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The Honorable Governor Gavin Newsom

1303 10th Street, Suite 1173

Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Newsom,

I am Lorylen Bucio, a fifteen-year-old student at Edison High School in Stockton,

California. I have decided to write to you to express my gratitude towards the work you have
done during this devastating time. From my eyes, you have handled the situation very well and I
wanted to show my appreciation. You have kept us safe and calm and worked efficiently towards
treating people all over the country.

I have read and heard many great things about you over the past weeks. I am glad to
know that a good man is leading our state. One of your actions that stood out to me was the fact
that you offered to lend a hand to other states because of their lack of medical equipment. I could
only imagine the thoughts running through people’s minds as they worried about what would
happen when all the ventilators are occupied but you, you are their saving grace. A soul that not
only thought of his people but also the people surrounding him. And that is exactly what I call a
superhero in disguise. As you read this you may be thinking, “Who is this high school student
praising me for my work?”. I am only a child with hope for our future beyond this pandemic and
with the way you are handling the situation, you are California’s superhero.

Leaders who do not only think of themselves are told that they have a weakness, but from
what I see, I see an independent man working to save as many lives as possible. You are selfless
and kind-hearted, those traits make an excellent leader for millions of people to look up to. I
would like to keep this short and sweet knowing that you are a very busy man. Thank you for
working quickly to retaliate this virus. Thank you for saving us and for doing your best to keep
the spread minimal. We appreciate your work. Good luck in the future.

Lorylen Bucio
Freshman Class President
Edison Senior High School

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