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There is nothing that can be done . Now the entire world is "seeing" the evil from Brussels, the
Babylonians, whatever you call the European Nazis and such. Their deeds specifically are the the World
"Health" Organization or the Disease Center of the World. The United Nations or the " War" Machine
and the Federal Fiat Currency system, better known as "Rothschilds", etc.

Listen, " By Force" using "Health" to Violate your homes, this covers for the Failed Monetary Fiat System.
The Fantasy Fiction. Here comes the War Machine Soldiers. This is the Beast.

The Establishment of the Eye "Currency". Notice that Columbia, The district is represented by a
Hermaphrodite "goddess". Notice that when Barack signed into Law or attempted to estabilish the eye
he is representing 'them', The Fallen Entities. What is being "SEE" is the surfacing of the Satans as they
house to house to find the one on the ground.


LOOK into the Eye...What do you see?

(zoom in to view beyond the Veil.)

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