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Name of city or place:

Juncal Beach
Where is located?

Juncal Beach comfamiliar -

Km 15 Vía Yaguará, Neiva
Palermo (Huila)
list of ten (10) words to
describe it.

 Beautiful
 Funny
 Cozy
 Placid
 Charming
 Modern
 insurance
 Quiet
 Tourist

My favorite attraction is playa juncal, in this place they have a wide range of
services for fun, recreation and swimming pools of different shapes, lazy
river, slides, train of joy, my favorite is the pool of waves where the water
takes us from one place to another as if they were natural waters is very
exciting, also has cabins and restaurant. in this place there is a fairly sunny
climate, because the service is given from 1 0: 0 0 in the morning i want to
go more frequently with my family to this place is very cozy.

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