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The night after Christmas

Rebecca morrison
Children look forward to Christmas and this particular one a eight year
girl called Evie Little was very exited for Christmas. On Christmas
eve she did her final tasks, put up the stoking and she left a mince
pie out. Finally Evie went to bed trying to calm herself down.
Midway through the night she heard a loud THUD. Evie new that it
was Santa and if she wasn't asleep she woulde'nt get any presents. She
thought and thought until a weird thing come into her mind. This is what
it was:last year Santa had delivered presents Without any loud thump.
Evie new Santa needed help. Tiptoeing Evie crept down the stairs
without any sound whatsoever. When she got to the bottom she glanced
around the door and there she she saw Santa himself!But as soon as
Evie felt brave enough to speak Santa's face turned until it was facing
Evie. Sudenly Evie leapt across to the other side of the door breathlesly.
She had seen Santa and that was an achievement for her. Her foot
wobbled as she crept up the stairs quiet as a mouse. When Evie got to
her room she hopped up into bed feeling more relaiefed than ever. Phew
thought Evie as she settled into bed. The next morning Evie got up nice
and early to open her presents. She scampered down the stairs
ignoreing her parents call. Finally Evie arivied downstairs her heart
pounding despratly. As Evie walked around the door her eyes settled on
something. It was a humongous parcle with a lable on it saying Evie in
lovely, neat writing. Her eyes widened and she ran towards it wondering
what it was. She unwrapped it like a savage. Inside the parcel was a
sleigh. A big sleigh with bells decorated around it so when you were
riding it it would make a jingly sound. Carrying her sleigh up with her she
struggled upstairs. After tripping over her sleigh one million times
somehow or the other she maneged to get upstairs. “mum” Evie panted
“can I ride my sleigh to my friends house?” “ As long as there is atchly s”
began mum but it was to late, Evie had already set of to her friends
house on her sleigh. When she got to her friends house she greeted
them warmly by shaking them by the hand. “Good morning” Evie smiled
cheerfully “and merry Christmas.” Evie's three friends were called
Nadia ,Naomi and Nathalie. “you'll never guess what” smiled Evie “I saw
Santa! “Good one” laughed Naomi. “No but seriously I did” wailed poor
Evie. “Youv'e already told us, it's not funny any more and besides Santa
don't exist..”BUT Santa atchaly heard this and was angryer a cat at the
vet and trust me that is angry. Evie was having a sleepover with the
Narinders. That night the four friends laid there sleeping bags and settled
into bed. Midway through the night,with a swish of the wind out came
Santa Claus glided through the winter wonderland. He cramed through
the chimney and pinched Nadia, Naomi and Nathaly. And with a swish of
the wind the sleigh took of again but this time with three sleeping
Narinder inside. When the sisters woke the sleigh was landing. “Where
are we?” Trembled Naomi. “Why ask me you idiot?” Snarled Nathalalie.
By this time the sleigh had landed and the Narinders had just climbed
out. And then as if by magic a strong gust blew. “DUCK” screamed
Nadia finally finding her voice. Everyone (including Santa) ducked
covering there heads with there hands. “Dose this happen often?” Asked
Naomi. “About one a week” replied Sa

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