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Dear younger self,

I know things are tough growing up but always believe that things will get better. Don’t be in such a hurry
to grow up. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Treasure every moment and enjoy the little things in life. Appreciate
every people in your life for you do not know when your friendship will last.

People come and go from your life. Some people aren’t meant to stay the whole time. Know that life is like
a long bumpy road, not everyone you hold on to can hold your hand tight enough. Let go of the people that make
you feel less valued. This may be hard but you have to know what you deserve. Self-worth is everything, love
yourself and everything will fall into place.

Do not be afraid of change. It's a normal thing to happen to a person. Do not be afraid to take risks. Don’t
be afraid to do something just because you don’t know how to do it. Don’t let the fear of failure box you into years
of regret.

Learn to say "no". Don't stress yourself too much. You don't always get what you want easily, accept every
defeat and make them your motivation to do better.

You will rise and fall. There will be times when it seems like you’re going to walk alone through a path of
sadness and disappointment, keep going and you'll realize you've already come through the other side of the path
being a stronger independent woman.

Be kind but never at the cost of losing yourself. Be understanding, always remember that every people have
their own battles. Be patient. Be forgiving but never forget the lessons you've learned from that person. Be yourself.
Do not try to change yourself to be the person everyone wants you to be. Stand out! What other people think of you
is none of your business, do your thang!

Do not forget to pray every single day. Be thankful for having another day to live and for the blessings
you've received. Love your family. They will be your strength, your allies.

And lastly, when you have time, sleep. And sleep. Like a long sleep. Like a very long sleep. Trust me you
will miss spending long hours of sleeping in your cozy room when you get old.

With love,

Your 17-year-old self.

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