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You will watch a video about how the brain controls functions and how it allows us to learn.

1. 0'-0:34”; Select from the list below three aspects the brain controls according to the
a. Memory, sight, emotions
b. Memory, smell, taste

c. Orientation, sight, emotions

2. 0:34” - 0:52”; what happens in the brain that facilitates the learning process?

 Thinking, remembering, feeling.

3. 0:52” - 1:14”; How much energy does the human brain produce?
 The brain generates 25 Watts of power.
 That energy is enough to light bulb.

4. 1:14” - 1:44”; what part of the brain do we use to think? 1:44” - 2:06”; what other
functions does the cerebra do?
 I use my left part of the brain for solve math problems, and I use the right part of the
brain for dancing.

5. 1:44” - 2:06”; What other functions does the cerebra do?

 Memory
 Reason

6. 2:06” - 2:26”; How do neurons transmit energy?

a. Forming a line
b. Forming a net

c. Forming a circle
7. 2:26” - 3'; How many things does the brain control when you're riding a bike?

 When we learn to ride a bicycle, our brain controls the pedaling of the
direction and maintains balance.

8. 3'32 – 4'; The brain releases Adrenaline and Cortisone when we feel.
 Strees or anxiety
9. 4' – 4'42”; Feeling happy, having good eating habits and drink a lot of water are
important for learn. What other factors affect learning?

 Not drink enough water and not having a balanced diet.

10. What good habits help learning?

Learning methods vary by person, but it is important to know that the brain is concentrated
for 45 minutes, so it is necessary to take active breaks, have a good diet and exercise

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