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Gateway Online Class

H E L LO !

Session Five 22nd April

Hello again to the Gateway Gang!

In this document I have a written instructions to accompany the video I made for this
weeks class. I used household items for all projects so hopefully you will have some/all of
the materials at hand!

There are three options of tasks to complete this week. Once you have experimented
with each task, I would like you to try and combine the projects!

I hope you are all keeping well... I have missed you!

making a puzzel
Materials needed : paper/a picture, pen, pencil, ruler, piece of cardboard, scissors, glue.

Step 1 -  Choose an image from a magazine/book or draw a simple picture onto a sheet of paper.
Step 2 -  Find some cardboard that is slightly bigger than your image, ie. the side of a cerial box.
Step 3 -  Evenly cover the card board with glue and stick your image down. Leave this to dry over night with something heavy ie. a book on top.
Step 4 -  Once the glue is dry, flip you picture over so you are working on the cardboard side.

Step 5 -  With a ruler and Step 6 - Using the pen add

pencil, evenly divide the into the 'ears' and 'mouths' of your
squares. puzzel pieces.

Step 7 - Slowly and carefully cut out your puzzel and enjoy!
observational bird drawings
Materials needed : Empty toilet roll, peanut butter, seeds, pencil/pen, paper.

Step 1 - Gather your materials.

Step 2 - Take your toliet roll and spread peanut butter around the center.

Step 3 - Roll this in seed. This is a DIY bird feeder!

Step 4 - Place this bird feeder in your garden or window sill and observe.

You can keep a notebook near by, so when you see a bird you can either sketch it right away, or write some descriptive words and sit later to sketch from
making a vase
Materials needed : Empty tin can, string, tape, scissors, paints/makers.

Step 1 - Gather your materials.

Step 2 -  Take off the label, wash and fully dry your can.

Step 3 - Attach your string to bottom of your can with the tape.

Step 4 - Slowly wrap the sting around your can and fix it at the top with tape.

Step 5 -  Look at the base of your vase and attach another piece of tape where the string folds over to the side of your can.

Step 6 -  Use markers or paint ot decorate your vase!

Well Done!!

Well Done!!
I cannot wait to see/ hear about what you guys
have made! So if you can take photos!

I look forward to our next virtual class!

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