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Cayden’s Guide to Hell Script

The film starts with Cayden running, the camera will cut to him running upstairs, it will then cut to
him shutting the door and putting something in front of it. The camera will then cut to Cayden’s face.

Cayden: My name is Cayden Hoyles, this is a message to any survivors. Hell has come to earth! We
tried to fight but we lost so I hid in the first house I found. They got everyone. I was the only one to
make it out of the attack, I need to document this for anyone who finds this after I die. All
communications are down and the power went out just before I was going to film this. No one’s
coming. We’re on our own.

Fade to black

Cut back to Cayden

Cayden: Day 2, I spent all night trying to restore power to this house and I was successful but I have
made a discovery. For some reason those “things” that turned up yesterday are avoiding this house.
I’m not complaining but I want to know why. You see, I-

Suddenly drums start to play from downstairs

Cayden: Wait. Do you hear that? It sounds like, drums.

Static plays

Cuts back to POV shot walking through the dining room

Cayden: Its coming from down here

Static plays

Cuts back to POV in kitchen

Drums get louder as Cayden moves closer

Opens the floor and finds book

Cayden: A book?

As he picks it up the book the drums stop

Cayden: What?

Fade to black

Cuts back to Cayden back in the room

Cayden: Lets have a look at this yeah?

Opens book

Cayden: What is all this stuff? Wait! I saw this thing on the day this all started! -name creature-

Cuts to static and then Cayden’s face

Cayden: (Reads from book) “It’s hard to believe its been five years since my journey to hell and I still
remember exactly what I saw. I thought I would need to document this as no one believes I have
been to hell and back”

Cayden: This book. It describes everything about these things. Wait. “Weaknesses on page 15”. Ok.
Cayden’s Guide to Hell Script

Flips to page 15

Cayden: Oh God, the page is missing!

Cuts to static. Cuts back to Cayden

Cayden: Day 3, I have managed to locate a potential clean water and food source.

Cuts to static and back to Cayden

Cayden: Day 4, I have managed to retrieve enough water and food to last me months.

Cuts to static and back to an extremely scruffy Cayden

Cayden: Day 153, I have had to delete one or two entries, but I have got great news. Remember the
book I have? Well I have found the missing page! Its apparently being held in the possession of Satan
himself! I’m just going to pack up and head out, but this may be my final entry so I’m going to make
it count. I’m going to film the entire journey so who ever is watching this can see a pro at work. You
ready? Let’s go!

Cuts to static then saying “Connection Lost”

Cuts back to Cayden

Cayden: WHOO! What a rush! We did it! We stole from the devil himself! I didn’t even know I could
do some of the moves I pulled off back there! Wow! I am so glad I recorded that!

Looks at phone

Realises it didn’t record

Cayden: Oh, you son of a bi-

Cuts to static and ends.

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