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The mathematics section of CLAT consists of 20 questions. It is not very difficult as you
have studied all the topics in class X. All you need to do is to keep practicing. This is
something like a racing game which needs Speed and Accuracy to be the victor. And the
same comes by rigorous revision and better guidance. It will give you an edge over others.
So, here we will focus on Maths. Due to paucity of time we will focus on the most important
chapters from the CLAT perspective. Following is the Date Sheet for Mathematics.


Date Chapter
1st-2nd April Numbers
3rd -4th April Average
5th -6th April Percentage
7th-8th April Profit & Loss
9th-10th April Ratio & Proportion
11th-12th April Time & Distance
13th -15th April Time & Work
16th -18th April SI & CI
19th -20th April Mensuration
21th – 23th April Permutation & Combination
24th -26th April Probability
27th – 30th April Doubt clearing session

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