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Logan Walters

Mrs. Cox

English 101-102

03 September 2019

Challenging Beliefs
I was at my friends house on a normal Saturday evening, hanging out like we do every

Saturday when I challenged someone’s beliefs. There were six of us including her mom just

casually talking and the subject of school was brought up and we discussed what we had to do

that week. One of my friends explained to us that she had a paper to write and a speech to give

about the paper on why guns are bad. All six of us agreed and knew that this topic was indeed

false and we all support our 2nd Amendment right. I voiced my opinion about how the

assignment was stupid and that teachers shouldn’t be able to tell you to write about something

you don’t agree with. After I said that one of my friends went on to say how it doesn’t matter

because everyone already knows her beliefs on guns. I get the point of doing research on the

thing you don't agree with so that you can better prove how that thing is bad and provide facts,

but when I can’t say at the beginning or end that I do not support this, then it is pointless and

not educational. I would rather take a zero on the assignment that even act like I support

something that is absolutely false. The argument then turned into the debate of public and

private school because that is why we see things differently which is also false. They thought

that private school was better and one of them wishes they could have gone to private schools

instead of public schools. I argued that public schools teach you life lessons and gives you a

better glimpse of what the world is actually like. I think that private schools shelter people and

teach only what they think is necessary. A person who grew up going to private school will have

a harder transition than a public school student because they have experienced the world. How

else should someone get their kids ready for the world than to expose them to it every day and

year at public school where people will step out and speak for what they believe in. I still stand

by the fact that the assignment was dumb and uncessary. It was a crazy feeling to have four

people gain up on you yelling about how your whole life is dumb and I need to start over. I was

extremely disappointed in the friend who is just sitting next to me. I suggest that we stand

behind what we believe in and not be forced so take it and opinions in this class. Everyone else

got so intense because I was talking bad about private schools which they dear and love. If

someone made me write that paper I would not do it and ask for another one. This is an

undisputed argument that left no winners or losers from the whole time. I drove away that

night, sad, and lonely, wondering why they would want to swatch because. I will never write

about something I don't agree with.

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