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Discussion 5: Research Questions and Focusing Your Research

How does language, semantics, or symbols influence players'

preferences while selecting a post?

This research question is very thorough, covering multiple areas of the

LFG that can be analyzed and examined to closer see what makes
"good" writing good. In other words, it allows me, the researcher, to
analyze and dissect the said "good" writing and figure out why it is so.
The question forces the researcher to pick apart different type of
posts, some of which are joined more often and some of which are
usually left up on the feed. Those that are left on the feed are often
associated with underwhelming semantics and symbols that dissuade
the player from joining. However, the posts that are joined more
quickly can be associated with a higher level semantics, good symbol
usage, and a good overall design. The goal is to look into these factors
and analyze them using the sources.

Why is it so important for a creator to be linguistically efficient?

The question above incorporates an important aspect of LFG.

Linguistics plays a big role in the motive of creator's. Every player can
create and customize their own post by adding certain tags, words,
symbols, and requirements to the post. These customization options
are what leads to some posts being "effective" and some are below
par.  The importance of linguistics is obvious as good players tend to
lean more toward efficient semantics. 

Primary Research Method:

As an active participant of the culture, I will conduct ethnographic

research that will allow me to observe the community based on how
they write and how their writing leads them into interactions. I will log
on and navigate to the LFG and observe the platform, posts, and
players within. I can observe the posts while taking note of how many
players join each post, observing those with more players may indicate
a better post while others with little players may indicate a inferior

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