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Đề thi 18/07/2019

The graph below shows the percentage of Australian exports to 4 countries

from 1990 to 2012


e 25
c 20 Japan
e US
15 China
a India

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012

Report Plan:

 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>compares; percentage>proportion; 4

countries>Japan, the USA, China and India
 Overview/summary paragraph (1) before 2005, highest % of exports
to Japan (2) after 2005, the figures for China overtook those for
 Paragraph 3: report and compare figures for 1990 and 1995
 Paragraph 4: report and compare figures and trends for 2000-2012.

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The line graph compares the proportion of exports from Australia, to Japan, the
USA, China and India between 1990 and 2012.

Overall, it is clear that the largest percentage of exports went to Japan before
2005. However, the proportion of exports to China overtook those to Japan after

In 1990, exports to Japan accounted for 27% of the total, more than double the
figure for Australian exports to the USA. By contrast, exports to China and
India were low, at 2% and 1%, respectively. While the proportion of exports to
Japan fell to 19% and exports to the USA fell to 9% in 1995, the figure for
exports to China and India rose slowly.

There was a gradual decrease in the proportion of exports to Japan, which stood
at 18% in 2012. The US export market fluctuated, but the trend after 1995 was
downward, finishing at 7% of total exports at the end of the period. Although
exports to India also fluctuated, these rose overall to 6% in 2012. The most
significant change, however, was the growth in exports to China, overtaking
those to Japan, and reaching a peak of 30% in 2012.

194 words

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Task 2:

It has been said that people who read for pleasure have more developed
imaginations and language skill than people who prefer to watch TV. Do
you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion: fully agree.

 Paragraph 2: reading stimulates imagination more than watching TV.
Reading a book uses one’s own imagination – contrast TV with its
ready-made images. Example: Robinson Crusoe.
 Paragraph 3: reading develops language skills – extends vocabulary.
People learn new words and different ways to use familiar words.
Contrast TV – images pass on the screen and are instantly forgotten.
 Conclusion: fully agree that reading for pleasure develops
imagination and language skills more than watching TV.


It is true that some people believe that reading for pleasure develops both
imagination and language skills, in contrast to the passive activity of watching
TV. While a minority a viewers do watch informative TV programmes, such as
documentaries, I completely agree with the arguments in favour of the benefits of

Firstly, in terms of the development of creativity, works of literary fiction

stimulate the human imagination. Reading bedtime stories to children, or reading
some well-written work of literature, everyone can broaden their literary
horizons. Whereas TV presents audiences with ready-made images, reading
stories forces readers to use their own imagination. They might, for example,
picture themselves shipwrecked on a deserted island, like Robinson Crusoe.
Because they have created that personal image for themselves, it is stronger and

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more durable than an image which is not their own, but which is manufactured
and ready to consume.

Secondly, from the perspective of language skills, specialists in linguistics

argue that reading extends vocabulary, as well as developing critical thinking.
An important part of literary appreciation is to recognize not only new words, but
also to notice the choice and use of words which are familiar. There are no
distracting images on screens, so when readers are engrossed in a book written
by a literary genius, they can focus on the aesthetic qualities of the language. In
contrast, although it is possible to play back a TV recording, words and images
are invariably heard and seen in an instant. Then, they pass and are instantly
forgotten, whereas it is easy to read over passages in a book.

In conclusion, I fully agree with those who argue that reading encourages
imagination and develops vocabulary, which sitting in front of a TV will never

291 words

Vocabulary from The Arts:

 works of literary fiction

Meaning: types of literature which describe imaginary people and events,
not real ones
Example: It takes enormous creativity to write works of literary fiction,
and the greatest writers are rightly considered literary geniuses.

 a work of literature
Meaning: a book, play or poem
Example: Shakespeare’s plays are considered as one of the greatest
works of literature in the English language.

 a literary genius
Meaning: a person with outstanding ability in writing
Example: Although not every child will become a literary genius, it is
still important for students to practice creative writing at school.

 the aesthetic qualities of something

Meaning: The qualities related to beauty and understanding the beauty of

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Example: One advantage of studying the arts is that students learn to
appreciate the aesthetic qualities of paintings, literature and music.

Vocabulary from Reading:

 bedtime stories
Meaning: stories told to children before they sleep
Example: Parents should spend time with their children, for example by
telling them bedtime stories every night.

 broaden one’s literary horizons

Meaning: to widen the limit of your desires, knowledge, or interests by
reading widely
Example: Schools should broaden the literary horizons of pupils by
encouraging them to read in class and at home.

 critical thinking
Meaning: the process of analyzing information in an objective way, in
order to make a judgment about it
Example: Critical thinking skills enable students to evaluate information.

 literary appreciation
Meaning: pleasure that you have when your recognize and enjoy the
qualities of a good piece of writing
Example: Children develop literary appreciation if they are encouraged
by parents and teachers to love reading.

 to be engrossed in
Meaning: to be completely focused on something
Example: A good work-life balance is important, because if people are too
engrossed in their work their family life may suffer.

 to read over
Meaning: Meaning: to read something carefully from beginning to end to
look for mistakes or check details
Example: Attention to detail is so important in many jobs, so the practice
of reading over one’s written work should be taught at school and

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Other vocabulary:

 to picture [verb]:
Meaning: to imagine somebody/something: to create an image of
somebody/something in your mind
Example: He pictured himself as a superhero after watching a ‘Batman’

 durable [adjective]:
Meaning: likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker
Example: The hotel bought some durable carpets for the entrance.

 invariably [adverb]:
Meaning: always
Example: The USA invariably wins the Olympic gold medal for

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Đề thi 24/07/2019


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Report Plan:

 Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; how sand dunes are

formed>the formation of sand dunes
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the number of stages (2)
mention what happens in the first and last stages
 Paragraph 3: report on diagrams 1 and 2
 Paragraph 4: report on diagram 3, mentioning the changes in the
movement of the wind.


The diagrams illustrate the formation of sand dunes from sand particles.

Overall, it is clear that the process consists of 3 stages, beginning with the action
of wind blowing the sand particles, and ending with the formation of the sand
dunes on the wet areas of ground.

In the first diagram, sand is blown by the wind over dry and wet ground. In
the second diagram, sand particles continue to be carried by the wind, but now
more sand particles collect over the wet ground, forming small separate piles.

Finally, the third diagram shows how particles of sand continue to gather over
areas of wet ground, with the piles of sand increasing in size. When the piles are
big enough, they form sand dunes. These sand dunes change the direction of the
wind by forcing it up one side of the dune and down the other side. The process
is then repeated on the next area of wet ground, to form a series of sand dunes.

166 words

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International travel is becoming cheaper and cheaper, and more countries

are now opening their doors to foreign visitors. Do you think that the
advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion – the

disadvantages outweigh the advantages
 Paragraph 2: the advantages – many people can now enjoy visiting
places where only a few people could afford to visit before
 Paragraph 3: the disadvantages (1) environmental costs – air travel
and pollution, tourist infrastructure and environmental damage (2)
overcrowding as holiday destinations become more popular
 Conclusion: the disadvantages outweigh the advantages –
environmental damage and overcrowding.


It is true that it is now less expensive to travel to other countries than it was in the
past. New travel destinations appear in tourist brochures to attract visitors from
abroad. While there are advantages, I believe that these are outweighed by the
disadvantages of these trends.

On the one hand, international travel has experienced phenomenal growth, and
many people can now enjoy exploring places which in the past only the rich
could visit. After all, many people on limited incomes have a thirst for seeing
far-off destinations, and this should not only be the privilege of wealthy people.
For example, many Asian countries now welcome foreign visitors who can book
an affordable package holiday to experience the holiday of a lifetime. More and
more people are able to go sightseeing along the Great Wall of China, discover
the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia or simply to get away from it all on a

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beach in Malaysia. So, now the many can enjoy experiences that in past only a
few could afford.

On the other hand, there are two major disadvantages associated with these
developments. Firstly, the green movement argues convincingly that there are
environmental costs of the growth in international travel. It is necessary to fight
climate change, but air travel pollutes the atmosphere, and the construction of
new airports and tourist facilities such as hotels and roads inevitably results in
habitat destruction. Secondly, international travel destinations are increasingly
crowded. At the height of the tourist season, even remote beaches now swarm
with tourists. The beauty of such places is now destroyed in the interests of

In conclusion, I would argue that the drawbacks of environmental degradation

and overcrowding outweigh the benefits of these trends.

289 words

Vocabulary from tourism:

 to experience phenomenal growth

Meaning: to experience an extremely successful or special development, especially
in a surprising way
Example: In recent decades there has been a substantial diversification in
international tourism destinations, and many developing countries have
experienced phenomenal growth in tourist arrivals and receipts.

 to have a thirst for something

Meaning: to have a strong desire for something
Example: He has been all over the world, but he still has a thirst for seeing new
places and enjoying new experiences.

 to book
Meaning: to reserve something, such as a hotel room or a ticket
Example: I’d like to book a table for two at 8pm this evening, please.

 a package holiday
Meaning: a holiday that is organized by a company at a fixed price, including the
cost of a hotel, travel etc.
Example: Package holidays to Spain started to become popular in the UK in the

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 the holiday of a lifetime
Meaning: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat
Example: He is planning the holiday of a lifetime to see pandas in China.

 to go sightseeing
Meaning: to look around the places that tourists like to visit
Example: If you go sightseeing in Paris, be sure to see the Eiffel Tower, the
Louvre and the Palace of Versailles.

 to get away from it all

Meaning: to have a holiday in a very quiet place where you can relax.
Example: Tourists have always traveled to natural areas of beauty to avoid the
noisy crowds and to get away from it all.

 the height of the tourist season

Meaning: the time of year when the greatest number of people visit a place and
when the prices are at their highest level
Example: Mid-summer in the UK is normally the height of the tourist season, so
remember to book a hotel in advance.

 to swarm with tourists

Meaning: when people swarm somewhere, they move there in a large group or in
large numbers.
Example: During the summer, the little seaside town is swarming with

Vocabulary from the environment:

 the green movement

Meaning: all the organisations concerned with the protection of the
Example: Individuals should join one of the organisations which form part
of the green movement, in order to campaign for changes in official policy
on the environment.

 to fight climate change

Meaning: To try to prevent changes in climate patterns, such as rainfall,
temperature and winds.
Example: Unless we consume less of the Earth’s natural resources, it will
be impossible to fight climate change and safeguard our future.

 habitat destruction

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Meaning: the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like a forest or
wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and animals
which live there.
Example: The elephant population in the world is declining because of
habitat destruction caused by human exploitation of the environment.

 environmental degradation
Meaning: the process or fact of the environment becoming worse
Example: Africa is a continent in which environmental degradation is
evident in the spread of deserts and the extinction of animal species.

Other vocabulary:

 brochure [noun]:
Meaning: a small magazine or book containing pictures and information
about something or advertising something
Example: The college produces a colour brochure to advertise its

 far-off [adjective]:
Meaning: a long distance away
Example: She travelled to a far-off country in search of adventure.

 privilege [noun]:
Meaning: a special right or advantage that a person or a group of people
Example: If you join the gym, you can enjoy all the privileges of
membership, such as the use of the swimming pool at any time.

 moneymaking [noun]:
Meaning: producing or making a large profit
Example: Hollywood produces a lot of moneymaking movies each year.

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Đề thi 27/07/2019
Task 1
The table shows the usage charge for water and the average bill per
household in five cities.

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: shows>compares; usage charge for
water>how much is charged for water; per>for each
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) E has the highest costs for water
usage (2) B has the lowest bills
 Paragraph 3: report and compare costs for water usage (1) up to 125
kil (2) over 125 kil
 Paragraph 4: report and compare average household bills.

The table compares five different cities in terms of how much is charged for
water and the average bill for each household.

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Overall, it is clear that City E has the highest costs for water usage, whereas
City B has the lowest household bills.
In all the cities, the usage charge for water is calculated at two rates – up to 125
kilolitres and over 125 kilolitres. Cities A and D have the lowest costs for water
usage up to 125 kilolitres, each with a charge of $0.48. City C has a charge of
$0.55, while Cities B and E charge the most, at $0.75 and $0.95 respectively.
Over 125 kilolitres, the cost in City A falls to $0.42. By contrast, the charges
rise slightly in City E. The costs remain the same in the other cities.
City B has the lowest water bills, with an average of $234 per household. Bills
in the other cities are significantly higher, particularly in City E, where the
average bill is almost $400 for each household.
172 words.


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Schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations. Skills
such as cookery, dressmaking and woodwork should not be taught at school
as it is better to learn these from family and friends. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion: completely
 Paragraph 2: first reason – only a few students will reach the top in
academic subjects. They will get the few good jobs, while the others
will fail, and this will affect their whole future.
 Paragraph 3: second reason – not all children have a supportive
family to teach these essential life skills – examples: single-parent
families, working mothers. If they do not learn to cook, do DIY or
sew – as adults they will spend more on food and new clothes.
 Conclusion: totally disagree – schools must teach these life skills.

It is true that many people believe that schools should only teach academic
subjects and prepare students for formal exams. I disagree completely with this
view, and I would argue that teaching practical life skills is essential.
Firstly, it is a mistake to tailor teaching strategies to the narrow focus of
academic subjects and exam success. It is impossible for every student to pursue
a successful career with fantastic job prospects in fields such as finance,
medicine, law or education. All of these demand academic skills, but the job
market for these professions is relatively small. Those who fail their exams will
consider themselves as failures. Such negative feelings will inevitably shape a
child’s personality and values during their formative years. Only a few students
who are high-flyers will succeed and enjoy the material rewards of their
academic success.
Secondly, while children need to acquire practical skills, there may be no family
or friends to help them. Consider, for example, single-parent households, with
no father to teach DIY skills, or households in which working mothers have no
time to teach children to cook or sew. There are, too, many dysfunctional
families in which, for whatever reasons, parental involvement in bringing up
their offspring is almost completely absent. Yet children need to learn these
domestic skills, and the only place for many of them to do this is in school.
Otherwise, when they enter adult life, they will rely on expensive ready meals or
on buying new clothes and furniture when all that is needed is a simple repair.

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In conclusion, I totally disagree with an educational policy which focuses only
on academic subjects and exam success. Schools must place equal value on life
skills to ensure the full development of children.
291 words

Vocabulary from education:

 a formal examination
Meaning: a test conducted under strict, regulated conditions
Example: Entrance to university usually involves achieving required
grades in a formal examination, such as IELTS.

 to tailor teaching styles/ strategies

Meaning: to make or prepare teaching styles following particular
Example: When faced with classes of students with different levels of
ability, teachers should tailor their teaching strategies to deal with this

 a high-flyer
Meaning: someone who has the desire and ability to be very successful in
their studies
Example: The problem with our teacher is that she explains things too
quickly for most of the students and she pays most attention only to the
academic high-flyers in the class.

Vocabulary from work:

 to pursue a successful career

Meaning: to have a series of jobs in a particular area of work, with more
responsibility as time passes
Example: While many people wish to pursue a successful career, for
others it is more important to find work which is interesting and enjoyable.

 job prospects
Meaning: the chances of being successful and having more opportunities
at work
Example: People with qualifications and experience usually have the best
job prospects.

 to acquire experience/knowledge/skill:
Meaning: to gain experience/knowledge/skill by your own efforts or

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Example: Some school leavers prefer to acquire experience working in a
chosen profession rather than entering university.

 working mothers
Meaning: Mothers who have to go out to work as well as to look after
Example: Workplace practices such as job-sharing and flexible working
hours have made life easier for working mothers.

Vocabulary from family and children:

 to shape a child’s personality/ values

Meaning: to decide or influence the form of a child’s personality
Example: Parents are very influential in shaping their children’s
personality through the example that they set.

 formative years
Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big
influence on the person they become later in life
Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through
age 8 are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social

 a single parent household

Meaning: a family in which one person takes care of their child or children
without a husband, wife or partner
Example: As a result of changes in society, single parent households are
no longer considered unusual.

 a dysfunctional family
Meaning: a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
Example: Children who come from a dysfunctional family often exhibit
behavioral problems at school.

 parental involvement
Meaning: the act or process of parents when taking part in their children’s
Example: Parental involvement allows parents to monitor school and
classroom activities, and to coordinate their efforts with teachers to
encourage acceptable classroom behavior and ensure that the child
completes schoolwork.

 to bring up their offspring

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Meaning: to bring up means to raise; this is what you do as a parent with
your children; you educate them, nurture them, etc.; offspring refers to
your children
Example: They are bringing up their offspring in a very strict

 to enter adult life

Meaning:the stage when adolescents are almost old enough to be legally
independent of their parents
Example: Parents who have devoted time and thought to raising and
educating their children have given them a good prepartion to enter adult

Other vocabulary:

 the job market [noun]:

Meaning: the market in which employers search for employees, and
employees search for employers
Example: About 25,000 people entered the job market in the UK last

 DIY [noun]:
Meaning: = ‘do it yourself’: the activity of making, repairing or
decorating things in the home yourself, rather than paying someone to do
Example: My sister likes DIY in the home: she is always repairing things
which are broken or no longer work.

 otherwise [adverb]:
Meaning: used to state what the result would be if something did not
happen or the situation was different
Example: My parents lent me some money. Otherwise, I could never
have afforded the trip.

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