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2020 IRIS/SCIS conference

Digitalization in times of transition

Sundsvall, Sweden 9-12 August 2020

IRIS the Scandinavian Chapter of AIS invite you to submit papers to the 43rd IRIS
(Information Systems Research Seminar) and to the 11th Scandinavian Conference
on Information Systems.

Conference theme: Digitalization in times of transition

For long digitalization has been coupled with hopes and expectations on potential
societal development with positive connotations. Stories of digitalization were stories
of bridging and sometimes even dissolving geographical distances, or stories of
enhanced efficiency creating opportunities for other and more liberating activities, or
stories of how digitalization could replace lack of manpower in times of demographic
challenges. At the same time we are today witnessing how societies are facing
mechanisms of fragmentation, segregation and disruption. Digital promises are
challenged and questioned and our research community is to some degree held
accountable and is expected to deliver answers.

, digitalization in times of transition,:

the tension between the rural and the urban, inclusion and exclusion of individuals
and the risks with increased dependency of bandwidth and electricity.

Sub theme one: Center and periphery

Digitalization is often describes as something that can bridge distances and thereby
contribute to equalize injustices. However, in everyday life in Scandinavia we see
debate and discussions where there is a tension between the rural and the urban,
between center and periphery. There are examples where digitalization enables rural
ways of living, but there are also examples where public welfare is withdrawn with
digitalization as (sufficient?) replacement. There are also examples where,
digitalization strengthens and reinforces urban living such as smart cities but there
are at the same time examples where digitalization increases existing challenges
such as segregation. If we are to stay true to the expressed ambitions and contribute
to bridging geographical prerequisites, does that mean that we can and should apply
the same methods and techniques for design and development of digitalization? Or
do we need to adopt our way to digitalize dependent upon the context?

Sub theme two: Inclusion and exclusion

Another ambition is the that of how digitalization is usable and reachable for all on an
individual level. ‘Digitalization of all’ is one of them and digitalization is expected to be
developed in such a way as to bridge individual differences. But at the same time
standardization and universality is key concepts for the premise of efficiency. In the
ambition to speed up the digitalization do we risk to reproduce and maybe even
design exclusionary practices? How can ow can we ensure that everyone will benefit
from digitalization and how can such IS be designed? Who are invited to become
part of development processes or policy development? An ongoing process in many
countries is the introduction of programming in K-12 education. How might
programming be integrated in existing subjects, and how should the teacher
professional development be designed and carried out?

Sub theme tree: Risks and robustness

Finally, the third subtheme concerns risks with digitalization where solid Internet
connection and electric power is required. In a less secure world, what are the risks
we are facing when we might rely upon bandwidth and electricity at too large extent?
In an unsecure world, robust technology is maybe the technology that works even
with unsecure power access or Internet connection with low bandwidth. Are we for
example today storing too much sensitive information in the cloud, and do we need
analogue backup for our most critical e-services? How can digitalization for all be
reached even in an unsecure world?

Important to know is that traditional IS contributions are always welcome and we

encourage contributions where a strong Scandinavian IS research tradition is present
in the papers.

Important Dates

Submission SCIS 2/2 - 2020

Reviews due 8/3 - 2020
Final Paper Submission 17/5 - 2020

Submission IRIS 5/4 - 2020

Reviews due 17/5 -2020
Final Paper Submission 7/6 - 2020


Conference chairs
Erik Borglund
Lena-Maria Öberg,

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