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Evidence: Society as I see it

1. Which political system will the country have? Explain why that system and not any other.

The political system that the country would have would be democratic because it is the freest,
everyone will have a vote and can freely decide what to do with it. All votes will have the same
value, which means that everyone will have the same political value regardless of their level of
formation. However, there will be high standards of ethics and integrity education for those who
run for president.

2. What benefits will the country have for the elderly?

In the country there will be specialized care with a preventive and rehabilitative purpose for the
elderly with some degree of physical or cognitive impairment (Alzheimer's), sensory and mobility
disabilities. We will implement initiatives that seek to promote active aging and the development
of social services for the elderly.

3. What industries will your country try to develop?

The country will try to develop all the industries necessary to provide a good quality of life for each
citizen. The food, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and chemical industry will be of greater relevance,
as long as they generate decent jobs for citizens and take measures to mitigate the damage they
can cause to the environment.

4. Will you give an allowance for unemployed people?

Only an unemployment benefit will be granted to those who have lost their job and are looking for
a new one, and to students who after graduates have not obtained their first job; The subsidy will
be granted for a maximum period of 5 months

5. What kind of immigration policy will there be?

There will be a comprehensive migration policy. Immigrants must have a completely legal
documentation, any violation of the rules of conduct and coexistence y any minimum offense
against the state or its citizens will be considered grounds for expulsion

6. What policies will you implement in regards to education and health?

Health and education, will be fundamental rights for each citizen, will be offered free of charge
broad coverage and quality of health and education services, for people at all ages

7. What will have happened after three years of having implemented those

policies? (Include at least 4 ideas).

After three years of having correctly implemented the policies. We will have punished just and
opportunely any criminal act, we will have provided timely health care to the whole community,
the quality of life of each of the inhabitants of the country will have been improved, the
government will have fulfilled its promises to the people. By that time we will have been for three
years one of the countries with an incorruptible government and a people in peace.

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