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University education is more than the next level in the learning process, it is a critical component

of human development worldwide. It provides not only the high level skills necessary for every
labor market but also the training essentials for teachers ,doctors, civil servants and other
professions. It is a milestone in one’s personal, academic and professional aspects. The good
thing about university life is that you are left to your own devices unlike school where you are
told what to do. The best part of university life is the social experience you gaining mixing up
with people from different geographical and financial background. In the act of meeting new
people you learn new things and new ways of learning .Most importantly a university matures a
person to live and interact with others in a social circle .You learn to balance your academic
work and social life , learning from mistakes and soon learn to manage your time table which is
very much essential for your professional life ahead. With a better degree in hand one’s chance
of career opportunity increases more ever university provides wide range of subjects for
specialization and research.

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