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All Answers are found in the King James Version of the Bible. i. The Hebrew word for “fear” means, “to fear
morally, to revere, to cause to be frighten.”
ii. The Hebrew word for “stand in awe” means,
a. Genesis1:1 – “In the beginning, God
“to turn aside from the road (for any
________________ the _____________ and
purpose), to sojourn (or to stay as a guest), to
the ____________.”
shrink in fear (like in a strange place)”.
b. The Bible refers to three {3} “heavens”:
i. Psalms 33:9 – “For he {God} _____________,
i. The first “heaven” is also called “the and it was __________; he
firmament”, which is the Earth’s atmosphere ____________________, and it ____________
– Genesis 1:6-8, 20 __________.”
ii. The second “heaven” is what we know as j. Psalms 89:11 – “The _________________ are
outer space – Genesis 1:14-18. thine, the ____________ also is thine: as for the
iii. The third “heaven” is the outer edges of the _____________ and the __________________
Universe, where God dwells – 2 Corinthians thereof, thou hast _________________ them.”
12:2. NOTE: The Universe is made up of hundreds of
c. According to Psalms 8:1, where has God set His thousands of galaxies. Our galaxy is so immense
glory? _________________________________ and vast that we cannot even travel across it.
d. Isaiah 51:13 – “And forgettest the LORD thy  The Bible clearly states that our God stretched
maker, that hath _____________________ out the entire universe with His hands!
forth the ______________, and laid the  Consider this – Did you know the word “universe”
_____________________________ of the is actually made up of two words? The first is
___________…” “uni” meaning “one” and then “verse” which is a
e. According to Psalms 33:6, what made “all the “spoken statement”.
heavens”? ______________________________  Therefore, we live in “ONE SPOKEN STATEMENT”
f. According to Psalms 33:6, what made “the host of God Almighty! AMEN!
of them”? ______________________________  All around us we can see the stunning beauty
g. Psalms 33:7 – “He gathereth the found in our landscapes, the many wonders of the
_______________ of the ________ together as seas, the majesty in the skies, and the intricacy
an __________: he layeth up the __________ in found in all of life’s creatures and it was all
____________________________.” CREATED by our God!
i. Have you ever been able to take a lot of water
and just pile it up in to a heap? Our all
a. Genesis 1:26 – “And ________ said, Let _____
powerful God can!
make man in our _____________, after our
h. Psalms 33:8 – “Let _______ the ____________
fear the __________: let _______ the
i. Who created man? ___________
__________________________ of the
____________ stand in ________ of him.” ii. Man was created in God’s ________________
& God’s _______________________
b. Genesis 1:27 – “So God ________________ God; and the firmament ________________ his
man in His own ________________, in the _________________________.”
________________ of God b. Psalms 33:5 – “He loveth
___________________ He him…” ________________________________ and
i. The Hebrew meaning of the word “image” ____________________: the ____________ is
means, “to shade, an illusion, a resemblance, __________ of the ________________ of the
a representative figure, an image.” __________.”
ii. The Hebrew meaning of the word “likeness” c. Psalms 97:6 – “The ________________ declare
means, “a resemblance, a model or shape, his __________________________, and all the
something of like fashion or likeness, of the ______________ see his ____________.”
same manner or similitude.” d. Acts 14:17 – “Nevertheless he left not himself
iii. According the definitions of the words “image without ________________, in that he did
& likeness”, we were created as a very close good, and gave us _________ from heaven, and
replica of what God must look like. fruitful ________________, filling our
iv. If that is the case, then we should really think _____________ with __________ and
hard as to God’s warnings found in: ________________.”
1. 1 Corinthians 3:16 – “Know ye not that ye e. Romans 1:20 – “For the ________________
are the _______________ of ________, and things of him from the ________________ of
that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” the world are ________________ seen, being
______________________ by the things that
2. 1 Corinthians 3:17 – “If any man defile the
are __________, even his eternal power and
temple of God, him shall God
Godhead; so that they are ________________
________________; for the temple of God
is _________, which temple ____ ______.”
3. 1 Corinthians 6:19 – “What? Know ye not IV. THE WORD OF GOD DECLARES GOD’S
that your _________ is the WORK IN CREATION
________________ of the ________ a. Job was a man who knew of God’s power in
____________ which is in you, which ye creation. Read Job 26:7.
have of God, and ye are _______ your
i. What did God stretched the north over?
c. Job 35:10 – “But _________ saith, where is
ii. On what did God hang the earth?
______ my ____________…”
NOTE: In Romans 1:19-32 we see what is God’s
view of a world that has been given the truth of His b. Isaiah 40:28 – “Hast thou not ____________?
redemption, His love for them, and His options for hast thou not ____________, that the
what must be done in order to receive that love everlasting God, the LORD, the
only to have it rejected and thrown back in His face. ________________ of the __________ of the
_____________, fainteth not, neither is weary?
III. THE WORLD DECLARES GOD’S WORK IN there is no searching of his
CREATION __________________________.”
a. Psalms 19:1 – “The heavens c. Colossians 1:16 – “For by him were _______
________________ the ________________ of things ________________, that are in
________________, and that are in of ________, and the earth standing out of
_____________, ________________ and the water and in the water…”
________________, whether they be thrones, NOTE: The term “willingly are ignorant of”
or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all basically means that they are “dumb {or ignorant}
things were ________________ by him, and on purpose {willingly}, because they refuse to learn
_______ him…” the truth.”
d. Colossians 1:17 – “And he is iv. Vs. 6 – “Whereby the ____________ that
________________ {in front of} all things, and then was, being ____________________ with
_____ him all things ________________ {or water {referring to Noah’s flood},
exist}.” ________________…”
e. Colossians 1:18 – “And he is the ___________ v. Vs. 7 – “But the ______________ and the
of the __________, the ______________: who ____________, which are ________, by the
is the ____________________, the firstborn same __________ are __________ in store,
from the dead; that in all things he might have reserved unto fire against the ________ of
the _______________________.” ________________ and perdition {the
f. Hebrews 11:3 – “Through faith we understand destruction, ruin or loss} of ________________
that the ________________ were men.”
________________ by the __________ of NOTE: In Noah’s life, God was willing to destroy the
________, so that things which are __________ entire world with all the people and animals that
were not made of things which do abounded in it because of the wickedness of man. If
________________.” He did it once, how much longer can we assume He
g. In 2 Peter 3:3-7 he addresses the issue of is willing to tolerate the wickedness in our world
people who refuse to acknowledge God or the today?
truth of how the world was created by him. h. Revelations 3:14 – “And unto the angel of the
i. Vs.3 – “Knowing this first, that there shall church of the Laodiceans write; These things
come in the last days ________________ saith the ___________, the ________________
{mockers}, walking after their own and ____________ witness, the
_____________ {forbidden desires}…” __________________ of the
NOTE: The only valid reason someone has for not __________________ of God {or by God}…”
accepting God’s offer of salvation through Jesus
Christ is that Jesus just doesn’t fit into their life-
styles or the way they desire to live their lives.
ii. Vs. 4 – “And saying, Where is the promise of a. In Revelations 4:8-11, we see all of Heaven is
his ________________? for since the fathers worshipping God and offering Him praise.
fell asleep, all things continue as they were i. In verse 11, why are they all offering God
from the ________________ of the praise? {circle the correct answer}
________________.” 1. Because they were told to do it.
iii. Vs. 5 – “For this they ________________ are 2. Because He is worthy to be praised.
________________ of, that by the 3. Because if they didn’t God would be mad.
____________ of ________ the heavens were


NOTE: See also the attitudes of praise and worship VII. SUMMARY OF GOD’S CREATION
displayed before the throne in Revelations 5:6-14. From what we see of the beauty in the heavens and
b. Read Psalms 148:1-14 earth, we may easily enough understand the
c. How many times is the word Praise found? 13 eternal power and authority of the great God, our
d. Psalms 148:5 – “Let them PRAISE the NAME of Creator.
the LORD: for he COMMANDED, and they were We should furnish ourselves with abundant reasons
CREATED.” for praising Him for His work. And let our place as
mere men remind us of our duty as Christians. We
VI. CAN YOU SEE GOD’S GREATNESS IN should always try to keep heaven in our eye and
CREATION? the earth under our feet.
 Throughout the entire world we can very easily ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
observe the following: Thank you for completing this Bible study lesson.
 Great variety – Several sorts of beings vastly We hope it was a blessing and that you learned
differing in their nature and constitution from something while going through it. Please return this
each other. Lord, how manifold are thy works, lesson to receive your next one and receive credit
and all good! towards your Certificate of Completion.
 Great beauty – The blue of the sky and many ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
colors of the earth are charming to the eye of Do you know someone who might enjoy these lessons?
the curious spectator. How transcendent then
Name ________________________________________
must the beauty of the Creator be!
 Great exactness and accuracy – To those that, Address ______________________________________
with the help of microscopes, narrowly look into
the works of nature, they appear far finer than
any of the works of art and are more complex
than the NASA Space Shuttle.
 Great power – It is not a lump of dead and
inactive matter, but there is virtue, more or
less, in every creature and the earth itself has a
magnetic power.
 Great order – a mutual dependence of beings,
an exact harmony of motions, and an admirable
chain and connection of causes.
 Great mystery – There are phenomena in
nature which cannot be solved, secrets which
cannot be fathomed nor accounted for by
evolutionary processes.


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