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Use these aloe vera home remedies for hair and scalp

- Mix two tablespoons each of aloe vera gel and honey, and a
tablespoon of yoghurt to make a hair mask. Apply from hair roots to
tips and massage gently after 10-15 minutes. Let sit for 30 minutes
and rinse off with water or shampoo as normal for soft shiny hair.

- To get rid of dandruff, use an aloe vera and apple cider vinegar
remedy about twice a month. Take a cup of aloe gel and two
tablespoons of apple cider vinegar; whisk well. Apply onto scalp and
let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with water or shampoo as normal.

- Fenugreek strengthens hair and makes it soft and shiny while also
helping with problems like hair loss, dandruff, excess oil production,
and premature greying. Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
overnight and grind to a fine paste the next morning. Mix well with
two tablespoons of aloe gel. Apply this mixture evenly to scalp and
hair and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse using water or a mild shampoo.

- For hair growth, use aloe vera and castor oil, which is excellent for
boosting hair growth and adding volume. Mix a cup of aloe vera gel
and two tablespoons of castor oil. Apply evenly to the scalp and hair
strands, cover head with a shower cap and let sit for 1-2 hours.
Rinse off with a mild shampoo. You can also add two tablespoons of
fenugreek powder to this mask.
- Aloe gel and onion juice makes for an effective combination for
healthy hair – onion juice stimulates the scalp and clears out
clogged hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Also, the high sulphur
concentration in onion boosts the production of collagen which helps
control hair loss. Take equal parts of aloe gel and onion juice and
mix well. Apply the mixture evenly to scalp and rinse using a mild
shampoo after 30-45 minutes. This remedy can be used twice

- To replenish hair and reduce frizz, use coconut oil along with aloe
gel. Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids and proteins that
improve the texture of hair strands. Take aloe gel and coconut oil in
the ratio of 2:1 and mix well. Blend ingredients well and apply all
over the scalp and hair strands from roots to tips. Wash with regular
shampoo after 30-45 minutes. You can also add honey to this mask
for added shine and conditioning.

- To repair split ends and breathe new life into dull, damaged hair,
use hibiscus flower powder with aloe vera. Hibiscus flowers are rich
in amino acids that are necessary for producing keratin and help
stimulate hair regrowth from dormant follicles and bald patches too.
Take 1/4th cup of aloe gel and two tablespoons of hibiscus flower
powder. Blend well to form a paste. Avoid using on the scalp and
roots of hair; apply the paste starting from the middle of hair strands
to the tips. Rinse with warm water after about 45 minutes. This
remedy can be used once weekly.

- Green tea is good for hair growth. It is also rich in catechins which
are beneficial in preventing hair fall by reducing dihydrotestosterone
(DTH) which is responsible for hair loss. Take half cup each of aloe
gel and freshly brewed green tea in a bowl and mix well. Massage
the mixture into your scalp gently and apply evenly to the length of
your hair. Rinse with cool water after 10-15 minutes.

- Take 2-3 tablespoons of aloe gel and mix with around 12-15 drops
of neem oil. Massage into scalp and leave on overnight. Shampoo as
normal the next morning. Use this remedy once or twice a week to
treat dandruff and for healthy hair.

- Amla or gooseberry can stop hair fall, stimulate hair growth, and
prevent premature greying. Mix amla juice or powder with aloe gel
and apply to scalp. Leave on for an hour or so and rinse with water.
You can use this remedy daily.
- Eggs are packed with nutrients like protein, sulphur, phosphorus,
zinc, iodine, and selenium that can boost hair growth and prevent
hair loss. Eggs also seal moisture into hair and are effective
cleansers. Make a hair mask using 1/4 th cup of aloe gel and one egg
– whisk the egg and blend with the aloe gel. Apply the mixture onto
scalp and hair and put on a shower cap thereafter. Wash off with
cool water after 30 minutes. Using this mask once a week can be
beneficial. To remove the smell of egg from your tresses, spray a
mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice and water all over the scalp
and hair. Rinse with water after 10-15 minutes.

- Tea tree oil has numerous benefits of hair ranging from dandruff
treatment to prevention of hair loss and improved hair growth. Take
a cup of aloe gel and mix in a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply evenly
to scalp and hair and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

Tip: Use aloe vera gel with natural ingredients and say goodbye to
all your hair problems!

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