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Nombre: Jeffry Francisco Campusano Torres 2020-0330

Fecha: 02-04-2020
I. Lea detenidamente cada enunciado y asócielo con el término con el que
guarde relación. Coloque el # del enunciado en la ------ que precede a la palabra
1. Although on occasion the radiograph will provide the first indication,
more often their presence is initially detected by a careful clinical exploration.
2. It is associated with emotional disturbances and nervous tension. It
may be the cause of attrition in some instances.
3. Gottlieb reported that the chief characteristics of the lesion include
atrophy of the alveolar bone, widening of the periodontal ligament and
resorption of the cement, all of which resulted in the formation of a deep
periodontal pocket.
4. They can be used with different impression materials. They can be
categorized as made specifically for a patient or can be available in a variety of
sizes from a manufacturer. They can be made of metal or plastic materials.
5. Aside from core retention, their most important function is to provide a
seal and thus prevent marginal leakage and pulpal irritation.
6. The functions of mastication and speech, and cosmetic requirements
imposed by our culture, place certain demands upon the alignment of the teeth.
5) Post 3) Periodontitis
4) Tray 1) Caries
6) Orthodontics 2) Bruxism
II. Complete las siguientes oraciones con la palabra adecuada
1. A change in color is a sign of Devitalized tooth.
2. An ill fitting restoration could lead to: Pain or Marginal leakage
3. Multiple sites within the oral cavity have been implicated in the
formation of oral
malodor, including the teeth, the Tongue and periodontal pockets.
4. Mouthwashes have been advertised for the control of bad breath and
appears to be the primary reason people use them.
Opciones de Palabras
Mouthwashes Tongue Findings
Flap Devitalized Marginal leakage

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