HP; GI = 68, 12 wk LGI changes—leptin: HGI changes—leptin: Third arm: High- 129 overweight or 1, 2, 4, 5
Price, 2006 both: 65; LGI: 1.5; HGI: 6.2% feeding parallel GL = 43 GL = 84 −1.0 ± 8.04 ng/mL; −5.4 ± 8.48 ng/mL; carbohydrate/LGI obese young
(15) 33; HGI: 32 30.2 ± 1.5 CRP: −0.01 ± 2.29 CRP: −0.8 ± 2.26 or HGI diets adults, age
pg/mL pg/mL 18–40 y, BMI
Clapp, F: 7; M: 0; both: 7 35 ± 8 LGI: Feeding RCT, LGI: GI = 57–63 HGI: GI = 87–95 20 d LGI—after int: leptin: HGI—after int: leptin: No 7 healthy women, No
2007 (33) −23 ± crossover 0.017 ± 0.01 ng/mL; 0.021 ± 0.01 ng/mL; aged 18–55 y;
27 g/d; TNF-α: 2.2 ± 0.8 TNF-α: 2.0 ± 0.6 BMI: 20–35
HGI: pg/mL pg/mL
+10 ±
27 g/d
Wolever, 2008 Both: 103; LGI: LGI: 60.6 ± No Semi- RCT, LGI: GI = 55.1 ± 0.4; HGI: GI = 63.2 ± 48 wk LGI—before int: CRP: HGI—before int: CRP: Third arm: low- 162 participants 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
(16) 48; HGI: 55 1.0; HGI: feeding parallel GL = 133 ± 2 0.4; GL = 135 ± 3 2.64 ± 3.03 mg/L; after 3.34 ± 3.05 mg/L; after carbohydrate with T2D
60.4 ± 1.1 int: CRP: 1.95 ± 0.99 int: CRP: 2.75 ± diet managed by diet
mg/L 1.63 mg/L alone; aged
35–75 y; BMI:
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TABLE 1 Continued
Type of Diet type Outcome

by University of Durham user

dietary Adjustment
First author, Weight interven- Int (name and Cnt (name and Any other or
year (ref) Participants, n Age, y loss tion Design composition) composition) Duration Int group Cnt group intervention Notes on subjects matching2
Jenkins, 2008 F: 82; M: 128; LGI: 60 ± LGI: 3.6 Free-living RCT, LGI: GI = 69.6 HCF: GI = 83.5 24 wk LGI—before int: CRP: HCF—before int: CRP: No 210 participants 2, 3, 7, 8, 9,
(17) both: 210; LGI: 10; HCF: kg; parallel (67.7–71.4); GL = (82.4–84.7), 4.62 mg/L (mean); after 4.59 mg/L; after int: with T2D aged 10, 11, 12,
106 (41 F/65 61 ± 9 HCF: 128.9 (120.5–137.3) GL = 166 int: CRP: 3.02 mg/L; CRP: 2.82 mg/L; 60 ± 10 y and 13
M); HCF: 104 2.3 kg (155.5–176.4) changes: CRP: −1.6 ± changes: −1.8 ± BMI of 30.6 ± 6
(41 F/63 M) 6.82 mg/L 11.18 mg/L in LGI; aged
61 ± 9 y and
BMI of 31.2 ±
5.8 in HCF
Kallio, 2008 F: 23; M: 24; 55.1 ± 6.4 No Semi- RCT, LGI: Subjects replaced HGI: Subjects 12 wk LGI—Before int: IL-1β: HGI—before int: IL-1β: No 47 overweight or No
(34) both: 47; LGI: feeding parallel their normally replaced their 0.19 ± 0.09 pg/mL; 0.23 ± 0.10 pg/mL; obese men and
21; HGI: 26 consumed breads normally IL-10: 4.81 ± IL-10: 4.91 ± women with the
with the wheat consumed 1.19 pg/mL; TNF-α: 1.32 pg/mL; TNF-α: metabolic
breads; 50% of the breads with the 1.29 ± 5.95 pg/mL; 1.63 ± 0.56 pg/mL; syndrome, aged
daily bread oat breads, 50% IL-6: 2.11 ± IL-6: 2.38 ± 55.1 ± 6.4 y;
consumption was to of the daily 1.19 pg/mL; after int: 1.22 pg/mL; after int: BMI: 31.9 ± 3.8
be oat and wheat bread IL-1β: 0.17 ± IL-1β: 0.26 ±
bread consumption 0.09 pg/mL; IL-10: 0.15 pg/mL; IL-10:
was to be 5.19 ± 1.46 pg/mL; 5.23 ± 1.22 pg/mL;
low-fiber TNF-α: 1.46 ± TNF-α: 1.62 ±

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endosperm rye 0.50 pg/mL; IL-6: 0.50 pg/mL; IL-6:
bread 1.83 ± 0.87 pg/mL 2.95 ± 2.29 pg/mL
Abete, 2008 F: 14; M: 18; 36 ± 7 LGI: Free-living RCT, LGI: GI = 40–45 HGI: GI = 60–65 8 wk LGI changes: leptinadj : HGI changes: leptinadj : No 32 obese subjects, 14, 15
(36) both: 32; LGI: 5.3% ± parallel −8.18 ± 0.69 −8.69 ± 0.85 aged 36 ± 7 y;
16 (8 F/8 M); 2.6%; BMI: 32.5 ± 4.3
HGI: 16 (6 F/10 HGI:
M) 7.5% ±
Shikany, 2009 F: 0; M: 24; both: 34.5 ± 8.1 No Feeding RCT, LGI/LGL: mean GI = HGI/HGL: mean 4 wk LGI/GL changes: CRP: High GI/GL No 24 healthy men, No
(18) 24 crossover 49.5; GL = 158.3 GI = 75; GL = 0.0 ± 0.7 mg/L; IL-6: changes—CRP: aged 20–50 y;
245.5 −0.2 ± 1.8 pg/mL; −0.4 ± 2.0 mg/L; IL-6: BMI: 25–33
TNF-α: −0.1 ± −0.1 ± 3.5 pg/mL;
0.7 pg/mL; TNFR-2: TNF-α: 0.1 ±
−70,000.0 ± 210,000.0 0.5 pg/mL; TNFR-2:
ng/L; PAI-1: 400.0 ± −40,000.0 ± 300,000.0

52,800.0 ng/mL ng/L; PAI-1: 4200.0 ±

30,800.0 ng/mL
Klemsdal, 2010 F: 118; M: 84; LGL: 50.1 ± LGL: Free-living RCT, LGL: 35–40% fat, LF: <30% fat, 48 wk LGL—before int: LF—before int: hs-CRP: No 202 participants, No
(12) both: 202; LGL: 9.3; LF: 4.0 ± parallel 25–30% protein, ∼15% protein, hs-CRP: 4.13 ± 4.28 ± 2.9 mg/L; after aged 30–65 y;
100; LF: 102 49.9 ± 8.4 5.5 kg; 30–35% 55–60% 3.4 mg/L; after int: int: hs-CRP: 3.35 ± BMI of 28–40 in
LF: carbohydrate; advice carbohydrate; hs-CRP: 3.67 ± 3.0 mg/L men and 28–35
4.3 ± to consume LGI without advice 3.7 mg/L in women
6.2 kg carbohydrates to consume LGI
TABLE 1 Continued

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Type of Diet type Outcome
dietary Adjustment
First author, Weight interven- Int (name and Cnt (name and Any other or
year (ref) Participants, n Age, y loss tion Design composition) composition) Duration Int group Cnt group intervention Notes on subjects matching2

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Botero, 2009 F: 0; M: 12; 29.4 ± 4.4 Not re- Feeding RCT, LGI: selecting these HGI: selecting 10 d LGI—after int: CRP: HGI—after int: CRP: No 12 overweight or 16, 17
(19) both: 12 ported crossover carbohydrate- these 0.24 ± 0.20 mg/L 0.26 ± 0.34 mg/L obese male
containing foods: carbohydrate- subjects, aged
uncooked cornstarch, containing 18–35 y; BMI:
pasta, and Guardian foods: corn 27–45
(a commercial cereal) syrup, instant
potatoes, and
Bran Flakes
Hartman, 2010 64 M 54.5 ± 7.8 No Feeding RCT, LGI: GI and GL were HGI: GI and GL 4 wk in Change—CRP: −0.25 ± Change—CRP: −0.23 ± No 64 men, aged 1, 7, 8, 18, 19
(20) crossover 38 and 84; contained were 69 and 152 each 1.03 mg/L; sTNFR-1: 0.80 mg/L; MD: 35–75 y; BMI:
∼250 g/d legumes period −35.85 ± 97.68 ng/L; −0.02 ± 1.33 mg/L; 28.7 ± 3.5;
(1.5 cups) sTNFR-2: −71.09 ± sTNFR-1: −42.95 ± of them, 28
296.48 ng/L 95.28 ng/L; MD: subjects with IR
7.09 ± 142.48 ng/L;
sTNFR-2: −95.94 ±
178.0 ng/L; MD:
24.85 ± 356.56 ng/L
Marsh, 2010 F: 49; M: 0; both: LGI: 31.0 ± Both Free-living RCT, LGI: GI = 40, Cnt: GI = 59, 48 wk LGI changes—CRP: Cnt changes—CRP: No 96 women with 1, 8, 20, 21
(21) 49; LGI: 29; 0.7; Cnt: groups parallel GL = 74 GL = 109 −1.2 ± 1.61 mg/L; −0.6 ± 3.13 mg/L; PCOS, aged
Cnt: 20 29.3 ± 0.8 PAI-1: −19.9 ± 51.15 PAI-1: 6.6 ± 36.22 18–40 y; BMI

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ng/mL ng/mL ≤25
Vrolix, 2010 F: 6; M: 9; F: 50 ± 14; No Semi- RCT, LGL: bread: GI = 40, HGL: bread: GI = 11 wk After int—hs-CRP: After int—hs-CRP: No 15 patients with No
(30) both: 15 M: 55 ± 9 feeding crossover GL = 19 ± 10; drink: 69, GL = 36 ± 2.76 ± 1.85 mg/L; 2.46 ± 1.71 mg/L; MetS, aged
GI = 48, GL = 15 ± 20; drink: GI = TNF-α: 900.0 ± TNF-α: 780.0 ± 30–65 y
1; cake: GI = 20, GL 86, GL = 26 ± 360.0 pg/mL; IL-6: 370.0 pg/mL; IL-6:

= 1 ± 0; cookie: GI 2; cake: GI = 1410.0 ± 640.0 pg/mL; 1420.0 ± 720.0 pg/mL;

= 37, GL = 1 ± 0 51, GL = 3 ± 1; MCP-1: 178,500.0 ± MCP-1: 174,900.0 ±
cookie: GI = 63, 46,700.0 pg/mL 39,400.0 pg/mL; MD
GL = 3 ± 1; (after int): hs-CRP:
total GL −0.30 ± 1.01 mg/L
difference (95% CI: −0.26,
between 2 0.86 mg/L); TNF-α:
groups: 32 units −120.0 ± 330.0 pg/mL
(−60.0, 300.0 pg/mL);
IL-6: 20.0 ±
520.0 pg/mL (−310.0,
720.0 pg/mL); MCP-1:
2000.0 ± 1690.0 pg/mL
24,100.0 pg/mL)
Jebb, F: 318; M: 230; M: 52 ± 10; LF: 0.8 Semi- RCT, The target differentials between the HGI 24 wk Baseline—CRP: 0.4 ± Baseline—CRP: 0.54 ± Third arm: a 548 men and 2, 3, 6, 7, 22,
2010 (22) both: 548; F: 51 ± 9 kg feeding parallel and LGI groups were 11 and 13 GI 0.45 mg/L; ICAM-1: 0.77 mg/L; ICAM-1: high-SFA and women, aged 23, 24
HM/HGI: 107; points, respectively 242,200 ± 240,000 ± HGI diet 30–70 y; BMI of
HM/LGI: 108 185,925.92 pg/mL; 185,555.55 pg/mL; 28.3 in men and
follow-up—CRP: 0.7 ± follow-up—CRP: 28.6 in women
0.81 mg/L; ICAM-1: 0.65 ± 0.92 mg/L;
242,000 ± ICAM-1: 247,600 ±
179,259.25 pg/mL 182,222.22 pg/mL
on 09 April 2018
TABLE 1 Continued
Type of Diet type Outcome

by University of Durham user

dietary Adjustment
First author, Weight interven- Int (name and Cnt (name and Any other or
year (ref) Participants, n Age, y loss tion Design composition) composition) Duration Int group Cnt group intervention Notes on subjects matching2
Jebb, F: 318; M: 230; M: 52 ± 10; LF: 0.8 Semi- RCT, The target differentials between the HGI 24 wk Baseline—CRP: 0.57 ± Baseline—CRP: 0.5 ± Third arm: a 548 men and 2, 3, 6, 7, 22,
2010 (22) both: 548; F: 51 ± 9 kg feeding parallel and LGI groups were 11 and 13 GI points, 0.76 mg/L; ICAM-1: 0.75 mg/L; ICAM-1: high-SFA and women, aged 23, 24
LF/HGI: 109; respectively 247,000 ± 240,000 ± HGI diet 30–70 y, BMI of
LF/LGI: 119 181,851.85 pg/mL; 181,111.11 pg/mL; 28.3 in men and
follow-up—CRP: 0.6 ± follow-up—CRP: 0.7 ± 28.6 in women
0.70 mg/L; ICAM-1: 0.96 mg/L; ICAM-1:
249,000 ± 242,000 ±
182,962.96 pg/mL 180,370.37 pg/mL
Gögebakan, F: 400; M: 219; <65 8% in- Free-living RCT, LGI HGI: 15 points 26 wk hs-CRP—change: hs-CRP—change: Low protein vs. 773 overweight No
2011 (23) both: 619; LGI: crease parallel higher GI than −0.64 ± 2.10 mg/L −0.18 ± 2.06 mg/L; high protein in adults who lost
309 (200 F/109 in all LGI MD: −0.46 ± each group vs. body weight
M); HGI: 310 partici- 2.96 mg/L; P < 0.001 Cnt with an 8-wk
(200 F/110 M) pants low-calorie diet
before this study
Kelly, F: 13; M: 15; LGI: 67 ± 1; Both Feeding RCT, LGI: a mean GI of 40 HGI: a mean GI 12 wk Changes—TNF-α: Changes—TNF-α: 60 min of aerobic 28 insulin- No
2011 (35) both: 28; LGI: HGI: 66 ± 1 groups parallel of 80 −1.06 ± 1.04 pg/mL; 0.57 ± 1.11 pg/mL; exercise, 5 d/wk resistant
13 (6 F/7 M); IL-6: −1.20 ± IL-6: −0.26 ± sedentary adults,
HGI: 15 1.04 pg/mL; MCP-1: 0.88 pg/mL; MCP-1: aged 66 ± 1 y;
(7 F/8 F) before int: 22.8 ± before int: 20.6 ± BMI: 34.2 ± 0.7

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22.71 pg/mL; after int: 17.81 pg/mL; after int:
15.2 ± 11.17 pg/mL 21.8 ± 18.97 pg/mL
Zhang, F: 0; M: 64; 35–75 No Feeding RCT, LGI: ∼1.5 cups Cnt: isocaloric 4 wk MD between LGI and MD between LGI and No 36 insulin- 25
2011 (37) both: 64 crossover cooked bean healthy Cnt—leptin: −0.2 ± Cnt—leptin: −0.2 ± sensitive and 28
mixture/2000 kcal American diet 0.96 ng/mL; ghrelin: 0.96 ng/mL; ghrelin: insulin-resistant
−34 ± 176.35 pg/mL; −34 ± 176.35 pg/mL; men, aged
changes—leptin: changes—leptin: 35–75 y
−1.5 ± 2.51 ng/mL; −1.3 ± 2.51 ng/mL;
ghrelin: −15 ± ghrelin: 19 ±
129.84 pg/mL 151.16 pg/mL
Fabricatore, F: 63; M: 16; LGL: 52.8 ± LGL: Free-living RCT, LGL: According to LF: according to 40 wk LGI changes—hs-CRP: LF changes—hs-CRP: No 79 obese adults 26
2011 (31) both: 79; LGL: 1.4; LF: 6.7% ± parallel “LGL Pyramid”; “LF Pyramid”; −2.6 ± 14.54 mg/L −3.3 ± 13.73 mg/L with T2D, aged
40 (32 F/8 M); 52.5 ± 1.3 4.4%; consuming ≤3 and consuming 18–65 y; BMI:
LF: 39 LF: ≤1 servings of ≤30% of energy 27–45
(31 F/8 M) 5.7% ± moderate-GL and from fat

3.7% HGL items/d

Neuhouser, F: 41; M: 41; All: 29.5 ± No Feeding RCT, LGL: GL = 125, HGL: GL = 250, 4 wk LGL—after int: hs-CRP: HGL—after int: hs-CRP: No 80 healthy 1, 2, 7, 8, 16,
2012 (32) both: 82 8.1 crossover fiber = 55 g/d fiber = 28 g/d 0.6 ± 0.43 mg/L; SAA: 0.6 ± 0.21 mg/L; SAA: participants 18, 27
2.4 ± 1.75 mg/L; IL-6: 2.2 ± 1.53 mg/L; IL-6: (n = 40 with
1.3 ± 0.65 pg/mL; 1.2 ± 0.43 pg/mL; BMI of
leptin: 8.7 ± 3.94 leptin: 9.2 ± 1.97 18.5–24.9;
ng/mL; adiponectin: ng/mL; adiponectin: n = 40 with BMI
4100.00 ± 877.45 3900.00 ± 658.09 of 28.0–40.0);
ng/mL ng/mL aged 18–45 y

on 09 April 2018
TABLE 1 Continued
Type of Diet type Outcome
dietary Adjustment
First author, Weight interven- Int (name and Cnt (name and Any other or
year (ref) Participants, n Age, y loss tion Design composition) composition) Duration Int group Cnt group intervention Notes on subjects matching2

by University of Durham user

Heggen, 2012 Both: 181; LGL: LGL: 50.3 ± Both Free-living RCT, parallel LGL: HP and LGI HGL: LF and 12 wk Changes—IL-6: 1.67 ± Changes—IL-6: 1.13 ± No 181 men and No
(39) 93; HGL: 88 9.4; HGL: groups carbohydrates, high carbohydrates 4.81 pg/mL; MCP-1: 4.39 pg/mL; MCP-1: women aged
49.8 ± 8.1 in fiber (30–35% high in fiber 4.14 ± 59.70 pg/mL; 18.50 ± 104.86 pg/mL; 30–65 y; BMI:
carbohydrate) (55–60% PAI-1: 4.47 ± 8.55 PAI-1: 3.96 ± 8.39 28–40; ≥1 MetS
carbohydrate) ng/mL; TNF-α: 0.68 ± ng/mL; TNF-α: 0.87 ± components
1.77 pg/mL; leptin: 2.29 pg/mL; leptin:
5.75 ± 9.19 ng/mL; 5.52 ± 11.93 ng/mL;
adiponectin: 410.0 ± adiponectin: −710.0 ±
4452.80 ng/mL; 4762.20 ng/mL;
resistin: −0.04 ± 4.27 resistin: 1.38 ± 6.84
ng/mL ng/mL
Melanson, 2012 Both: 73; LGI: LGL: 39.1 ± Both Free-living RCT, parallel LGL: GI = 42.43, GL Cnt: LED: GI = 12 wk Changes—LGI: CRP: Changes—Cnt: CRP: Third arm: 116 healthy No
(24) 35; Cnt: 38 7.1; Cnt: groups = 44.75 40.15, GL = −5.40 ± 21.40 mg/L −3.90 ± 22.20 portion- overweight and
38.8 ± 7 54.39 controlled obese adults,
diet aged 38.7 ±
6.7 y; BMI:
31.8 ± 2.2
Ebbeling, 2012 F: 8; M: 13; 30.3 ± 5.7 10–15% Feeding RCT, LGI: moderate GL by LF: had an HGL, 4 wk LGI—before int: leptin: LF—before int: leptin: Third arm: 21 overweight and 2, 4, 7, 16,
(25) both: 21 crossover replacing some grain reduce dietary 29.2 ± 11.98 ng/mL; 29.2 ± 11.98 ng/mL; very-low- obese young 28, 29, 30,
products and starchy fat, emphasize CRP: 1.75 ± CRP: 1.75 ± carbohydrate adults, aged 31
vegetables with whole-grain 4.62 mg/L; after int: 4.62 mg/L; after int: diet 18–40 y, BMI
sources of healthful products, and leptin: 12.7 ± 5.88 leptin: 14.9 ± 6.99 ≥27

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fat and LGI include a variety ng/mL; CRP: 0.76 ± ng/mL; CRP: 0.78 ±
vegetables, legumes, of vegetables 1.88 mg/L 1.70 mg/L
and fruit and fruit
Giacco, 2013 Both: 123; 40–65 No Semi- RCT, parallel LGI: a fixed amount of HGI: a fixed 12 wk hs-CRP—before int: hs-CRP—before int: No 123 individuals of 2, 7, 8
(26) whole-grain feeding whole-grain cereal amount of 19.5 ± 18.00 mg/L; 19.5 ± 13.00 mg/L; both sexes; age

(LGI): 62; Cnt products; average GI refined cereal, after int: 13.6 ± after int: 17.4 ± range: 40–65 y,
(HGI): 61 = 46% contained 14.66 mg/L; IL-6: 14.70 mg/L; IL-6: with MetS
commercial before: 1.42 ± before: 1.41 ±
products; 1.23 pg/mL; after: 1.12 pg/mL; after:
average GI = 1.54 ± 1.24 pg/mL; 1.43 ± 1.17 pg/mL;
72% IL-1ra: before: 300 ± IL-1ra: before: 251 ±
271.11 pg/mL; after: 193.70 pg/mL; after:
298 ± 207.77 pg/mL; 239 ± 210.74 pg/mL;
TNF-α: before: 0.73 ± TNF-α: before: 0.62 ±
0.54 pg/mL; after: 0.54 pg/mL; after:
0.68 ± 0.53 pg/mL 0.63 ± 0.48 pg/mL
Juanola- F: 66; M: 15; LGI: 42.5 ± Both Free-living RCT parallel LGI: GI = 34 HGI: GI = 62 24 wk Change—CRP: −0.19 ± Change—CRP: −0.07 ± Third arm: LF and 122 overweight 1, 2, 7, 32
Falgarona, both: 81, HGI: 1.1; HGI: groups 1.31 mg/L; IL-6: 2.02 mg/L; IL-6: HGI diet (LF) and obese adults
2014 (27) 40 (33 F/7 M); 44.0 ± 1.3 −0.27 ± 0.63 pg/mL; 0.12 ± 0.67 pg/mL;
LGI: 41 leptin: −5.64 ± 5.35 leptin: −6.03 ± 5.04
(33 F/8 M) ng/mL; MCP-1: ng/mL; MCP-1:
−5.39 ± 19.27 pg/mL; −2.87 ± 19.28 pg/mL;
adiponectin: 1.95 ± adiponectin: 0.33 ±
16.11 ng/mL; ICAM-1: 19.91 ng/mL; ICAM-1:
0.01 ± 0.06 pg/mL; 0.01 ± 0.10 pg/mL;
VCAM: 0.19 ± VCAM: −0.07 ±
1.28 pg/mL 1.26 pg/mL

load; HM, high-MUFA; HP, high-protein; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; ICAM-1, intracellular adhesion molecule 1; IL-1ra, IL-1 receptor antagonist; int, intervention; IR, insulin resistance; LED,
low energy density; LF, low-fat; LGI, low glycemic index; LGL, low glycemic load; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; MD, mean difference; MetS, metabolic syndrome; NCEP, National Cholesterol

23, baseline waist circumference; 24, (log) HDL; 25, subjects’ IR status; 26, changes in antidiabetic medications; 27, race/ethnicity; 28, weight after run-in phase; 29, within-participant covariance; 30, correlation
1 BMI is presented as kg/m2 . adj, adjusted; Cnt, control; CRP, C-reactive protein; GI, glycemic index; GL, glycemic load; HCF, high cereal fiber; HF, high fiber; HGI, high glycemic index; HGL, high glycemic

Education Program; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome; RCT, randomized clinical trial; ref, reference; SAA, serum amyloid A; Stand, standard; sTNFR, soluble

2 Adjustments were as follows: 1, baseline values; 2, sex; 3, weight changes; 4, weight; 5, baseline differences; 6, center; 7, age; 8, BMI; 9, carbohydrate or fiber intake; 10, GI; 11, change in fiber; 12, change

in GI; 13, glycated hemoglobin; 14, fat mass; 15, fat-free mass; 16, sequence of diets; 17, potentially confounding dietary factors; 18, period; 19, treatment order; 20, metformin use; 21, weight loss; 22, ethnicity;
a Milliplex Map Plex Kit (Merck Millipore) (27). Furthermore,


nephelometry (16, 17), reagents (22), immunoturbidimetric and
enzymatic assays (11), immunoassay (20, 38, 39), radioim-

munoassay and ELISA [(Diagnostic Systems, Webster TX) and
Notes on subjects
26 overweight or
(EZHL-80SK, Linco, Billerica, MA, USA)] (33, 37), the gas

18–35 y; BMI:
obese infertile
women, aged
chromatography–mass spectrometry–single ion monitoring
method (26), microparticle enzyme immunometric assay and

near-infrared immunonephelometry (15), ELISA kits (R&D Sys-
tems) and nephlometry (18, 32), particle-enhanced turbidimetric
assay (14, 19), immunoturbidimetric assay (28), and solid-phase

chemiluminescent immunometric assay (29) were other methods

Any other

used to quantify serum concentrations of inflammatory biomark-


ers. In addition, 6 studies did not report laboratory tests in

detail (21, 23–25, 30, 31).
−0.30 ± 16.03 ng/mL;

−0.24 ± 31.31 pg/mL

In the LGI and LGL groups, the range for dietary GI was 34–
Cnt changes—leptin:

acylated ghrelin:
Cnt group

71.4, whereas GL varied between 43 and 158.3. The correspond-

ing data for HGI and HGL protocols were 60–95 (GI) and 84–250
In 4 studies, a significant reduction in serum hs-CRP concen-

trations was reported in the LGI and LGL group compared with
the control diet (14, 23, 28, 29), whereas changes in hs-CRP con-
LGI changes—leptin:

centrations were nonsignificant in other RCTs (11, 15–17, 19–22,

ghrelin: 10.72 ±
−21.43 ± 33.45
ng/mL; acylated
Int group

24–27, 30–32). With regard to TNF-α, only one study reported a

33.93 pg/mL

significant reduction in LGI and LGL group compared with the

control diet (35). Others failed to find significant changes in TNF-
α concentrations (11, 18, 27, 34, 39). Compared with the control

diet, a significant reduction was seen in leptin concentrations af-

12 wk

ter consumption of an LGI and LGL diet in some (15, 25, 33, 38)
but not all (27, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40) studies. In addition, reductions
their usual diets

in serum IL-6 concentrations were significant only in one study

Cnt: maintained
Cnt (name and

after consumption of an LGI and LGL diet compared with the

TNF-receptor; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TNFR, TNF-receptor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.

control diet (35). Others did not find significant changes (11, 18,
26, 27, 32, 34, 39).
Diet type

Participants’ weight did not change during the intervention in

between 3 daily measures; 31, order of measurement period; 32, antidiabetic medication use.
LGI: hypocaloric diet,

9 studies (11, 16, 18, 20, 26, 32, 34, 37, 40). One study did not
report weight changes (19), and 2 other studies found weight
daily GI <55
Int (name and

changes only in the LGI group (22, 38).

Findings from the meta-analysis on serum hs-CRP



Because 2 publications reported their findings separately by


sex, we considered each sex subgroup as an individual study

Type of

(15, 22). Combining findings from 14 studies, we found no


significant effect of an LGI diet on serum hs-CRP concentra-

tions compared with the control diet [weighted mean difference


(WMD): −0.05 mg/L; 95% CI: −0.21, 0.10 mg/L; I2 = 64.5%]

LGI: 31.36 ± LGI:

(Figure 2). However, significant between-study heterogeneity

was found. Subgroup analysis by study design (parallel or
0.89; Cnt:
31.25 ±

crossover RCT), sex (male, female, or both sexes), country

Age, y


3 Mean ± SD (all such values).

(United States or another country), or study duration (<10 wk

or ≥10 wk) did not provide any explanation for between-study
F: 26; M: 0; both:

heterogeneity. However, subgroup analysis by the control group

Participants, n

26; LGI: 14;

(HGI, normal diet, high cereal fiber, LF, or low energy density)
TABLE 1 Continued

Cnt: 12

showed a significant reduction in serum hs-CRP concentrations

after consumption of an LGI diet compared with the HGI diet
(WMD: −0.03 mg/L; 95% CI: −0.08, 0.03 mg/L) (Table 2).
Becker, 2015
First author,

With regard to dietary GL, again we did not find any sig-
year (ref)

nificant effect of an LGL diet on serum hs-CRP concentrations


compared with the control diet (WMD: 0.08 mg/L; 95% CI:

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by University of Durham user
on 09 April 2018

FIGURE 2 Forest plot for the effect of a low–glycemic index diet on serum hs-CRP concentrations, expressed as mean differences between the intervention
and the control diets. The area of each square is proportional to the inverse of the variance of the WMD. Horizontal lines represent 95% CIs. Diamonds rep-
resent pooled estimates from random-effects analysis. 1 High-carbohydrate and low–glycemic index diet compared with high-carbohydrate and high–glycemic
index diet; 2 high-protein and low–glycemic index diet compared with high-protein and high–glycemic index diet; 3 high-MUFA and low–glycemic index diet
compared with high-MUFA and high–glycemic index diet; 4 low-fat and low–glycemic index diet compared with low-fat and high–glycemic index diet. hs-CRP,
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; WMD, weighted mean difference.

Subgroup analysis for the effect of LGI diet on serum concentrations of hs-CRP1

Subgroup Effect sizes, n Participants, n Effect size (95% CI) I2 Within2 Between3
Overall 16 2011 −0.05 (−0.21, 0.10) 64.5 <0.001
Study design 0.58
Parallel RCT 12 1890 −0.14 (−0.40, 0.12) 72.4 <0.001
Crossover RCT 4 121 −0.01 (−0.10, 0.08) 0 0.56
Study location 0.84
United States 5 230 −0.02 (−0.11, 0.07) 0 0.97
Country other than United States 11 1781 −0.08 (−0.33, 0.18) 76 <0.001
Participants’ sex 0.66
Male 3 100 −0.01 (−0.11, 0.09) 2.1 0.36
Female 1 49 −0.60 (−2.09, 0.89)
Both sexes 12 1862 −0.12 (−0.36, 0.13) 72 <0.001
Study duration, wk 0.58
≥10 12 1890 −0.14 (−0.40, 0.12) 72.4 <0.001
<10 4 121 −0.01 (−0.10, 0.08) 0 0.56
Control group 0.90
HGI 11 1598 −0.03 (−0.08, 0.03) 75.7 <0.001
Normal diet 2 109 −0.60 (−1.76, 0.56) 0 1.00
HCF 1 210 0.20 (−2.31, 2.71)
LF 1 21 −0.02 (−0.61, 0.57)
LED 1 73 −1.50 (−11.50, 8.50)
1 HCF, high cereal fiber; HGI, high glycemic index; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; LED, low energy density; LF, low fat; LGI, low glycemic
index; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
2 P values were obtained by random-effects analysis.
3 P values were obtained by fixed-effects analysis.

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by University of Durham user
on 09 April 2018

FIGURE 3 Forest plot for the effect of a low–glycemic load diet on serum hs-CRP concentrations, expressed as mean differences between the intervention
and the control diets. The area of each square is proportional to the inverse of the variance of the WMD. Horizontal lines represent 95% CIs. Diamonds represent
pooled estimates from random-effects analysis. hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; WMD, weighted mean difference.

−0.26, 0.42 mg/L; I2 = 66.3%). Due to an inadequate num- Publication bias

ber of studies, we did not perform any subgroup analysis in this The funnel plots indicated moderate asymmetry, suggesting
case (Figure 3). that publication bias cannot be completely excluded as a factor
of influence on the present meta-analysis (data not shown). How-
ever, the Begg’s (P = 0.20) and Egger’s (P = 0.49) regression
tests provided no evidence of substantial publication bias.
Findings from the meta-analysis on serum TNF-α, leptin,
and IL-6 concentrations
We did not find significant changes in serum TNF-α con- DISCUSSION
centrations between LGI and control diets after combining ef- In the current study, we failed to find significant effects of di-
fect sizes from 5 studies (WMD: −0.18 mg/L; 95% CI: −0.43, etary GI or GL on inflammatory cytokines, including hs-CRP,
0.06 mg/L; I2 = 80.1%). Significant changes were also not seen leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α concentrations. To the best of our knowl-
in leptin (WMD: −0.53 mg/L; 95% CI: − 1.08, 0.02 mg/L; edge, this is the first study summarizing earlier publications on
I2 = 66.3%) and IL-6 (WMD: −0.39 mg/L; 95% CI: −0.81, the effect of GI and GL on serum concentrations of inflammatory
0.03 mg/L; I2 = 80.4%) concentrations between the LGI diet cytokines, including leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α; however, a previ-
and the control diet (Figure 4). In addition to dietary GI, no sig- ous meta-analysis in 2013 investigated the effect of dietary GI
nificant differences in serum TNF-α concentrations were found and GL on serum CRP concentrations. Findings from that study
comparing participants who consumed an LGL diet with those were different from those of our meta-analysis; the authors found
who were consuming a control diet (WMD: −0.20 mg/L; 95% a significant reduction in serum CRP concentrations after the con-
CI: −0.33, 0.07 mg/L; I2 = 0.0%). The same results were sumption of an LGI and LGL diet compared with an HGI and
also found for leptin (WMD: −0.48 mg/L; 95% CI: −0.98, HGL diet (WMD: −0.43 mg/dL; 95% CI: − 0.78, −0.09 mg/dL;
0.02 mg/L; I2 = 0.0%) and IL-6 (WMD: 0.10 mg/L; 95% CI: P = 0.01) (12), respectively. It should be noted that only 5 stud-
0.02, 0.18 mg/L; I2 = 0.0%) concentrations (Figure 5). ies, which assessed the effect of an LGI and LGL diet on serum
CRP concentrations, were included in that meta-analysis.
Chronic low-grade inflammation might be involved in insulin
resistance and endothelial dysfunction (41), which may sub-
Sensitivity analysis sequently cause obesity-linked chronic diseases such as T2D
To investigate the influence of each individual study on the and CVD (42). CRP is an indicator of general low-grade in-
overall findings, we excluded studies from the analysis, stage by flammation (43, 44). Macrophage infiltration into adipose tis-
stage. We found no significant impact of any individual study on sue, which occurs as a result of obesity, increases the production
the overall effect size for studies either on GI or GL. and release of macrophage-derived proinflammatory cytokines,

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by University of Durham user
on 09 April 2018

FIGURE 4 Forest plot for the effect of a low–glycemic index diet on serum concentrations of TNF-α, leptin, and IL-6, expressed as mean differences
between the intervention and the control diets. The area of each square is proportional to the inverse of the variance of the WMD. Horizontal lines represent 95%
CIs. Diamonds represent pooled estimates from random-effects analysis. 1 High-carbohydrate and low–glycemic index diet compared with high-carbohydrate
and high–glycemic index diet; 2 high-protein and low–glycemic index diet compared with high-protein and high–glycemic index diet. hs-CRP, high-sensitivity
C-reactive protein; WMD, weighted mean difference.

including CRP (45, 46). Dietary GI was associated with inflam- by interacting with the immune system (51). Leptin activates
mation in some earlier studies (5, 6), whereas others reached monocytes and macrophages to release proinflammatory cy-
no significant links (8). Similar contradictory results were found tokines including TNF-α and IL-6 (52). Conversely, leptin
for dietary GL, which is a measure of carbohydrate quality and also exerts anti-inflammatory activities by inducing IL-1 recep-
quantity (9, 11). For instance, Qi and Hu (11) found a direct tor antagonist and increasing IL-4 production (52, 53). Con-
association between dietary GL and systemic inflammation in flicting findings are available on the effect of an LGI and
patients with T2D. However, other studies did not find such LGL diet on serum leptin concentrations. Although signifi-
associations (10, 31). cant reductions in serum leptin concentrations were reported in
In addition to hs-CRP concentrations, we failed to find a sig- some publications (15, 25, 33, 38), this was not the case in
nificant effect of dietary GI and GL on serum concentrations others (27, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40).
of leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α. Elevated concentrations of proin- This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis, to our
flammatory cytokines, including IL-6 and TNF-α, can be ex- knowledge, on the effect of dietary GI and GL on inflammatory
plained by macrophage infiltration, similar to CRP (47, 48). cytokines, including leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α, and an updated
Findings from previous studies on the effect of dietary GI meta-analysis on the effect of dietary GI and GL on serum CRP
and GL on serum IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations are con- concentrations. Egger’s regression tests for the effect of an LGI
flicting. In a parallel RCT, Kelly et al. (35) reported signifi- and LGL diet provided no evidence of substantial publication bias
cant reductions in serum IL-6 and TNF-α concentrations af- in this meta-analysis. However, some limitations must be kept in
ter consumption of an LGI diet, compared with an HGI regi- mind, such as different methods used to prescribe the LGI and
men, whereas most other studies did not find such significant LGL diets in different studies. In addition, different diets, includ-
effects (11, 18, 27). ing HGI and HGL or normal diets, were considered control diets
We did not find a significant change in serum leptin con- in different studies. Moreover, the lack of controlling for differ-
centrations after consumption of an LGI and LGL diet com- ent confounders and the use of different study designs may also
pared with the control diet. Leptin is an adipokine synthesized explain the different findings.
mostly by white adipose tissue cells (49). Leptin is known as In conclusion, we did not find a significant effect of dietary GI
a hormone that regulates food intake and energy balance (50). and GL on serum concentrations of inflammatory cytokines, in-
However, it also plays a dual role in inflammatory processes cluding CRP, leptin, IL-6, and TNF-α in adults. Additional RCTs,

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by University of Durham user
on 09 April 2018

FIGURE 5 Forest plot for the effect of a low–glycemic load diet on serum concentrations of TNF-α, leptin, and IL-6, expressed as mean differences
between the intervention and the control diets. The area of each square is proportional to the inverse of the variance of the WMD. Horizontal lines represent
95% CIs. Diamonds represent pooled estimates from random-effects analysis. WMD, weighted mean difference.

in particular feeding trials, are warranted to shed light on this intake and metabolic risk factors in a Dutch population. Am J Clin Nutr
issue. 2008;87:655–61.
9. Bulló M, Casas R, Portillo MP, Basora J, Estruch R, García-Arellano
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Cardiovasc Dis 2013;23:443–50.
the research, and read and approved the final manuscript. None of the authors
10. Mager DR, Iñiguez IR, Gilmour S, Yap J. The effect of a low
had a conflict of interest to declare. fructose and low glycemic index/load (FRAGILE) dietary intervention
on indices of liver function, cardiometabolic risk factors, and
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