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Software, in its most general sense, is a set of instructions or programs instructing a computer to do
specific tasks. Software is a generic term used to describe computer programs. Scripts, applications,
programs and a set of instructions are all terms often used to describe software.

Software is often divided into three categories:

System software serves as a base for application software. System software includes device drivers,
operating systems (OSs), compilers, disk formatters, text editors and utilities helping the computer to
operate more efficiently. It is also responsible for managing hardware components and providing basic
non-task-specific functions. The system software is usually written in C programming language.

Programming software is a set of tools to aid developers in writing programs. The various tools available
are compilers, linkers, debuggers, interpreters and text editors.

Application software is intended to perform certain tasks. Examples of application software include
office suites, gaming applications, database systems and educational software. Application software can
be a single program or a collection of small programs. This type of software is what consumers most
typically think of as "software."

Engineering, the application of science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses
of humankind. The field has been defined by the Engineers Council for Professional Development, in the
United States, as the creative application of “scientific principles to design or develop structures,
machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to
construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behaviour under
specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to
life and property.” The term engineering is sometimes more loosely defined, especially in Great Britain,
as the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools, and machine parts.

Software Engineering
 Software engineering is the process of analyzing user needs and designing, constructing, and
testing end user applications that will satisfy these needs through the use of software
programming languages. It is the application of engineering principles to software development.
In contrast to simple programming, software engineering is used for larger and more complex
software systems, which are used as critical systems for businesses and organizations.
 Software engineering is a detailed study of engineering to the design, development and
maintenance of software. Software engineering was introduced to address the issues of low-
quality software projects. Problems arise when a software generally exceeds timelines, budgets,
and reduced levels of quality. It ensures that the application is built consistently, correctly, on
time and on budget and within requirements. The demand of software engineering also
emerged to cater to the immense rate of change in user requirements and environment on
which application is supposed to be working.
Software Engineer
 Individuals who are interested in the fields of computer science and/or technology may be
interested in pursuing a career as a software engineer. In order to determine whether this might
be the right vocational sector for you to work within, it is a good idea to attain as much basic
information about this position as possible.
 Software engineers have extensive knowledge of programming languages, software
development, and computer operating systems, and they apply engineering principles to
software creation. By applying these engineering principles to every stage of the development
process, from requirements analysis to the software process, they can create customized
systems for individual clients.
 A software engineer develops various applications that enable users to accomplish tasks on their
personal computers and electronic devices. Often, software engineers are employed by software
publishers or computer systems design firms. Generally, software engineers attain a bachelor’s
degree in computer science. However, individuals who wish to become software engineers may
also be able to attain jobs after earning degrees in information technology or similar fields.


A software product can be judged by what it offers and how well it can be used. This software must
satisfy on the following grounds:

 Operational
 Transitional
 Maintenance

Well-engineered and crafted software is expected to have the following characteristics:

 Operational

This tells us how well software works in operations. It can be measured on:

 Budget
 Usability
 Efficiency
 Correctness
 Functionality
 Dependability
 Security
 Safety
 Transitional

This aspect is important when the software is moved from one platform to another:

 Portability
 Interoperability
 Reusability
 Adaptability
 Maintenance

This aspect briefs about how well a software has the capabilities to maintain itself in the ever changing

 Modularity
 Maintainability
 Flexibility
 Scalability

In short, Software engineering is a branch of computer science, which uses well-defined engineering
concepts required to produce efficient, durable, scalable, in-budget and on-time software products.


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