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Duncan Craig: How We Assist Others At

Their Time Of Transition From This

World To The Next

The gentleman in this article, Duncan, has given us his permission to share his
story with you which concluded his transition to the next realm or ‘Deva Chan.’
Here is how we work in assisting souls who need to move on. – Rania Sentana-

 Introduction
 Duncan Introduces Himself
 Our Cross Over Policy
 Other Worlds - Other 'Earthen" Planets Are Innumerable
 Meeting Others Upon The Astral Plane
 A Very Sad And Dejected Duncan Craig
 Many Worlds House The Souls - These Worlds Are Designated As Deva
 We Meet The Men And Women Of The Karmic Council
 Is There Any Sense Of Time Upon The Astral World Otherwise Known As
Astral Plane? Time Is As A Whisp
 Duncan Wishes His Potential Sweetheart To Reincarnate Along With
Himself - Can It Be Done?
 Lifestreams
 Understanding 'Union' of A Man And A Woman
 And Into The Light


Mr. Duncan Craig On Wooden Bench

I have worked in the past with many souls who needed some kind of assistance in
finding their way onward to the next realm which is a world similar to this one
and just as solid. Now I work in conjunction with Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez in
assisting souls over the cross line to the next world. Here is one recent story. But
first, an explanation.

We all at this level of our existence at one time or another face what many of you
call “death.” There is no death to speak of, but the transition of the soul body
from the physical to another physical body is evident. The soul body upon the
transition of so-called “death” is only different in molecular structure and that is
why people can pass through walls and other structures. They can also walk
through you, the ones still inhabiting this dimension or earth plane.

Unfortunately, too many souls came to me and through my efforts to assist

them they drained me of my energy. For years I refused to help any more. Now
I take them one at a time and do not allow more than one into my sphere at any
given time.

I take scribings from the starship commanders and others of high acclaim
and that is my first priority.

One young gentleman I assisted to cross over had of himself a vocabulary which
would have made a sailor blush, but we are not here to judge nor condemn, only
to help.

We each have our own path to walk and lessons to learn and some people
have a harder time than others.

The gentleman in this article, Duncan Craig, has given us his permission to share
his story with you which concluded his transition to the next realm or 'Deva Chan.’
Here is how we work in assisting souls who need to move on.‘ – Rania Sentana-

Duncan Introduces Himself

Duncan Introduces Himself

December 14, 2013-12-14

4:10 pm

Duncan Craig: Ho, you can hear me!! Can you see me too, lass?

Rania: Yes, of course, I can.

Duncan Craig: Then you know I have a beer and another pint in my hand!

(Duncan Craig takes a sip of one and a long gulp of the other. He is attired in a
red workman’s flannel shirt and black thick pants. I cannot see his footwear
as his feet are well under a rough wooden large rectangle table in a rather
dimly lit room. He looks to be somewhere in his late to mid-fifties. His hair still
retains his musty brown colour. He has large hands and fingers. – Rania)

I wear a corset too, for my back. Bet that sounds a bit funny to you, hey lass?

Rania: Not at all. Many workers in industry wear corsets for the strain on their
muscles need correlated support. That is why Health Stores normally furnish such
medical supports.

Duncan: Clever girl. Alight then. What’s next, lassie?

Rania: First of all my name is Rania, and my husband’s name is Jamie. He is not
here with us at the moment due to work which is keeping him occupied.

Duncan: What sort of work is he engaged in right now, that I might not meet him?

Rania: He is finishing up a project for Captain James Galiac Sananda, and so we are
trying to catch up with the Cross Over files in the meantime with my starting them
out. He will be along in the next day or so, for we have one more file to attend to
before this one hits our roster for completion. Does this answer your question?

Duncan: Aye, Uhum. Ah, well, what happens next? You tell me.

Our Cross Over Policy

Our Cross Over Policy

Rania: Duncan, we have a policy which requires you as well as all other people we
cross over to agree to. And that means precisely that we must acquire your
permission to go worldwide with your story in hopes of helping others who are in
the throes of physical death - for there is no death just a transition from one bodily
state to that of another, with the soul being solid moving out of the physical body
and into another at time of rebirth - to overcome their fear. Can you agree to this?
It will go world wide for all to read who have the means?

Duncan: Larson is what drove me underground. (Duncan places his chin in his
large hand and looks sideways, thoughtfully. – Rania) Well, I guess there’s
nothing for it, but to agree. Otherwise, I may find myself serving a very long
sentence where I am at. Wherever that is. I do not know yet if I am in Chicago or
Minneapolis where I was born and raised. A pig farmer’s daughter, I married, and
became a pipe fitter in the seismic activity construction canal.

Other Worlds - Other 'Earthen" Planets Are

Other Worlds!

Rania: Alright. Then we may now proceed. What year is it?

Duncan: When I found myself here? When I died? Uh..when I came here? You said
there is no real death. Glad to hear that. Cool indeed.

Rania: What was the last year you remember, Duncan?

Duncan: It was two-thousand four. Why? What year is it where you are? Are you
on earth?

Rania: Yes, we are on earth. Most planets are made of earth and this planet of
earth is called by the Federation of Free Planets and all other sectors of this galaxy

as “Angorius.” Just as you have a name and over seven billion people, plants, and
animals have names, so do planetary bodies have names as well. The scientists on
your planet designate names to stars, and planets because they have not as yet a
discernible tie-in with the Federated Body of Planets in communiqué, due to the
darkness around the planet, of minds, brought under the scope of evil men and
women from distant worlds.

The year is two-thousand thirteen.

Duncan: Boy! That is six to seven years difference from the time I left..from the
time I remember!

Rania: Still, it is not too much of a difference.

Meeting Others Upon The Astral Plane

Upon One World Of The Deva Chan

Rania: So Duncan Craig, just why are you here?

Duncan: That is like asking the oxen why it is brown? I died and gone to heaven I
suppose…if that is what this is..

Rania: No, you are not in heaven, parse. You do, however, reside within the
heavens on a body of land where many things can occur and you have a chance to
look around and meet other people from other times and educate yourself


Duncan: Hold on, I’m going out for a smoke. I don’t want to talk to an Angel while
I sin. 4:37 pm

Duncan: (Shouting loudly at someone. – Rania) Boys! Is there a bottle of

whiskey still left?!

Someone: (Bellowing back to Duncan. – Rania) Ther’s a keg in here, lad! 4:39

4:42 pm

Duncan: I’ll be back in about ten minutes, lass!!

Rania: My name is Rania, and make that five o’clock.

Duncan: Aye, Sir! (Duncan is yelling again at the bartender, I suppose he is. –
Rania) 4:44 pm

4:58 pm

Duncan: I’m here, darling!

Rania: It is not five o’clock yet. And my name is Rania!

4:59 pm

Duncan: I am here!

Rania: It is still not five o’clock yet. Wait until six after for interrupting me in other
work I have been doing.

Duncan: Aw, lass..I mean Rania. I am sorry. (Duncan hangs his large head. –
Rania) Alright..I’ll wait. (Duncan sits down on a crudely made bench of wood
and turpentine, outside. – Rania)

A Very Sad And Dejected Duncan Craig

A Very Sad And Dejected Duncan Craig

(Note: Regretfully, could we not find a picture which was the exact likeness
of Mr. Duncan Craig. His hair was longer and a little shaggy at the collar and
around the face, and his shirt was a red flannel. In addition we do apologize
for the size of the picture. - Rania)

5:06 pm

Rania: We work on ‘order’ or we will never manage to get you across.

Dawson: Aw, alright. Sorry la..Rania.

Rania: Alright, Duncan, so you do not know what you are doing here. Is there
something keeping you from crossing over?

Duncan: Ya, lass, my daughter. Rania, I am sorry! My daughter’s daughter is just a

wee lass, and me being on my second marriage, well, hell, I became quite attuned
to her wee way of thinking and doing little strange things like hanging her doll toes
up to smile in my face, with her wee crooked hands. Poor wee lass…(Duncan
takes on a most morose dejected look of utter and complete sadness. – Rania)

Rania: Duncan, what can we do to help?

Duncan: Well, you could go and visit her for me and tell her..

Rania: We do not go and visit anyone, Duncan. They can read your story on the
internet if they think to look for it. We are too busy with our other work to go
places. We are sorry. But we will assist you in crossing over.

Duncan: The wee hen will die without my moot all over the place! Don’t ye
understand that, Rania? Jamie? Ach, he’s naught even here at the moment! Well,
what next do we do, Rania? I know you’re only trying, the both of ye, to help an old
wounded his heart.

Many Worlds House The Souls - These Worlds Are
Designated As Deva Chans

Many Worlds Are Designated As Deva Chans

Rania: Duncan, you can travel to her and see how she is now doing and touch her
and whisper sweet words into her ear of encouragement and she will know you
were there.

Duncan: Ach, she died some time ago, and I have never gotten over it. “Cancerous
possibilities,” said the Doctor, but he was a half-wit and we could-nee aferd
another and better ‘un.

Rania: Then you may well wish to cross over into the light, Duncan, because she
may not have reincarnated at this time as yet, and if not, she may wish you to share
her home in the place where you and she will await the opportunity to be brought
before the Karmic Council. This place or designated world, of which there are, of
course, many, is what we call the Deva Chan, or place of the waiting; where you
live and wait for your next incarnation.

Duncan: (Brightening up..-Rania) Really? Then let’s go! Oh, but first I have a few
questions I would like answered, so dear old dad doesn't show up as a rascally
idiot in front of a half grown by this time, daughter.

Do we continue to grow in age when we leave this world?

We Meet The Men And Women Of The Karmic

Men And Women Of The High Council

Rania: No. But we are on our way to becoming once again younger than our own
children whom we may have left behind. For as our children become older in their
earthly experience, and our age expires as we physically ‘die,’ then once we cross
over to stand again before the High Council, and are reborn. our children then
become the older generation and we are the new.

Many times we may choose our own children as our parents, or become the child
of some other member of the previous family or the child of yet another family we
have also been with in a previous lifetime on another world, or that of the world
we just left, having experienced lifestreams apart for karmic reasons all depending
upon life’s lessons we are once again about to enter into.

In other words, we are brought before the Karmic Council who go over our lessons
with us observing our achievement of those lessons or failure to progress past
certain lessons; of which lessons, then, shall need repeating.

Then we are given new bodies as we reincarnate for another bout of the
wheel, UNLESS we have finished with all our primary lessons and have earned the

opportunity to move on into a world less encumbered by the ills and evils which
your society is faced with today. Any more questions?

Is There Any Sense Of Time Upon The Astral World

Otherwise Known As Astral Plane? Time Is As A

Time Does Not Fractionalize

Duncan: Just a few directed toward your husband, Jamie. A man to man short talk
and then I will take the step. (Duncan tentatively smiles. – Rania)

Rania: Well, Duncan, you should cross over now, because Jamie may not be able
to answer you until the day after tomorrow our time due to another Cross-Over
file tomorrow and work to be finished, hopefully, today, as soon as the final
diagram is in to him.

Duncan: (Looks thoughtfully at the ground with his chin again in his large
hand. – Rania)

Duncan: Is there any sense of time here, Rania?

Rania: You are there. You would know. As we understand it: No, there is no sense
of time at all. Others whom we have worked with to cross over have, some of them,
been shocked to learn that they were years, decades, and oftentimes centuries out
of their time. So our answer to you would be: No there is no sense of time.

Duncan: In that case if I could impose upon you both once again, I would ask you
to let me wait.

Rania: We cannot and will not force you to cross over before you feel you are
ready, Duncan. So we will tie off this conversation and set this aside until Jamie
has a minute and hope that can be soon. He is working as hard and fast as he can.
Good night. Out for this segment with Duncan Craig. 5:34 pm

Duncan Wishes His Potential Sweetheart To

Reincarnate Along With Himself - Can It Be Done?

Duncan Wishes Sweetheart On The Same World

December 16, 2013

7:44 am

Rania: Hello Duncan. I heard you calling us.

Duncan: Hello Rania. Is Jamie there yet? I have only one question to ask.

Rania: Yes, Jamie is here and looking forward to speaking with you. Would you
please present your question, Duncan.

Duncan: Well, it is a bit of a surmiser, to be sure, and what I wanted to ask was:
can either of you … I guess it is really a two part question, sorry..

Rania: That is alright. Please go ahead.

Duncan: If my daughter is not there, in your place of waiting, or Deva Chan, the
place next door, can you her for me in her next lifestream, or not? Question after
that is for the man.

Rania: I will let Jamie take both of them. Please ask your second.

Duncan: All right, lassie..oh.. um Jamie, is it at all possible to fall in love in the other
place where I go and then come back with my sweetheart? You know, into the next
lifestream? You know how important that is to a man, now, don’t cha?

Jamie: Hi, Duncan! Can you rephrase your first question about your daughter,

Duncan: Just one more question please. This one is for you, Rania, daughter of the
High Priest, as we call you over here. Now I’m awondering if…well maybe Jamie
should answer..I’m awonderin’ if we may engage a woman for life and always see
her there where we go if it’s always to be a lesson place of the say..lower degree?
Can either of you answer this? First question? Sorry. Sure, ya I can do that!

If my daughter is not there, in your place of waiting, or Deva Chan, the place next
door, can you show me who and where she is in her next lifestream, or not?


Lifestream After Lifestream

Jamie: As for your second question, yes, you and your sweetheart can come back
to earth in your next incarnations if both of you so choose providing you’re both
joined at the higher level as original souls.

No, Duncan, we cannot know where your daughter may be in her next lifestream
nor who she chooses to become. You may want to ask permission from the council
of highly evolved people to get a glimpse of your and her Akashic Records for these
pieces of information. Assuming, of course, we get you to cross over to the light,
you will soon find out those answers for yourself. I beg to defer the last question
for my wife Rania to answer.

Rania: I will be pleased to, sweetheart. Now Duncan, when you go before what we
call the High Council who are a group of highly evolved wonderful men and women,
at that time they will examine with you all the important issues of your earthly
lessons. You may find that situations arise which must take you to other worlds
where you would best accomplish certain lessons.

In the lower worlds, where negative karma must be still worked off, you may also
find that your sweetheart must also complete her lessons away from you for a
short space of time, as it were. But as much as possible, yes, as Jamie says, you
definitely may ask the men and women of the High Council with the permission of
your sweetheart to reincarnate together on the same world. If this has been
approved by the High Council then you will meet again upon the same world when
the time is right.

Once all lessons are completed, however, then you both may proceed on up the
ladder to the first rung, as we call it, to a paradisaical world where the societies
are much more highly evolved and espouse no crushing monetary system nor
religious bigotry and falsehoods. Remember, this though: In many other

lifestreams you have lived in you may have also requested of another sweetheart
to be with you for say, eternity.

Understanding 'Union' of A Man And A Woman

True Union Of A Man And A Woman

Rania: That is why at an under evolved level when the union between a man and
a woman is considered by the Clergy as being “for eternity,” nothing could be
further from the truth.

The union for ‘eternity’ must be performed at the higher levels. At the lower levels
in the lower societies, the Clergy or Priest conducts a marriage ceremony sticking
two people together who are really not matched and then expects them to stay in
the union without a way out. This is one of the great falsehoods of the Church.

So what I am saying is this: When you have ‘worked off’ or neutralized your
negative karma, in particular, then you will be ready to meet up with your other
half. Now, that may not be the sweetheart or any of the wives you have dedicated
in your earlier incarnations to be with. This will be the fissure of a soul joining,
Duncan, and you will be so glad you waited for this moment in your lives. Will that
be all?

And Into The Light

And Into The Light!

Duncan: Oh, lassie! That is a real eye opener, to be sure, from the both of you! Take
my arm, Jamie, and walk me over to that light! (Duncan speaks powerfully, and
with a determined step he takes Jamie’s left arm and strides toward that
doorway of bright and mesmerizing light. – Rania) 8:20 am

Permission given for publication by Mr. Duncan Craig, and Rania and Jamie
Sentana-Ries-Cortez on December 14th 2013 and December 16th, 2013 Ryley,
Alberta, Canada, Pacific Mountain Standard Time

(Note: At 8:20 am Pacific Mountain Time, Ryley Alberta, Canada, Mr. Duncan
Craig took Jamie’s arm while the white guide at the entrance of the light
turned his face around to meet them, and ushered Duncan into the light. He
never once looked back.. (Smiles) Another file closed Jamie. Good work! – Rania)

Written down by Rania Seila and Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez


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