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Making a pre recorded video for your lessons using Teams or PowerPoint

screen recorder

Top Tips:

• Create the screen recoding in a Team you trust. EG: Your Teaching and
Learning staff Team. This prevents students from seeing your practice
recordings. This will then save into your Microsoft Stream for you to share
the hyperlink.
• Alternatively use PowerPoint to create a video that you can save onto
your computer. You will then need to upload this into your class Team to
share it.
• Create a script to read from.
• Go easy on yourself! It takes about 4mins of editing time for every 1min of
quality content. Have a clear map of what you want to achieve in our

Become the star of your subjects by creating pre recorded instructions that all
students can use to help them learn, wherever they are!

Option one- Teams screen recording.

1) Create a “Meet Now” meeting by yourself. You can choose to have the
camera on or off.
2) In the “More actions” button, click onto “Record”

3) Use the “Share Screen” to share your desktop or PowerPoints. You can use
a blank PowerPoint and your stylus to make your own digital whiteboard
to explain concepts. Teams whiteboard function cannot currently be

4) When you have finished, click “Stop recording”.

5) When the video has finished uploading, click onto the little picture to
open it in Microsoft Stream.

6) Share your recording into as many Teams as you wish!

Option 2- PowerPoint Screen recording

1) In PowerPoint, click on Insert – Media – Screen recording

2) Select the size of the recording screen. Press the little pin to pin the taskbar
to the top of the screen. Press play to record any window you want.

3) When you are done, press Stop and the recording will save onto a
PowerPoint slide. Right click it to “Save Media As”.

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