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1. Is there a need to put the entire Luzon in a quarantine?

2. What are the implications of putting the entire Luzon into quarantine?
3. Do you believe that putting the entire Luzon into quarantine is the same as imposition of martial
law? Justify your answer.
4. Is prohibition of travelling from one place to another a violation of constitutional right?
5. Summarize the entire speech of president Duterte together with your reaction and comments.
1. Since there is a case of local transmission, human-to-human transmission and asymptomatic
transmission of disease, the entire Luzon shall be put in a quarantine to prevent the further
spread of COVID-19 in the whole country. And for that matter, the quarantine restricts people
from engaging in public places whereas the lives of the people won’t be at risk – especially to
those who are vulnerable at disease outbreaks like this. The quarantine also limits the people
from being exposed in a disease, particularly COVID-19, a pandemic disease.
2. In spite of the aforementioned statements from the previous question, given the fact that there
is an uncontrollable local transmission of COVID-19 in the entire Luzon whereas the number of
confirmed cases in the said area grows substantially – a community quarantine is needed to
prevent the further spread of the pandemic disease within the entire country, also to prevent
mass exodus which might only worsen the COVID-19 crisis. In a way that the lives of people
are at risk for being exposed from a possible carrier of the said disease, considering that this
disease also have a case of asymptomatic transmission.
3. The entire Luzon being under an enhanced community quarantine is not equivalent to being
under the Martial Law, on this ground – since the number of confirmed cases is already
uncontrollable, such extensive measures is needed. It’s only a matter of restriction but not
Martial Law. Some people are only assuming that this is the same as the imposition of Martial
Law for the reason of, the government has deployed soldiers and police within the check point
area to monitor the borders from inside and outside of Metro Manila for the containment of the
pandemic disease. More people going inside and outside of Metro Manila means more
chances of the further spread of the virus. The only people we could ask assistance in
manning the entry and exit point of Metro Manila are the soldiers and police because the
health workers are already over utilized in different hospitals managing the COVID-19 patients
and Non-COVID19 patients. It doesn’t mean to intimidate the people. The soldiers and police
are assigned in the check point area to check the temperature of people so those who are
suspected carrier of this disease may be tested in the hospital and be quarantined. The
government is not focusing on military power, but are only assisting the health workers in this
4. Based in Article 3 Section 6, the right of travel shall not be impaired except when it involves the
interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.
Meaning, the prohibition of travelling from one place or another is only considered as a
violation of constitutional right if it doesn’t meet the interest of the national security, public
safety and public health. Otherwise, such right of travel may be prohibited if it concerns the
public safety and public health.
5. The entire speech of president Duterte revolves around the enhance community quarantine in
NCR, in which he addressed that; (1) There will be a strict implementation of home quarantine
unlike the first day of community quarantine; (2) Transportation and work shall be suspended;
(3) Provision for food and health services shall be regulated; (4) The mayor in respective areas
in Metro Manila shall have a strict monitoring of community quarantine in their city; (5) the
business owners shall consider giving the employees in advance their 13 th month pay amidst
the COVID-19 crisis. In his speech, he also added that the imposition of enhanced community
quarantine is not tantamount to the imposition of Martial Law. An assurance was also given by
the president that there will be enough food supply whilst being under the enhanced
community quarantine. In my opinion, there are some part of his speech that I find confusing
as there are statements that are not stated clearly for me to understand. In addition to that,
how he delivered his speech in addressing the enhance community quarantine in NCR amidst
the COVID-19 crisis in Philippines seems like he’s unprepared.

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