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Yavieliz Martinez Vega

Prof. Glory Soto

INCO 4025
April 24, 2017

What do all great leaders have in common? By Matt Deemon

This ted talk was really amazing because it helped me create a vision of the

leader that I want to become. It is incredible how this man explains that great

leaders are not necessarily related with the biggest high IQ which is very accurate

because grades do not define intelligence. Also a leader needs a connection with

him/herself and with other people. Creating a safety environment for people to say

and do whatever they like is very important for a leader. It also mentions that the

perception that you have of yourself has to be as close to others people reality as

possible. No matter what plan it is you have for your future you need to have a

vision and stay focused at getting what you want. Another quality very important

in a leader is passion because if you’re passionate other people will look after you

and would want you to be their leader. Finally the speaker mentions that when you

are developing yourself you also develop others giving them success and helping

them improve and that’s how you create the motivation to having good teams. It

was very inspiring watching this ted talk because it gave me advice on the qualities

that great leaders have and that’s the qualities that I aspire in me.

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