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In addressing the need to establish a connection with foreign relations as

potential company investors despite the existing cultural gap, a communication model is

made up for effective communication to prosper. Due to the variations of culture as well

as the background knowledge to which we differ from each other, the effect of these

changes is reflected in the communication behavior of people. Past experiences,

perception, and cultural background greatly affect the way people talk and

behave. Moreover, culture plays an important role in shaping the style

of communication. Generally, people react to how we speak rather than what we say.

That being said, it is very essential to ponder on the ways that could aid such problem,

that is, through the communication model (insert name sa model).

The whole communication process starts with the accountant, who is the main

source of information, responsible in generating data or financial reports useful for the

end users which are the foreign investors either existing or potential. As the accountant

encodes the necessary data to be transmitted, their perception varies in the sense that

the two parties have different views in effect of the diversed cultural backgrounds which

each of them possesses. But in this case, it is to be ensured that the source is being

able to carefully examine and adapt to the end user’s part in the form of mutual

influence and compromise so as to avoid misunderstanding leading to

miscommunication of information. The essence of learning to properly address the

message together with the use of both the verbal and non-verbal cues shall also be

applied through the channel used in the form of having business meetings as well as

sending of communication letters through electronic mail devices. It then reaches to the
receiver which carefully absorbs the transmitted data. Moreover, it is the task of the

receiver in the form of foreign investors to keenly decode and assess the conveyed

message so as to provide a feedback at the end of it. The main purpose of the message

is for the accountant to attract the foreign investors to establish good rapport with them

that would be helpful in the success and continuance of the company as well as in

expanding the scope of globalized business endeavors. As a result, there is greater

chance that the receiver gives a positive feedback of investing into the company. Since

the financial data is the one that is very significant for the users of its information to

come up with good decisions, when such is guaranteed, so does the flow of

communication will prosper. Apparently, the distracting noises may be evidently present

amidst the flow of conveying the message, but let it be remembered that the end goal of

this is to attain mutual understanding between the two parties. Thus, inside the oval

which is the communication process is the context because it is best believed that for

such to foster, it should be conducted in an appropriate place for corporate setting

which in this case is being applied to.

Basically, this is just a repeated cycle. The only challenge here is to overcome

the barriers that may impede along the way with which to be identified and discussed

further in the succeeding part of this paper.

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