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Dear Mr.


I am writing to seek your permission to avail leave for a couple of weeks to attend my sister's
wedding in my home country.

The main reason that I apply for an extended leave ahead of this semester is that this one is going
to be the first marriage in our family, and my parents alone will not be able to pull of all the
arrangements. Moreover, my father has severe medical problems which prevent him from doing
excessive traveling to get things done. Hence, this is the right time for me reciprocate my feeling
of love and affection for them by sharing this lighter but crucial burden.

With regards to the period of leave, I will be requiring leave from 24th of April to 10h of May
that counts to 10 days of holidays excluding Saturdays and Sundays. I know this will definitely
impact my studies. However, I will ensure that I spend time in the late nights and early mornings
not only to revise the portions but also familiarise myself with the rest of the topics. Furthermore,
on return, I assure you that I will study extra hours in the weekends to take notes of the skipped
portions from my classmates to cover up the syllabus.

I hope my request will be accepted and I will be granted permission. I look forward to hearing
from you.

Yours sincerely,

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