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1. Which Literary Terms did you know about?, How did you know about them?

The terms that I know are:

 Fiction
 autobiographic
 flashback
 irony

I know about fiction, irony and flashback by my day by day, social media are full of irony is
used to express an opposite meaning than the one literally expressed by it. Flashback are
so common when we share some post to depicts events that have already occurred, either
before the present time and fiction on movies and story that I show to my students in class
no real things.

2. Which Literary Terms did you learn? How would you remember them?


alliteration is a series of words or phrases that all (or almost all) start with the same sound.


is that particular point in a narrative at which the conflict or tension hits the highest point

 I would remember them with examples

The Heart of Darkness (By Joseph Conrad)

“In Joseph Conrad’s novel The Heart of Darkness, the narrative reaches its climax when
Marlowe starts his journey in his steam boat, in the direction of the inner station, and his
final discovery upon reaching the station and meeting “Kurtz.” He was shocked to discover
that Kurtz had abandoned all norms and morals of his civilization, after giving in to the
savage customs of the wild Congo. Following this point in the novel, the mystery
surrounding Kurtz is unfolded, and the questions in the mind of Marlow find their answers
automatically when he sees the real situation.”


 Busy as a bee

 Dead as a doornail

 Get your goat

 Give up the ghost

 Good as gold

 Home sweet home

 Last laugh

 Leave in the lurch

 Mad as a March hare

 Make a mountain out of a molehill

 Method to the madness

 Moaning Minnie

 Neck and neck

 Not on your nelly

 Out of order

 Pleased as punch

 Pooh-pooh

 Primrose path

 Right as rain

 Ride roughshod

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