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Best Home Ab Workout (NO EQUIPMENT

The workout shown in this home abs workout are as follows:

- Two down One Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds

- Figure 8’s for 60 seconds with extinction at 60 seconds

- 21 Crunch for 12 reps with extinction at 12 reps


- Scissor V Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds

- Hip Touch Planks x 15 each side with extinction at 15 each side

- Russian V Tuck Twists x 16 reps each side with extinction at 8 reps

This particular home ab workout follows the A-X six pack progression. This takes you through all of
your home ab exercises in a specific sequence. You want to perform your lower ab exercises when
your strength is freshest since these movements are generally the most challenging. Perform this ab
workout circuit following the instructions provided in the video and start using it 5-6 times per week
for best results. As noted already, you have to be sure your nutrition is in check if you want to see
the results of your new six pack stomach.

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