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Mychala Sfida

Philosophy of Education

Education is so important because we all learn something new every single day, no matter how old we are

and we continue to learn. I want to be the person who starts the learning process for children. Once the learning

process starts, it will never stop. Everyone, including myself continues to learn every day, whether it is something

little or something big. People need to be encouraged to learn more and I believe teachers can do that.

I chose teaching because two former teachers of mine inspired me. They both made learning fun and

always had something exciting for us to do to enhance our learning. Both of them showed me what it is like to be a

good teacher. I have also had some bad teachers, which is another reason I chose to become a teacher. I learned

what I do not want to do with my classroom.

I believe that every students has the potential to learn. I will provide those learning opportunities for each

student by using The Multiple Intelligences Theory by Howard Gardner. Every student has a different learning

style, which can be reached through the different multiple intelligences. In each of my lessons, I will provide

different ways of learning that coincide with the multiple intelligences, so every student can learn. If I am teaching

adjectives, for example, I will provide students with different ways to learn adjectives like drawing a picture,

reading a book, making a song or learning a song, writing adjectives to describe something they like, etc. Using the

different multiple intelligences in my lessons will ensure that every student is reached and will learn. Along with

using The Multiple Intelligences Theory to help student learning, I will teach my students about each of the multiple

intelligences. Students know how they learn and if they can identify with one or more of the multiple intelligences,

then I can prepare my lessons more effectively. If I know which of the multiple intelligences my students learn by, I

can use them directly in my lessons for more student learning.

I also believe that positive reinforcement is a great behavioral management to use in the classroom.

Positive reinforcement allows students to see what kind of behaviors you want in your classroom. Students will see

the behaviors you expect and eventually emulate them. Going along with classroom management, I will go over and

list classroom rules and procedures. Rules and procedures need to be practiced and repeated, so students know what

to do each day. Without these set rules and procedures, there will be chaos in the classroom. As a teacher, I also

need to model behaviors, rules and procedures because students will follow me.
Additionally, I believe in a comfortable classroom. There needs to be a comfortable, welcoming

environment for students to learn. Students will learn best if they are in a comfortable setting. In a comfortable

setting, students will not have to worry and will be able to just learn. Your students also need to be comfortable

with you and trust you. Students will learn best in those circumstances.

Lastly, I believe in collaboration. Collaboration is important for students and for me, as an educator.

Student collaboration is wonderful because students can learn from each other. Sometimes a student can put

something into words for another student, leading them to understand the content. Teacher collaboration is great as

well because teachers can come together and learn better ways to teach material or even better ways to reach every

student in the classroom. You can always learn from a fellow peer.

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