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Dear healthcare workers,

Thank you for the sacrifice that you make daily. I could only imagine all the scenarios
running through your head as you take on this deadly pandemic. You’re a hero, you always have
been. I understand the impossible decisions you have to make, isolating patients from their
families in fear that they may catch something. You are doing absolutely everything to reduce
the amount of new cases and I could not express how glad I am that you are helping us. Without
hardworkers such as yourself, the amount of COVID-19 cases would skyrocket. You truly are a
hero. Thank you for shot-calling and taking care of patients, knowing well that you may also
contract the virus. You all are strong and we will get through this virus together, and one day
we’ll go back to our normal lives. Right now you may be devastated, but in the future you’ll look
back to acknowledge yourself as the present-day superman or even iron man! Although you
aren’t the superhero we expected with powers, you are the hero who saved lives and educated
people about what should and should not be done. It’s funny to think how I am sitting at home
waiting for things to get better as people are at the frontlines doing everything they could to save
our people. Yes, our people. Although I cannot do anything about it, I am glad that there are
people who are so determined and hardworking that are out there risking everything to find a
cure, aid patients, and help us resolve the biggest issue in our lives as of right now. I am going to
keep this short and sweet so I would no longer be a bother. Thank you so much. Thank you for
being amazing in every way. Thank you for working above and beyond. Thank you for being the
superhero I always imagined as a child. Thank you for being my modern day superman and/or

Lorylen Bucio

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