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Indique si las siguientes palabras son de ESTRUCTURA o de CONTENIDO. Encierre en un círculo la letra
E o C.

1. dashboard E–C
2. one E–C
3. pressure E–C
4. fuel E–C
5. vehicles E–C
6. that E–C
7. these E–C
8. warning E–C
9. much E–C
10. have E–C
11. parking E–C
12. every E–C

Separe con una línea vertical el SUJETO del PREDICADO y subraye la FORMA VERBAL

1. The automotive electrical system consists of various wires, lights, circuits, fuses, relays, and
2. A simple thing like a headlight burning out can stop you from driving safely down the road.
3. At some point in time most people will have to jump-start a vehicle
4. The starting system converts chemical energy to electrical energy to mechanical.
5. The purpose of the battery in a vehicle is to store chemical energy.
6. The alternator drive belt turns the pulley on the alternator.
7. A cover on the junction block often identifies the purpose of each fuse.
8. The electrical system may seem quite complex to the do-it-yourselfer.
9. Fuses are over-current protection devices.

Indique si las siguientes oraciones expresan una idea: PERMANENTE – TEMPORAL o PERFECTA
(PASADO-PRESENTE-FUTURO). Encierre con un círculo la “idea” correcta.

1. The engine is working properly.

2. They have performed the maintenance according to schedule.
3. The transmission provides power to the wheels for the car to move.
4. The weight of the vehicle has been accommodated to the power of the vehicle.
5. The purpose of the engine is to transfer power to the wheels.
6. The transfer of power is acting smoothly.
7. In manual transmissions the operator selects forward or reverse gear.

Indique lo que se expresa en las siguientes oraciones: POSIBILIDAD – PROBABILIDAD – DEBER –

SUGERENCIA – OBLIGACIÓN- CONDICIONALIDAD. Escriba la palabra correcta en el espacio dado.

1. The oil level must be checked every 10,000 miles.

2. You can remove the cap by turning it counterclockwise.
3. Passengers should use extreme caution when using seat warmers.
4. You have to contact Customer Assistance Center for modifications
5. The hydraulic assembly must apply the brake pads against the brake rotor
6. The engine could shut off momentarily.

Escriba un TÍTULO para cada párrafo

This might indicate "Service", "Service Engine" or "MaintReqd". It's an indicator that you're getting close
to a scheduled maintenance interval. On some cars it's as simple as counting miles before it comes on,
whilst on others it maps engine temperatures, oil temperatures, air temperatures and other indicators
of probable stress to tell you when it might be time for new oil or a service. In most cars this can be
overridden or reset by you, the owner. Your handbook will tell you if this is the case. If you take your car
for service, the garage should reset it for you. Typically this light will come on when you start your car,
and then turn off again as part of the self-check. If it stays on for 10 seconds then turns off, it normally
means you're within 500 miles of needing a service. If it flashes for 10 seconds, it normally means you've
exceeded a recommended service interval.

Most cars nowadays have a brake warning light on the dash. Its purpose is to alert you that something is
wrong in the braking system somewhere. If it comes on, check your owner's manual to find out its
meaning. The brake warning light doesn't have a standard meaning; it could be used for multiple
purposes. For example, the same light may be used to show that the hand brake (parking brake for the
Americans amongst you) is on. If that's the case and you're driving, you ought to have noticed the smell
of burning brake dust by now. The light can also indicate that the fluid in the master cylinder is low. Each
manufacturer has a different use and standard for this light. Which is nice. Because it would be such a
drag if the same indicator meant the same thing in every vehicle.

This warning light is different in every car but normally it looks like a picture of a battery. You'll see it
come on and go off when you start your engine as part of the car's self-test, but if this light comes on
and stays on, it means the electrical charging system is no longer working properly. Think of it like a
cellphone battery. If the cellphone is plugged into the charger, you can use it indefinitely, but when you
disconnect it from the charger, there's a limited amount of time before your battery runs out. It's exactly
the same in your car, only bigger. Every car has an alternator - the charger - and a 12v battery used to
supply power to the electrical system. If the alternator becomes faulty or the drive belt to it snaps, then
it will not be able to do its job. The longer you drive, the more your car will use up the remaining juice in
the battery and eventually the engine will die. This almost always requires a new or refurbished

I. Scanning: Conteste las siguientes preguntas en Español de acuerdo al texto. Responda en la

parte de atrás de la hoja. (3pts c/u=15pts)

1. ¿Qué señala la luz “Service”?

2. ¿Qué significa que la luz “Service” permanece encendida de 10 segundos y luego se apaga?
3. ¿Qué significa que la luz parpadea 10 segundos?
4. ¿Cuál es el propósito de la luz de advertencia de freno?
5. ¿Qué sucede si el alternador falla?

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