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I was sitting in first period English on a normal day. That is when I first met Milton Fergand.

He came into
class, with his bow tie, suspenders, button-up shirt, and big “Harry Potterish” glasses. He looked down at
the ground and shuffled his feet nervously. “W-where can I s-sit?” he murmured, stuttering. “Right over
there, by Jacob,” said Mrs. Anderson. Jacob is one of my better friends. He is a bit of a troublemaker,
and doesn’t like to agree with people. He did exactly what I expected it to do, and complained by yelling
“Why, why can’t Harry Potter sit over there,” he pointed over to beside me. Half of the class snickered
as he did so. Before Mrs. Anderson could protest, the boy speed walked over to the desk beside me and
sat down. He slightly missed the chair, and hit the ground hard. Almost all of the class burst out in
laughter, but the teacher stopped it by yelling “QUIET!”

Throughout the class, this boy who went by “Milton” just stared at the desk, picking the gum off of the
bottom and playing with it in his hands. Jacob loved pushing Milton around and knocking his books over.
Every time this happened he would just mutter “Sorry” and move on. It continued on like this for days
until one day, Mrs. Anderson paired us up together on a project. “Have fun, Joe,” whispered Jacob as he
walked by my desk to get a tissue, making a scene of blowing his nose loudly and for a long time. I went
to Milton’s desk, and we awkwardly sat there awhile writing notes down on our papers, until finally he
said something I couldn’t hear. “What’” I replied.
“What’s your favourite video game” he said.
“Oh, I don’t play them” I whispered.
“What,” he said in surprise, “Everyone plays video games!”
“Fine, don’t tell anyone, but Skyrim.”
“What??? I love Skyrim!!”
“Nerd!” yells a random student. “I told you to be quiet” I said, angrily. “Okay, sorry” he replies.

We then have another moment of awkwardly taking notes and not talking, before he again breaks the
silence by asking me to come to his house to play video games. I didn’t really want to go, but, to be
honest, he had some cool games that he told me about. He told me the address after school and I got on
the bus, debating whether I should go or not. I got home, but I just couldn't bring myself to go to this
kids house. As the hours went me, I was still debating whether I should go or not, but as soon as the
hour hand hit 10pm, it was too la

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