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1. to note or describe the similarities or differences of

a) aid
b) combine
c) compare
d) leave
2. to make clear in speech or writing; show in detail
a) explain
b) confuse
c) hide
d) vague
3. to change in some way; alter
a) remain
b) hurt
c) grow
d) modify
4. absolute and unconditional; unquestioning
a) stated
b) disloyal
c) implicit
d) good
5. reading or looking over quickly
a) scanning
b) forgetting
c) ignoring
d) neglecting
6. difficult to understand
a) single
b) complex
c) evident
d) plain
7. to bring into being
a) create
b) break
c) conclude
d) halt
8. to make longer in size; make last longer
a) close
b) cut
c) hold
d) extend
9. to tell in advance that something will happen
a) calculate
b) predict
c) misunderstand
d) measure
10. the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase
a) question
b) answer
c) definition
d) nonsense
11. the act, process, or result of understanding
a) ignorance
b) inability
c) mistake
d) comprehension
12. knowledge or facts that come from a source
a) silence
b) opinion
c) information
d) stock
13. to explain or describe, especially by modeling or using many examples
a) conceal
b) demonstrate
c) cover
d) confuse
14. to bring into being or to produce
a) generate
b) destroy
c) end
d) break
15. to identify someone or something from previous experience or contact with that person or thing
a) forget
b) refuse
c) lose
d) recognize
16. principles or standards by which something may be judged or decided
a) criteria
b) fancy
c) guess
d) possibility
17. something that explains, justifies, or defends, as an explanation or supporting evidence
a) justification
b) charge
c) opposition
d) sentence
18. to restate in a concise form
a) add
b) expand
c) increase
d) summarize
19. to figure out or show who someone is or what something is
a) confuse
b) miss
c) identify
d) mistake
20. to stand for or be a sign of
a) represent
b) refuse
c) original
d) oppose
21. a phrase that describes something by comparing it to some other thing
a) entire
b) metaphor
c) general
d) whole
22. a small item; a particular
a) plain
b) question
c) answer
d) detail
23. a group of people gathered to see or hear something
a) audience
b) single
c) person
d) star
24. a meeting between a person who has applied for a job and the person who is offering the job
a) silence
b) interview
c) stop
d) speech
25. to decide or settle finally and without question
a) determine
b) begin
c) overlook
d) doubt
26. to decide on or explain the meaning of
a) confuse
b) fail
c) interpret
d) mystify
27. to get the meaning, nature, or importance of
a) disregard
b) understand
c) free
d) release
30. something stated in words
a) quiet
b) request
c) question
d) statement
31. a drawing that shows the parts of something or how the parts work together
a) diagram
b) sketch
c) notes
d) sheet
32. a thorough or complete list of items compiled for checking
a) chaos
b) disorganized
c) write
d) checklist
33. to make a careful guess about the amount, size, or worth of
a) fact
b) truth
c) opinion
d) estimate
34. to show to be true or right; prove
a) deny
b) blame
c) justify
d) charge
35. a short article that highlights some aspect of the larger news story beside or near which it
a) sidebar
b) novel
c) fiction
d) book
36. to judge or set the worth of
a) neglect
b) oversight
c) forget
d) evaluate
37. a reason or plan that guides an action; design or goal
a) purpose
b) start
c) dawn
d) root
38. the state or condition of being clear or being understood
a) clarity
b) darkness
c) uncertainty
d) fog



1. Why would an author be excited about the publication of her first novel?
a) Because she’s thought of a great storyline
b) Because she has bought a pen and paper
c) Because she wants to write
d) Because it is printed and ready for public sale
2. What are you doing when you outline a drawing?
a) You’re drawing lines or shapes showing the outside edge of objects
b) You’re filling in the gaps with color
c) You’re using crayons
d) You’re erasing the lines
3. Why would we say we have found no evidence of life on Mars?
a) Because we can see Mars from Earth
b) Because we have seen no proof of life
c) Because Mars is a red planet
d) Because Mars is further from the sun than Earth
4. Is the conclusion at the beginning, middle or the end of an essay?
a) At the beginning
b) At the end
c) In the middle
d) Near the middle
5. How would you fulfill the objective of staying fit?
a) You would exercise almost every day
b) You would write almost every day
c) You would watch TV every day
d) You would read at bedtime
6. Why can we call a building a ‘structure’?
a) Because it flows
b) Because it’s made of wood
c) Because it is made of parts that fit together
d) Because builders construct buildings
7. How would you come to a resolution in a conflict?
a) You would continue to argue
b) You would solve the conflict
c) You would scream
d) You would walk away
8. When you eat a pie what is your sensory experience?
a) You can smell it and you can taste it
b) You can touch it and hear it
c) You can hear it and see it
d) You can watch it
9. Which of the below would be a descriptive account?
a) A reminder note
b) A text about life in Alaska
c) A checklist
d) A book title
10. What would you wear to a party with a Wild West theme?
a) A clown suit
b) A policeman’s outfit
c) Cowboy boots and a cowboy hat
d) A princess dress
11. How would her words be consistent with her actions?
a) She feels sleepy and stays up to read a book
b) She’s exhausted and she runs around the school
c) She feels lively and lies down in bed
d) She says she’s hungry and she makes herself a sandwich
12. What place would be a good resource for information?
a) A library
b) A gas station
c) A restaurant
d) A playground
13. Where would be a perfect setting for a summer picnic?
a) A park
b) The kitchen
c) School
d) In front of the TV
14. Does an imaginary friend exist in real life?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Perhaps
15. When would you need an illustration?
a) When you need a pen and paper
b) When you want to read the instructions
c) When written instructions are tough and it’s easier to understand a picture or diagram
d) When you want to listen to the instructions
16. When representatives from the US and Russia engage in a dialogue, what are they doing?
a) They want to have lunch together
b) They are competing in a game
c) They’re having a discussion intended to produce an agreement
d) They are having a verbal disagreement
17. When firefighters survey the damage caused by a house fire, what are they doing?
a) They look over carefully or inspect the damage
b) They dose the house in water with their hoses
c) They tread carefully around the house
d) They start their engines
18. What is a strategy?
a) An activity
b) A belief
c) A thought
d) A plan you make to achieve a goal
19. How long are you staying if you say you are here for an indefinite amount of time?
a) For a day
b) You’re not certain for how long you are staying
c) For a month
d) For a week
20. Why do opinions differ from one person to the next?
a) Because an opinion is a personal belief or judgment not based on facts
b) Because they say different things
c) Because facts differ
d) Because people tell them different things
21. What do you mean by ‘informal dress’ in your invitation to your party?
a) Wear formal clothes
b) Dress casually
c) Wear a uniform
d) Wear a pyjama
22. What topics does a newspaper write about?
a) Cartoon characters
b) Stories
c) Current events, sports and the weather
d) Trees and flowers
23. What is appropriate behavior in a library?
a) To eat food
b) To be calm and quiet
c) To run in the corridors
d) To talk and laugh loudly
24. Why does the teacher not want any interjections from the students when she’s talking?
a) Because they disrupt the class
b) Because students are good at studying
c) Because they contribute to her teaching
d) Because the students need regular breaks
25. Why do salesmen need to be persuasive?
a) Because they have to study hard
b) Because they need the ability to talk you into buying what they sell
c) Because they need to wear good clothes
d) Because they need to speak with a strong voice



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