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It is undeniable that climate change poses a serious threat to the world. As

temperatures soar all around the globe, statistics show that many parts of
Europe which used to be cooler are now experiencing intense, searing
heat during the summer. It is therefore absolutely vital that we change our
ways in order to reverse this trend.
One possible action that governments might take would be to introduce
green taxes and incentives to encourage environmental sustainability. For
instance, setting limitations on the use vehicles would reduce significantly
our carbon footprint. Not only could these measures help offset carbon
emissions, but they would also foster the development of alternative
energy sources.
Another option would be to include lessons about the environment in
school curriculums, so as to raise environmental awareness among young
people. Teaching them about the three R’s (reduce waste, reuse resources
and recycle materials) or organising tree planting days are just some of the
possibilities. Nevertheless, it is essential for educators to lead by example
in order to really make an impression on their pupils.
All things considered, either approach would a step in the right direction.
As far as I am concerned, implementing changes in education would be a
much more far-reaching and longer-lasting solution, as it would attack the
root of the problem. Were these measures to be taken, dire consequences
could be prevented.

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