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10 Pull-Up Variations!

More ideas from the Underground.

Here's another info-packed post on the USC Forum by USC founder

Coach Zach Even-Esh

"hello everyone,

i posted this in my combat grappler e journal. it's actually more than

10 variations with all the grip variations, and yes, there are still more
variations to be added.

enjoy these at the park next time :)

Can you bring a long beach towel? This will really amplify your
training intensity while adding in the critical grip component that all combat athletes need.

Check out all these pull up variations:

1. overhand grip (shoulder width, hands touching)

2. underhand grip (shoulder width, hands touching)

3. mixed grip (one hand forwards, other hand away) - shoulder width and hands touching

4. left / right pull ups - pull up at an angle towards each hand - first left, then right, continue

5. grip switching - mid air, go from underhand to overhand

6. towel only pull ups (go recline with feet on ground if these are too hard)

7. towel in one hand, other hand on monkey bars

8. towel wrapped around monkey bar to convert into thick bar - both hands on towel

9. one hand pull up - other hand on forearm (perform equal reps for each arm)

10. sternum pull up - lean back and pull up so the monkey bar touches your sternum

hope these helped some of you....

we can continue this thread and add more variaitons for everyone to learn from

print it out, have your own pull up booklet!

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