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Significance of oligohydramnios complicating pregnancy

Lewis Shenker, MD, Kathryn L. Reed, MD, Caroline F. Anderson, RDMS, and
Nydia A. Borjon, RDMS
Tucson, Arizona

Oligohydramnios is a serious complication of pregnancy that is associated with a poor perinatal outcome.
Eighty pregnancies complicated by oligohydramnios constitute the basis for this retrospective study. Forty
patients had premature rupture of the membranes; of these, outcomes were good in 25. Twelve of 14
fetuses with oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth retardation survived. None of the nine fetuses with
severe renal anomalies lived. None of the twins with twin-twin transfusion and oligohydramnios survived.
Six pregnancies with oligohydramnios and premature separation of the placenta were identified; all of
these resulted in fetal or neonatal death during the second trimester. (AM J OSSTET GVNECOL
1991 ;164:1597-600.)

Key words: Oligohydramnios, premature rupture of membranes, renal anomalies,

premature separation of the placenta

The accurate diagnosis of oligohydramnios became Table I. Causes of oligohydramnios

possible with the introduction of ultrasonographic ex- -N-o,-of-
aminations during pregnancy. Outcomes for this com-
plication of pregnancy have been reported by several
. patients Survived
Premature rupture of membranes 40 25 (62%)
authors. l -6 There is a consensus that severe oligohy- Intrauterine growth retardation 14 12 (84%)
dramnios identified in the second trimester of preg- Fetal renal anomalies 9 o
nancy is an indication that perinatal outcome will be Renal agenesis 3
Urethral obstruction 3
poor. Oligohydramnios may be associated with fetal Multicystic kidneys 3
anomalies, intrauterine growth retardation, and ele- Premature separation of placenta 6 o
vated perinatal mortality rates. The present paper in- Twin-twin transfusion 3 o
Congenital anomalies (nonrenal) 2 o
vestigates the causes for oligohydramnios and corre- Unknown 6 1 (18%)
lates the causes with outcome. A special group of
second-trimester patients with both oligohydramnios TOTAL 80 38 (48%)

and premature separation of the placenta is identified.

The ultrasonographic and Doppler flow characteristics
and differential diagnosis in patients with oligohydram- nios was diagnosed when no pockets of amniotic fluid
nios and premature separation of the placenta are pre- > 1 em were observed. The patients' charts were re-
sented. viewed, and neonatal outcomes were recorded.

Material and methods Results

Fetal ultrasonographic studies performed at the Ar- The causes of oligohydramnios in our patients are
izona Health Sciences Center Department of Obstetrics summarized in Table I. The overall survival rate was
and Gynecology between January 1986 and June 1989 49%. Survival varied with the cause of oligohydram-
(8443 studies) were reviewed. Two-dimensional ex- nios, from 84% in intrauterine growth retardation and
aminations were performed with 3.5 and 5 MHz trans- 61 % in premature rupture of the membranes to 0% in
ducers, and Doppler umbilical cord velocities were renal anomalies and premature separation of the pla-
measured in selected patients. The diagnosis of oligo- centa. Among those patients with premature rupture
hydramnios was made in 80 patients. Oligohydram- of the membranes, survival was related to gestational
age at the time of rupture. At ::;25 weeks, only two of
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Arizona Health 15 babies survived (13%); after 25 weeks, 23 of 25 ba-
Sciences Center. bies survived (92%).
Presented at the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast
Obstetncal and Gynecologtcal SOCiety, Sun Valley, Idaho, September The etiologic factors in growth retardation in our
9-14,1990. patients were hypertensive disorders in six, anomalies
Reprint requests: Lewis Shenker, MD, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gy- in two (Russell-Silver syndrome in 1, multiple malfor-
necology, Arizona Health Sciences Center, 1501 N. Campbell Ave.,
Tucson, AZ 85724. mations in another), and maternal drug use in two.
6/6/28665 Four patients had no identifiable risk factors. Doppler

1598 Shenker et al. June 1991
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Table II. Premature separation of the placenta and oligohydramnios

Onset of Onset of Gestational
Case Age Gravidity and bleeding oligohydramnIOs age at dehvery Weight
No. (yr) parity (wk) (wk) (wk) (gm) Outcome Remarks

1 24 G3 P2 23 26 27 475 Stillborn Doppler normal

2 35 Gl PO 10 23 27 320 Stillborn Doppler systolic/diastolic high
3 23 G2 PI ? 20 29 1100 Death Doppler normal
4 21 G4 PI 19 22 24 535 Death Doppler normal
5 32 G4 PI 15 22 25 880 Death Doppler normal
6 22 G4 P3 19 25 26 755 Stillborn Doppler not done

G, Gravidity; P, parity.

umbilical cord flow studies were performed in all these of growth retardation, but, if it is used as the only
patients. Systolic! diastolic ratios were high in eight, screening tool, 84% of cases would be missed. Steele
four of whom had absent diastolic flows. One fetus with et al. II suggested that four severely growth retarded
absent diastolic flow was stillborn at 20 weeks' gestation. infants with severe oligohydramnios had fetal renal fail-
The other seven fetuses with high systolic! diastolic ure. Severe oligohydramnios worsens the prognosis for
ratios or absent diastolic flows were delivered by cesar- survival in the growth retarded fetus; however, with
ean section for fetal distress. Six fetuses had normal active intervention 12 of 14 newborns in our series
systolic/ diastolic ratios; two of these were delivered by survived. Doppler umbilical flow studies with a high
cesarean section for fetal distress. systolic/ diastolic ratio were seen in fetuses who devel-
In five of six cases, when premature separation of oped severe distress, as defined by positive contraction
the placenta was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by stress tests and fetal bradycardia. All of the viable fe-
ultrasonography, Doppler umbilical flow studies were tuses with high ratios were delivered by cesarean
performed. Four of the five studies were normal; one section.
fetus had absent diastolic flow. The clinical features of The early appearance of oligohydramnios in twin
the patients with oligohydramnios and premature sep- gestation is a very poor prognostic sign. In our three
aration of the placenta are summarized in Table II. cases, all the fetuses were stillborn or died because of
Comment The six patients with oligohydramnios and prema-
Causes of oligohydramnios in other studies 1. 2 include ture separation of the placenta were of particular in-
spontaneous rupture of the membranes, intrauterine terest. Every attempt was made to be certain that rup-
growth retardation, genitourinary anomalies, use of in- tured membranes was not responsible for the oligo-
domethacin in the treatment of premature labor? and hydramnios. Leakage of amniotic fluid could not be
abnormal karyotypes, including triploidy.B demonstrated in any of these patients despite multiple
The most common cause of oligohydramnios in this examinations. All patients spent several weeks in the
study is premature rupture of the membranes, and in hospital, and some received blood transfusions. All
a diagnostic plan membrane status (ruptured or intact) pregnancies ended in the second trimester with a uni-
should be established initially. The quality of ultraso- formly lethal fetal outcome. Premature rupture of the
nographic examination is considerably reduced by the membranes with severe oligohydramnios has been de-
absence of fluid surrounding the fetus, and special care scribed as a risk factor for premature separation of the
must be taken to identify fetal renal structures to ex- placenta. 12 In our cases the separation of the placenta
clude or establish the diagnosis of renal agenesis. Mul- preceded the appearance of oligohydramnios. In one
ticystic renal disease is less difficult to diagnose, because study, two cases of antepartum hemorrhage were noted
of the appearance of the kidneys and often the dis- among 113 patients referred for fetal assessment be-
tended bladder on ultrasonographic examination. Oli- cause of oligohydramnios in the absence of ruptured
gohydramnios in twin gestation may be due to circu- membranes. 3 On that basis, active intervention for
latory alterations, intrauterine growth retardation, or oligohydramnios when "perinatal salvage was consid-
fetal death. ered feasible" was recommended. Delivery would have
There have been several reports describing oligo- been inappropriate and not resulted in improved sal-
hydramnios accompanying intrauterine growth retar- vage in our six patients because of fetal immaturity. It
dation. Hill et al. 9 used oligohydramnios as a screening is interesting to note that Doppler umbilical flow studies
tool for the diagnosis of intrauterine growth retarda- were normal in four of five patients with oligohydram-
tion. Philipson et al. 10 recognized that the presence of nios and bleeding in the second trimester and were not
oligohydramnios should increase the clinical suspicion helpful in the prediction of the adverse outcomes that
Volume 164 Oligohydramnios complicating pregnancy 1599
Number 6, Part 1

occurred, This is in contrast to the outcomes in fetuses tional age at the time of rupture as a predictor of
with oligohydramnios and intrauterine growth retar- outcome.
dation, We speculate that inadequate placental function The study group includes nine patients with renal
leading to inadequate fetal renal perfusion may be re- anomalies. Three of these were cases of urethral ob-
sponsible for the oligohydramnios when premature struction. Our genetics group has been quite successful
separation of the placenta is present in the second in treating cases such as this in utero with a current
survival rate of 40% in 40 cases.' Both catheter drainage
of the fetal bladder into the amniotic sac and intra-
uterine surgery have been accomplished successfully.
REFERENCES Were any of your three cases appropriate candidates
1. Mercer Lj, Brown LG, Petres RE, Messer RH. A survey for surgery?
of pregnancies complicated by decreased amniotic fluid. Dr. Shenker's experience includes three cases of twin-
AMj OBSTET GVNECOL 1984;149:355-61. twin transfusion with the "stuck twin" phenomenon.
2. Barss VA, BenacerrafBR, Frigoletto FDJr. Second trimes- This is a problem exclusive to monochorionic, diam-
ter oligohydramnios, a predictor of poor fetal outcome.
Obstet Gynecol 1984;64:608-10. niotic pregnancies." 3 The Seattle group has reported
3. Bastide A, Manning F, Harman C, Lange 1, Morrison I. significant improvement in outcome with serial amnio-
Ultrasound evaluation of amniotic fluid: outcome of preg- centesis (31 % versus 80% mortality); we have had sim-
nancies with severe oligohydramnios. AM j OBSTET Gv- ilar results at our institution."
NECOL 1986; 154:895-900. The most significant contribution of this study is the
4. Mercer Lj, Brown LG. Fetal outcome with oligohydram-
nios in the second trimester. Obstet Gynecol 1986;67: delineation of a previously unrecognized association
840-2. between chronic abruptio placentae and oligohydram-
5. Varma TR, Bateman S, Patel RH, Chamberlain GV, Pillai nios. It will be important for the authors and others to
U. Ultrasound evaluation of amniotic fluid: outcome of expand the numbers of these cases to document
pregnancies with severe oligohydramnios. Intj Gynaecol
Obstet 1988;27:185-92. whether the dismal prognosis observed to date holds
6. Moore TR, Longo j, Leopold GR, Casola G, Gosink BB. up with larger numbers. Incidentally, my genetics col-
The reliability and predictive value of an amniotic fluid leagues tell me that they have observed persistent oli-
scoring system in severe second-trimester oligohydram- gohydramnios in association with subchorionic hem-
nios. Obstet Gynecol 1989;73:739-42. orrhage after chorionic villus sampling; again the prog-
7. Marpeau L, Keskes j, Vincenti 0, Boyer F, et al. Value
and dangers of indomethacin used in pregnancy. j Gy- nosis was very poor.
necol Obstet Bioi Reprod 1988;17:115-22. Finally, I would like to spend a moment reviewing a
8. Crane jP, Beaver HA, Cheung SW. Antenatal ultrasound plan of action for the clinician presented with a case of
findings in fetal triploidy syndrome. j Ultrasound Med oligohydramnios in the second trimester of pregnancy.
9. Hill LM, Breckle RT, Wolfgram KR, O'Brien PC. Oligo- The first question is, are the membranes ruptured? In
hydramnios: ultrasonically detected incidence and sub- general, we do not feel it necessary to attempt injection
sequent fetal outcome. AM j OBSTET GVNECOL 1983; of indigo carmine under these circumstances but accept
147:407-10. the evidence gathered by several pelvic examinations,
10. Phillipson EH, Sokol Rj, Williams T. Oligohydramnios:
searching for evidence of amniotic fluid leakage. If the
clinical associations and predictive value for intrauterine
growth retardation. AM j OBSTET GVlIOECOL 1983;146: answer is "yes," the couple should be carefully coun-
271-8. seled about survival data on the basis of the gestational
11. Steele BT, Paes B, Towell ME, Hunter Dj. Fetal renal age at rupture. It is particularly important, if possible,
failure associated with intrauterine growth retardation. for the couple to be fully counseled and reach a decision
AMj OBSTET GVNECOL 1988;159:1200-2.
12. Vintzileos AM, Campbell WA, Nochimson Dj, Weinbaum to terminate while the opportunity is still available, i.e.,
Pj. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes: a risk before the twenty-fourth week.
factor for the development of abruptio placentae. AM j If the membranes are not ruptured, a careful ultra-
OBSTET GVNECOL 1987;156:1235-8. sonographic evaluation (searching for fetal anomalies)
should be carried out. We frequently will reconstitute
the amniotic fluid with an infusion of saline solution.
The couple is then counseled on the basis of the prog-
Discussion nosis for the anomaly discovered. In general, we do
DR. RUSSELL K. LAROS, JR., San Francisco, Califor- not do percutaneous umbilical cord sampling for chro-
nia. Dr. Shenker and colleagues have described their mosome analysis because the yield is quite low. Re-
experience with 80 cases of severe oligohydramnios dis- gardless of whether the membranes are ruptured, it is
covered during the second trimester of pregnancy. Ap-
exceedingly important to keep the 24-week time frame
propriately, they analyzed the pregnancy outcomes
in mind, so that the couple can receive complete coun-
with respect to the cause of the oligohydramnios.
Clearly, the best survival (84%) was in the 14 cases of seling and reach their decision while termination is still
intrauterine growth retardation. The overall survival possible.
of 62% in the 40 patients with prolonged ruptured I congratulate Dr. Shenker and his colleagues on a
membranes is compatible with other reports in the lit- fine study and particularly look forward to seeing more
erature. The authors stress the importance of gesta- data on the group with chronic abruptio placentae.
1600 Shenker et al. June 1991
Am J Obstet Gyneco1

REFERENCES would be normal with placental separation. Consider

1. Crombleholme TM, Harrison MR, Golbus MS, et al. Fetal why Doppler velocimetry is abnormal in intrauterine
intervention in obstetric uropathy: prognostic indications growth retardation. At the microscopic level, there is
and efficacy of intervention. AM J OBSTET GYNECOL 1990; obliteration of the tertiary stem villi and smaller num-
162: 1239-44.
2. Mahoney BS, Filly RA, Callen pw. Amnionicity and cho- bers of vessels at the 50 to 100 f.Lm size in the tertiary
rionicity in twin pregnancies: prediction using ultrasound. villi. However, there is no evidence of these abnor-
Radiology 1985;155:205-9. malities after placental separation.
3. Patten RM, Mack LA, Harvey D, et al. Disparity of amniotic DR. SHENKER (Closing). Dr. Laros, one of our pa-
fluid volume and fetal size: problem of the stuck twin-US tients with urethral obstruction was referred to your
studies. Radiology 1989; 172: 153-7.
4. Petty CN, Mahoney BS, Luthy DA, et al. The stuck twin department for placement of a catheter in the dis-
phenomenon: treatment with therapeutic amniocenteses tended bladder. The baby, unfortunately in the group
[Abstract]. In: Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting of of 60% with failure, survived 10 weeks after the pro-
the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Houston, Texas, Jan- cedure but then was delivered in Tucson and died of
uary 23-27, 1990. Houston: Society of Perinatal Obstetri-
cians, 1990. pulmonary hypoplasia. One other fetus with urethral
obstruction was tapped, and the fluid never re-formed
in the bladder, indicating severe renal malfunction.
DR. ROBERT C. GOODLIN, Denver, Colorado. Doing The third fetus was not considered a candidate for
cesarean sections when Doppler studies are abnormal surgery.
seems rather radical to me, unless diastolic flow is ab- None of our patients with "stuck twin" phenomenon
sent. Perhaps this was the case. Was any therapy used was treated by amniocentesis. Published results indicate
for oligohydramnios? In 1982 I presented some data that amniocentesis is a reasonable approach, a 31 % sur-
to this society in which we used amnioinfusion and vival being better than our 0%.
expanded the maternal plasma volume; we had cases Dr. Goodlin, I am sorry that I did not make it clear
in which the oligohydramnios was corrected. 1 In the that no cesarean sections were done because of an ab-
last 2 years we have bad three cases of chronic abruptio normal Doppler study. These patients had cesarean
placentae, all starting before 20 weeks, and all devel- section because of fetal distress, a diagnosis based on
oping oligohydramnlos. We treated these patients with fetal bradycardia, abnormal monitoring patterns, or
ampioinfusion, plasma volume expansion, and bed rest. positive contraction stress tests. It is only now becoming
All three went beyond 30 weeks' gestation. While the clear that the abnormal Doppler patterns are warning
series is limited, I thiak there is some value in this form signs that precede the need to do anything, usually by
of therapy. a week or two. More data about the time of appearance
of abnormal Doppler flow studies in particular groups
REFERENCE of patients will become available. The only therapy we
used for premature separation of the placenta and
1. Goodlin RC, AndenonJC, Gallagher TF. Relationship be-
tween amniotic fluid volume and maternal plasma volume oligohydramnios was bed rest. Since this was not suf-
expansion. AM J OBSTET GYNECOL 1983; 146:505-11. ficient to produce any survivors, I would be interested
in seeing the results of amnioinfusion in these patients.
Dr. Kirk, our two patients with premature separation
DR. E. PAUL KIRK, Portland, Oregon. Dr. Shenker, of the placenta and oligohydramnios had demonstrable
both your article and that of Dr. Platt illustrate a prob- clots and were bleeding externally. We have seen pa-
lem that seems to be facing us increasingly-incidental tients with subchorionic blood collections in pregnancy
findings in second-trimester ultrasonographic exami- with reduced or normal amniotic fluid volumes; in that
nations. Could you help me understand the natural case our experience has been that the prognosis is fairly
history of retroplacental clot or the partial placental good if the bleeding remains minimal and is not ac-
separation found by ultrasonography in the second companied by severe oligohydramnios.
trimester without the presence of clinical bleeding? The Dr. Platt, in defining severe oligohydramnios we used
relative frequency with which this incidental finding is the I em pocket criterion. It was essentially impossible
reported presents difficulty in counseling patients. to identify any amniotic fluid in the patients constitut-
DR. LAWRENCE D. PLATT, Los Angeles, California. ing this series. I am familiar with your work on trying
What were the criteria you used to diagnose oligohy- to quantitate indices for amniotic fluid volume. We too
dramnios? Did you use the amniotic fluid index, the were not surprised at the Doppler findings and in-
I em pocket, or sim ply gestalt? Knowing the method cluded that information in this report to emphasize that
used is important for others to be able to reproduce the value of Doppler flow studies, as I emphasized be-
this important study. fore, is in the particular groups of patients who do have
One should not be surprised that Doppler studies placental disease.

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