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Definition: Person, Place, Thing, or Idea.

Nouns can be identified by the presence of signal words.

Word order can also provide clues about nouns.
Often, suffixes will suggest that a word is a noun.
Nouns may be made plural.
Nouns show ownership with the addition of an apostrophe and, sometimes,
an additional -s, as in a book's pages, twenty students' essays.
There are Common and Proper nouns
Nouns may be countable (1 fork, 2 forks, 3 forks, etc.) or non-countable
(sugar, oil).
Nouns may signify concreteness (computer, fingernail) or abstractness
(peace, friendship).


Subject (S) - a noun or pronoun partnered with a predicate verb.

Object of Preposition (OP) - a noun or pronoun answering "whom" or
"what" after a preposition in a a prepositional phrase.
Direct Object (DO) - a noun or pronoun answering "whom" or "what" after
an action verb. A direct object "receives" or is the "object" of the action.
Retained Object (RO) - a noun or pronoun answering "whom" or "what"
after a passive verb.
Indirect Object (IO) - a noun or pronoun answering "to whom/what" or "for
whom/what" after an action verb.
Subjective Complement (SC) - a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames
or describes (equals) the subject after a verb of being or a linking verb.
Objective Complement (OC) - a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames
or describes (equals) the direct object.
Appositive (App) - a noun or pronoun that renames another noun; An
appositive is usually placed next to the noun it renames..

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