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Drought is a prolonged period in which a region does not receive enough water to supply the needs of the plants

animals that inhabit that area, including humans. Some of the main causes are the absence or scarcity of rains; The
climatic cycles both oceanic and atmospheric, such as, for example, the El Niño phenomenon in South America, which
cause that each year there are periods of drought in America and Australia; Human activities such as overexploitation of
agricultural land, excessive irrigation or deforestation, promote erosion and negatively affect the ability of the soil to
store and retain water; Activities that promote climate change and global overheating, both human and natural
activities. This will cause increased precipitation with flooding in certain places and periods of drought and warming in
others. They are, therefore, effects at a global level; The use in agriculture of toxic products such as ammonia increases
the risk of desertification; Irregular periods of precipitation.

 The consequences of droughts on the planet are negative and, in certain cases, even devastating, since water is
essential for everyone. Among the aftermath of this event we find: loss of agricultural productions and land for
livestock, as there is little production of certain foods, these rise in price; Malnutrition, dehydration, disease, famine;
Migration of human beings and animal species; Dust storms, due to desertification and erosion. Habitat damage, loss of
biodiversity, reduction and even extinction of plant and animal species. An example of this last effect is the one that
happened at the beginning of February in which squirrels, birds and howler monkeys had died as a result of the high
temperatures in Córdoba, department of Colombia. In addition, there were also areas where it not rains about 14
months ago.


If you work cultivating land, you will implement crop rotation to reduce erosion or plant crops with less water demand.

We should collect rainwater and store.

We should efficiently use the available water.

If you work with livestock, you will store food and fodder, which allow feeding livestock in the dry season.

We should slightly close the stopcocks of the house to decrease the flow that comes out of the taps.

We should protect all sources of water, natural and artificial.

We should avoid burning trees or vegetation.

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