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I. Introduction
Book Title: Jasper Zammit (soccer legend) The Game of Life

Author: Deborah Abela & Johnny Warren

Number of Pages: 168

 What kind of story is it?

It is a fiction story.

 Why did you choose the book?

I chose this book because I love soccer and I wanted to read something I like.

In this book Jasper Zammit is a soccer legend… in his own head he lives with his mum, dad,
and grandad. And he meets a new girl called Lil.

II. Body
A. Setting:
The story takes place in Australia.

B. Characters:
 Jasper- a boy who is in love with the beautiful game and hopes one day he will become a
soccer legend. He is the protagonist.
 Lil- Jasper’s new friend who has recently joined the rovers and recently come to Jasper’s
 Nannu- Jasper’s grandad. He had been a soccer player once and he knows everything about
 Ronaldinho- Jasper’s white Maltese terrier. He is one of Jasper’s best friend.
 Coach Wallace- He is the coach of the rovers under 11s team.
 Noggin- one of Jasper’s teammate. He got this name from being the best header in the
 Nippy- He is the fastest player on the team.
 Nutmeg- He has excellent ball skills.
 Mugger- one of the best defenders of the rovers.
 Josie- Jasper’s teammate.
 Tricky- the quick footed one of the team.
 Badger Mackenzie- he is always badgering his opponent to put them off their game.
 Diego- Jasper’s teammate.
 Mr. Spinelli- Lil’s dad. He is the owner of Spinelli’s Computers
 Mrs. Spinelli- Lil’s mum.
 Mr. Zammit- Jasper’s dad.
 Mrs. Zammit- Jasper’s mum.

C. Plot
 How does the story begin?
The story begins when Jasper is daydreaming while playing and scores a perfect goal with his head in
his own goal. The goal he was supposed to be protecting. He is so distracted with the pretend
commentary of his amazing performance on field.

He dreams of being a superstar soccer player for Australia one day, but he will never be if keeps
daydreaming. Before every game Coach Wallace says “It’s not the winning that matters most. It’s the
way you play the game. Play fair, play well, and play as a team.” Then he’d look at Jasper and add,
“And no daydreaming.”

 What is the conflict in the story?

One day a new girl called Lil joined the Rovers. She was new to the area and they we’re lucky that
she chose their team to be part of.

Lil and Jasper became great friends. They used to walk together to school and do other things

One day Jasper discovered that Lil’s dad took over the company that he’s dad worked for. He made
Mr. Zammit work late nights and weekends. That meant that he would be missing he’s son’s soccer
games, so he left his job to spend more time with his family and be able to see his son’s soccer
games. But Jasper’s grandad has other ideas, and the two started arguing, creating tension
throughout the family.

Together, Jasper and Lil are trying to find a way to fix this conflict.

 What is the climax?

Lil told Jasper to go and talk with her father, but Jasper thought that it wasn’t a good idea because
Mr. Spinelli wouldn’t listen to an eleven-year old kid. But Lil said that they needed to try so he went
and talked to him.

He was very nervous. He took a deep breath and walked over Lil’s dad.

Jasper started by saying that Lil never stops talking about him. He said that she is always saying that
he’s a great dad and that he’s her hero.

Mr. Spinelli was smiling at him and Jasper started to feel more confident, so then he said that he’s
dad is also pretty good. Jasper said that he was a very hardworking person who had just left his job
to spend more time with his family. Jasper pointed at him and said “he’s over there.” Mr. Spinelli’s
face collapsed into a state of shock.

Jasper said that he’s dad is good at his job and he loves what he does. Jasper requested Mr. Spinelli
to please give his dad job back.

Mr Spinelli said nothing.

When the first half ended Mr. Spinelli left without giving Jasper an answer.

On the second half Jasper went to the pitch and gave his best performance.

 What happens as a result?

Since the rovers won the game Coach Wallace organized a club dance for the rovers and their
In the night of the club dance Mr Spinelli went to talk to Mr Zammit.

He gave Mr. Zammit he’s job back and said that he won’t make him work late nights and weekends

In that night Lil joined Jasper’s dad and grandad. They talked for a very long time, but it was
definitely worth it. They were good now.

 How does the story ends?

The story ends when Mr. Spinelli handed the new shirts to the rovers and Jasper said that this would
be one of their best season.

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