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Nowadays, the growth of aging populations has become a paramount problem

facing the world. The world is getting older, improved quality of life hoes and
medical advancements have enabled older people to live longer . This is a serious
problem that has a global impact, every country is facing an aging population and is
greatly affected by it.
Right now, we have to realize this, it is that aging population is becoming one of
the social changes that has serious consequences for the world. The economic
challenges that population aging brings are enormous. The change in the labor
structure, the decline in the working age population causes the improvement of
economic development techniques to lag behind, and the economic burden of young
people increases. Elderly people tend to save, their spending will be less, making the
revenue of businesses in the consumer market decline, more likely to go bankrupt.
The aging population increases the retirement age of older people. The pressure from
pensions increases and the pressure on the health system, social protection also
increases, creating difficulties for the national budget.
The growth of the elderly population poses many challenges to society, which
requires reasonable solutions. Need to adapt to the growth of the aging
population. The aging population is not entirely a burden to society, it is a great
opportunity for businesses to invest in services for the elderly. Through policies
to develop social care services, encourage private and state-owned enterprises
to invest in supporting aged care services. The elderly are often experienced,
need to promote the potential of the elderly, so have a campaign for social
In summary, the aging population affects every aspect of social life as well as
the world economy. While creating challenges, it should also be viewed on the
positive side.

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