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Week 6 Tutorial

IS Strategy Management And Acquisition

1. What are the drivers for using IS/IT?

 Reducing costs (operating, sales, purchasing)
• Market share (increasing/avoiding loss of)
• Information gathering market intelligence
and finding suppliers
• Improved range and quality of
products/services to customers
• Increased speed in dispatch of goods
• Improved trading relationships

2. Outline the inhibitors regarding IS/IT use.

The inhibitors regarding Is/IT use are as follows:
 Cost
 Management
 Security
 Technology

3. What are emerging technologies? Provide current examples of emerging

The technologies that are developing recently and rapidly are known as
emerging technologies. The current examples of emerging technologies are
cloud computing, Web 2.0, SCM and so on.

4. Highlight issues and challenges concerning IS/IT in the Public Sector and
SMEs - Similar or different?
Public Sector Issues;
 Larger number of employees
 Primary goal has best service value.
 It has enacted government policy.
 It has formal strategy.
 It has defined standards.

SMEs issues;
 Small number of employees
 It has profit/survival primary goal.
 It has consumer of policy initiatives.
 It has informal strategies.
 It has de facto standards.
 It has informal information management.

5. Discuss the issues and challenges facing public sector organizations and
SMEs in their management and strategic use of IS/IT. Provide example to
illustrate your answer.
 Both has disaggregation.
 Both has more competition.
 Both has incentivization.

6.Analyse public sector IS/e-government initiatives using key theoretical

Some key theoretical frameworks are as follows;
 User participation
 Mobility

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