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Unique “And work Adding New Dimensions to Predictive Astrololgy Contents Introduction Chapter I Rules regarding the meaning and calculation of “Navamsa", the main and sub-ruling periods of “Vimshottari”, the “Moola Trikona” signs of planets and their mode of functioning, the "aspects" of planets including those of Rahu and Ketu, the limitations of “Kuja Dosha”, the special role of the sub period lord in dasa, 'the “Deliberate” self, functional benefics and malefics, the principle of “similarity”, distinciton between the health and the wealth prospects, significators and their “retrogression”, profession and the "Ascendant". Chapter II Dispositors and ‘Jataka Parijata’, dispositors and “Phala Deepika”, dispositors for the 12 Ascendants, dispositors and “Neecha Bhanga Yoga”, sign of a dispositor aspected by the dispositor himself. Pages 13 37 Chapter III Role of the dispositor in the death of Shri Aurobindo Ghosh, B. Surya Prakash, death in the period of lord of the lagna; Dr. Tagore; dispositors and the house of want; early death; dispositor and suicide: dispositor and consumption of poison; dispositor and the horse; dispositor and the death of husband within 8 days of marriage; death in dasa of the Moon having good “ Paksha” strength; did Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose die in air crash ?; dispositor and death by gun shot wound; dispositor and wife of the Gaekwar; Marie Antoinette; wider role of dispositors; dispositors and paralysis; death through the aspect of Jupiter. Chapter IV Dispositors and ulcer, impotency, blindness, burning of face, leprosy, arthritis, attack by dacoits, fits since birth. Chapter V Dispositor and poverty, dispositor and “Neecha Bhanga Yoga", dispositor and Yoga through functional malefics, advancement in life, dispositors and plenty of wealth; education, Sanyasa, poverty; dispositors in cases of murder; dispositors and enemity with children; dispositors and fore- knowledge; theft; fear of coitus; sexual mind; dispositors and early foreign travel; spiritual attainments, dispositors vis-a-vis nodes; dispositors and imprisonment of Rama Krishana Dalmia; inheritance; dispositor and a good-looking wife. 50 82 97 Chapter 1 RULES Rule 1 Navamsa (1) The texts often refer to the positions of Navamsa lords of planets. We will also have occasion to cite reference to this term during the discussion in this book. It is, therefore, essential to know how that planet ie. the lord of a Navamsa is worked out. Navamsa is a Sanskrit word and means “the 1/9th part” i.e., 1/9th part of the measure of a sign i.e., 3 degree and 20 minutes. According to the fundamental rules and requirements of Astrology each 3 degrees and 20 minutes in a sign are owned by a specific planet. The Navamsas belong to specific signs and those signs have their lords as usual, we know this from elementary Astrology. For the benefit of the readers we give below a few examples to show how the lord of Navamsa is worked out. Example (i)—Suppose longitude of the Sun in a nativity is 8-3°-40’. This longitude would mean that the Sun has traversed complete 8 signs and is occupying the 4th degree of the 9th sign and there too it’s 40th minute, Since the elongation of one Navamsa is 14 Dispositors in Astrology 3 degrees and 20 minutes, it means that the Sun has traversed a complete Navamsa in the 9th sign and is occupying second Navamsa of the 9th sign Sagittarius. Thus the problem is to find out lord of the 2nd Navamsa of the 9th sign Sagittarius. The rule is as follows— Multiply the complete signs traversed by 9 (as each sign has 9 Navamsas). To the result add the number of Navamsas involved in the longitude under consideration (two in the present case i.e., one complete and second in part), (9 x 8 = 72 + 2=74) divide the total 74 by 12, remainder 2 i.c., Taurus in this case, will be Navamsa sign; and lord of the sign (Venus in this case) would be the lord of Navamsa. Example (ii) — What would be the lord of Navamsa occupied by the Moon, if the longitude of the Moon is 11-8°-35’ in a birth chart. At this longitude complete number of signs traversed by the Moon are 11. Hence 11 x 9 = 99, The number of Navamsas involved in the 12th sign are 3 (two complete and one partial). Hence adding 3 to 99, we get 102. Now 102 divided by 12, leaves 6 as remainder. Hence the Navamsa signinvolved is Virgo (the sixth sign counted from Aries). The lord of Virgo being Mercury. Thus the lord of Navamsa occupied by the Moon in our example is Mercury. Example (iii)— Find out the lord of Navamsa of the Ascendant. If longitude of the Ascendant is 3-5°-8”. Multiplying 3 by 9 we get 27, for 2nd Navamsa add 2, the number of Navamsas involved we get 29, which divided by 12 leaves 5 as remainder. Hence the Navamsa sign’ involved is Leo—and its lord Sun is the lord of navamsa rising in the Ascendant. Navamsa is of great importance in Astrology. One important use that we can make of itis to assume thata Dispositors in Astrology 15 planet is in association with the planet in whose Navamsa sign it happens to be situated, and the results declared accordingly. Rule 2 Dasa and Bhukti Dasa is the word that denotes a system following which the timing of events is carried out in Astrology. There are many systems of working out the Dasa, but the one that is widely recognised in Hindu Astrology goes by the name of Vimshottari. As far as our knowledge goes Vimshottari is used by the authors of such wonderful works as Birigu Samhita, Sapta Rishi Nadi etc. Its name Vimshottari comprises of Vimsh and Uttari, meaning 20 and 100 respectively. This system has a total of 120 years allotted to various planets. Under this system the Sun in his Dasa rules for 6 years, the Moon for 10 years, Mars for 7 years, Rahu for 18 years, Jupiter for 16 years, Saturn for 19 years, Mercury for 17 years, Ketu for 7 years and Venus for 20 years. The order in which planets rule is Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. The ruling period i., Dasa at birth starts with that of the planet who is lord of asterism occupied by the Moon at birth. The lords of asterisms from one to nine, from ten to eighteen and from nineteen to twenty seven in sequence are the same viz., Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. The period of a planet is shared by other planets also. The period of Sun i.e., six years are sub divided among all the 9 planets, the first sub-period being ruled by the Sun. Similarly, the period of ten years for which the Moon rules is shared by all the 9 planets. Here also the Moon to whom the main period belongs, 16 Dispositors in Astrology lords the first sub-period. The balance of years etc. for which a planet has to rule a person is worked out from the position i.e., the longitude of the Moon at the moment of birth. For this purpose the entire zodiac of 360 degree is divided into 27 equal parts called the asterisms or Nakshatras. Each part obviously consists of thirteen degrees and twenty minutes. The balance of years for which a planet has to rule is worked out by the simple rule of three, ie., if the whole span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the Nakshatra involved takes the number of years involved for the lord of Nakshatra then how much period would be involved for the balance of the asterism i.e., the Nakshatra yet to be traversed by the Moon at birth? This having been worked out; we go on adding to it the number of years to arrive at the next Nakshatra lords the date for which we desire to ascertain the nature of events. The sub- period of a planet in the various main periods is in proportion, that its own number of years, bear to the total number of years i.e,, 120. For example, we desire to know the span of-the ruling sub-periods of various planets in the main ruling period of 16 years of Jupiter. Jupiter will have its sub-period first of all. Its duration will be 16/120 of 16 years. Next sub-period of Saturn, will have it as 19/120 of 16 years. Next sub-period of Mercury, will have it as 17/120 of 16 years. Then will come the sub-period of Ketu, will have it as 7/120 of 16 years. Next will come the sub-perid of Venus, will have it as 20/120 of 16 years. Next will come the sub-period of Sun, will have it as 6/120 of 16 years. Next will come the sub-period of Moon, will have it as 10/120 of 16 years. Next will come the sub-period of Mars of 7/120 of 16 years. Last of all will come the sub-period of Rahu Dispositors in Astrology 17 and will have it as 18/120 of 16 years. An easy way to determine the sub-periods of planets is to multiply the main periods of the main (Dasa) and the sub-period (Bhukii) lords involved and place the decimal before the digit at units place in the product. The answer is the period in months . Suppose, for example, we desire to ascertain the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Jupiter. Then 19 x 16 = 304. Placing the decimal ahead the figure 4, we get 30 months ie., 2 years and 6 months. The subdecimal figure 0.4 months gives us (30 x 0.4) = 12 days. Thus the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Jupiter is 2 years 6 months and 12 days. Rule 3 The Moola Trikona or the Positive Sign The positive or Moola Trikona sign of the Sunis 5, i.e. Leo; of Moon 2, i.e. Taurus; of Mars 1, i:e. Aries; of Mercury 6, i.e. Virgo; of Jupiter 9, ie. Sagittarius; of Venus 7, i.e. Libra; of Saturn 11, ie, Aquarius. Planets in their ruling main and sub periods give good or bad results of the good or bad houses in which their Moola Trikona signs fall. The good houses for wealth in the horoscope are the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th, while the bad ones are the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th. Rule 4 Paksha Bala or Fortnightly strength of Moon The Moonis considered strong in Paksha strength, if itis more than 72 degrees away from the Sun. In sucha case the Moon functions as a benefic planet. If within 72 degrees from the Sun in any direction itis considered as malefic and functions as such. The lesser the distance than 72 degree, the more malefic she is. 18 Dispositors in Astrology Rule 5 Aspects of Planets ‘Aspects’ are of equal importance as conjunction of planets are in Astrology. These aspects of the planets are like the witnesses in a law-suit, where a good witness has the capacity to secure judgment in favour of a weak suit, likewise the aspects of good planets on the bad planets turn them often into good planets with consequential good results. All planets aspect or throw their influence on the houses, signs or the planets placed seventh from them. The seventh house in all cases is counted in Vedic Astrology by counting the house in which the aspecting planet is situated as first house. Apart from the above common aspects, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects additionally. Mars not only aspects or influences fully the house etc. 7th from it, but it has the aspects or the influence (full) on the houses etc. located 4th and 8th from it. Similarly Jupiter aspects or influences not only the house etc. 7th from it but also the houses etc. 5th and 9th from it. Also the planetSaturn, notonly aspects or influences the house etc. 7th from it but fully aspects the houses etc. 3rd and 10th from it. Rahu and Ketu in common with other planets aspect or influence the house etc. 7th from them. They in addition also fully aspect or influence the houses etc. 5th and 9th form them. In most of the books on Astrology available in the market, the mention of the special aspects of Rahu and Ketu is conspicuous by absence. It is for the first time in the history of Astrology that the impc ce of the special aspects of the nodes and their functioning has been brought by us to the notice of Astrological students. The author of these lines Dispositors in Astrology 19 takes no credit for introducing these aspects. He is not audacious enough to bring ina rule not sanctioned by Maharshi Parasara. In the case under consideration the rule in regard to the aspects of Rahu and Ketu is enjoined by no less an authority than Maharshi Parasara— father of Vedic Astrology. The rule was there all the time, but seems to have escaped the notice of astrologers, probably due to omission in print in some editions of his work ‘Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra’. We were lucky to have come across the rule in the following shloka— qe woigiedae greamig uidgie aaa venftgfarenagiic aia: Prooreqict crear: wire: ie., Rahu has full aspect on the houses etc. located 5th, 7th and 9th from it. It has half the aspect (influence) on the house 2nd and 10th from it. It aspects with a quarter strength on the house 3rd and 6th from it, and is blind towards the house it occupies i.e. has no aspect on it. Itseems, the author of ‘Jyotisha Tatwam' was aware of the said aspects of nodes, though his shloka is a bit different in import. But so far as the full aspect of nodes is concerned both agree. Here is his shloka— gfe: yt ward are: wa: watsa ert aa Fgererg hte: west wa Le., Rahu aspects with full aspect the houses 5th, 9th and 7th from it. It has no aspect on the house it occupies. It has half the aspect on the 2nd and 10th houses and one fourth on the 3rd and 6th houses from it. In any case the Sth, 7th and 9th aspect of Rahu and Ketu is in full accord with the standard texts and people are 20 Dispositors in Astrology ignoring it due to their own doubts. In view of the ‘shadowy’ nature of nodes, we have added asa corollary that in throwing their special or ordinary aspects, the nodes Rahu and Ketu also throw the influence of planets with which they are associated or by whom they are aspected, For example, if Rahu is in the 10th house and Mars in the 7th, then in throwing its 7th aspect on the 4th house, Ral will also carry as it were, to that house, the effects of Mars as well. Rule 6 Kuja (Mars) Dosha In the birth charts of males as well as females the location of Mars in the Ist, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th from the Ascendant has been considered astrologically dangerous for the life prospects of life partner i.e., wife or husband, as the case may be. The reason is not difficult to see. Mars located in the first house aspects fully by its 7th aspect, the 7th house i.e. the house of spouse and the 8th house, Mangalya Sthana of wife. Located in the 4th house it throws its full special 4th aspect on the same 7th house. Located in the 7th, it afflicts again the 7th house. Located in the 12th house it throws its special 8th aspect on the same 7th house. As regards the location of Mars in the 8th house of the horoscope, its location there afflicts, by full 7th aspect, the 2nd house and Mangalya Sthana by its placement. Now since the 2nd house is 8th from 7th, it is the house of longevity of partner, and its affliction by Mars tells heavily on the longevity of partner. Having gone through the rationale of the Kuja Dosha as above, it is reasonable to hold that Mars located in the 11th house would be equally dangerous to the life prospects of partner, since it afflicts the 2nd house by its 4th aspect, Dispositors in Astrology 21 and shortens thereby the longevity of partner. It should, however, be remembered that even though there may be Kuja Dosha present in a birth chart yet other factors bestowing life to the partner may out weigh Mars in effects and thereby may not lead to the early demise of partner. The factors are, of course strength of the 7th house, strength of lord of the 7th house and strength of the significator of the 7th house viz., Venus for male and Jupiter for female natives. In case the 7th house contains a planet in dignity or exaltation, and its lord is well situated and well aspected and its sgnificator is strong by house position or by retrogression, then the presence of Kuja Dosha does very little harm. Thus ‘Kuja Dosha’ is not the last word in deciding the longevity of partner. One has to see the net effects of planets and then draw conclusions accordingly. Many a time people are unnecessarily scared of the Kuja Dosha. Rule 7 Sub-period Lord We have often stated in our books on the Dasa system that the planet ruling a person as the sub-period lord invariably influences the main period lord. It will be in the interest of readers for correct evaluation of Dasa results to go through “Secrets of Vimshottari Dasa” and Laghu Parasari” by O.P, Verma. We will illustrate the use of this rule during the study of various problems in the Pages to follow. For example, in regard to the sub- Period of Mars in the main period of Mercury J. P. 18/ 134 Says Tyure1 HTM, because Mars, a malefic planet will afflict as the sub-period lord the main period lord Mercury and harm traits of Mercury such as coborns, maternal relatives, brain etc. 22 Dispositors in Astrology Rule 8 The Deliberate Self There are certain acts of life which denote actions of deliberate nature on the part of native. For example, in cases of suicide, it is the result of deliberate action of self that one embraces death. In the case of family planning too, where one se ks to abandon progeny to oneself. Measures taken in .hat direction are the results of deliberate action by the self Incase of one commiting a murder, again, it is the desiberate self that comes into operation. Even in cases where one is deadly opposed to any other person, it is the deliberate self that comes into operation. Thus, it is very helpful in the astrological analysis to know the factors that constitute the deliberate self of a native. Firstly, it is lord of the first house that represents the self and acts deliberately, in the good or bad direction accordingly as the said lord is a natural benefic or malefic planet (See rule 9), Then the 3rd and 11th houses being the houses of arms—right and left, rather indicating efforts and aspirations; represent the deliberate self, for it is through the arms and endeavours that most of the acts are done. Then there is lord of the 10th house, which also constitutes deliberate self, for it is the representative of Karma, the results of which are to be reaped by self. Combined action by Venus and Jupiter —lords of the Ist and 3rd houses repectively in the case of Libra nativity would constitue deliberate action for the good of others. So also will be the case when these two planets act together in the case of Taurus nativity. On the contrary, deliberate action in the wrong direction i.e. to harm others will be involved when Mars and Saturn act together in the case of Aries native and also in the case of Scorpio native. The classical example Dispositors in Astrology 23 can be king Aurangzeb (horoscope No. 1), who took deliberate action to eleminate his elder brothers. It would be seen in this case that Jupiter who is the significator of elder brothers has also become lord of the 11th house —the house for elder brothers. Now mark action of the malefics, Saturn and Mars—lords of the Ist and 3rd houses acting in deliberate manner, of Moon Sat Ketu No.1 Mars Sun Mer course, against Jupiter, whom both of them aspect, Saturn by full 10th house aspect and Mars by full 7th house aspect. Thus the deliberate action of king Aurangzeb to harm and eliminate his elder brothers, is fully justified, of course, astrologically. Rule 9 Malefic and Benefic Planets Although, when you have gained sufficient competence in Astrology you will find that even best known benefics turn as worst malefics, yet to introduce planets to the beginner, it is very essential that he be told, first of all, the basic classification of planets malefics and benefies. According to this basic scheme the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu have been declared natural malefics, who by their association or aspect, spoil the affairs of the house etc. they influence. Then there are 24 Dispositors in Astrology natural benefics—Jupiter and Venus, who, by their aspect or association boost or enhance the prospects of the house etc., which they influence. The Moon is a natural benefic, but only when she is away from the Sun by more than 72 degrees, whether she is located ahead or behind the Sun. In case she is located within the stipulated range of 72 degrees, she is treated as a malefic, that is to say, she will harm the prospects of the house etc. which she influences either by association or by aspect. Mercury is a planet, who, by himself is a benefic. But we rarely find him situated alone, without any influence on it. When it is under the benefic influence of other benefic planets it behaves as benefic planet, and gives the beneficence of its association or aspect to the party involved by its influence. When it is with malefics it becomes a malefic and thus enhances malefic action. Rahu and Ketu play both the roles i.e, as malefics as well as benefics. With benefics or under the influence of benefics, they give good results otherwise they act very badly. In regard to their aspect and how it works, see rule 5. Planets are malefics or benefics functionally, also under the house lordship scheme of Maharshi Parasara. Under this scheme lords of the trinal houses i.e. the 1st, 5th and 9th lords always give good results especially in their main and sub- periods irrespective of the fact whether they are natural malefics or benefics. For example, Saturn, lord of the 5th house —a trinal house will give affluence and power in its main and sub-periods. The lords of the Kendra houses ie. of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses cease to be natural malefics or natural benefics. For example, Venus, lord of the 7th house for people born with Aries as their Ascendant ceases to be benefic. Similarly Mars, lord of the 7th house for Libra natives, ceases to be a Dispositors in Astrology 25 malefic. For lords of the 2nd and 12th houses the rule laid by Maharshi Parasara is that they are good or bad accordingly as their other sign falls in a good or bad house. For example, Jupiter in the case of people, born with Scorpio as their Ascendant, will give good results by virtue of the fact that it owns simultaneously the 5th house of the horoscope, which is a good house, while Saturn, lord of the 2nd house in the case of people with Sagittarius as their Ascendant, will give bad results in its main and sub-periods. - Similarly Mars, lord of the 11th and 6th houses in the cases of Gemini nativities, will give bad results in its main and sub-periods as it owns simultaneously the 6th house which is one of the bad houses in the horoscope. Again Jupiter, lord of the 12th and 9th houses in the cases of Aries nativities, will give good results because Jupiter owns simultaneously the 9th house— one of the best house. Lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses by themselves give bad results, as these are bad houses. Now, special point about the scheme of Maharshi Parasara being studied here is that planets who own simultaneously a quadrant and a trine become Rajayogakaraka planets i.e. planets for affluence and power and give very positive results in such matters in their main and sub-periods. For example, Mars for Cancer nativities, is a very nice Rajayogakaraka planet, as he owns simultaneously the 10th (kendra) and 5th (irikona) or trine. Even when two planets combine, where one is the lord of a kendra and the other is the lord’of a trikona they give nice results in their main and sub periods. It should, however, he remembered that the good in such cases follows only when both the planets simultaneously do not own any of the bad houses. For example, the association of Jupiter and 26 Dispositors in Astrology Saturn, in the cases of Gemini nativities, is not conducive for wealth as Saturn simultaneously owns a bad house viz. the 8th and Jupiter the blemish of Kendradhipatya Dosha and lordship of 7th house a Maraka house. Similarly the association or relation of Jupiter and Venus, in the cases of Leo nativities, would detract from the good results as Venus owns simultaneously the 10th and 3rd houses, the latter house being a bad house and Jupiter owns simultaneously the 5th and 8th houses, the latter being bad house. There is yet another case where planets take up the role of other planets. That happens when they become the dispositors of other planets. For example, if Mars is locted in Aquarius in the 7th house for Leo nativity, then Saturn who is normally bad for this nativity, would somehow give good results, by virtue of becoming the dispositor of Mars— the Rajayogakaraka planet for Leo nativity. Please see in this connection chapter 2, in which the role of dispositors has been discussed with reference to various textual authorities. Rule 10 The Principle of Similarity Although both the 3rd and 6th houses of a horoscope are classified as bad houses, yet Jupiter, lord of these houses in the cases of Libra nativities is an exception to the general rule, and gives affluence and power in its main and sub periods. The good effects attributed to such a Jupiter (See shloka No. 1 of chapter on Libra Ascendant in ‘Bhavartha Ratnakara’) are, in our opinion, due-to the fact that there is similarity of traits of these houses and the planet Jupiter i.e. both houses represent gains in some sense, for the houses being Upachaya in nature and their lord Jupiter being the significator of Dispositors in Astrology 27 wealth. No other planet can be similar by ownership except Mercury who no doubt becomes lord of the 3rd and 6th houses in cases of Aries nativities, but since Mercury is not the significator of wealth; he cannot by himself be classified as a good planet and that for other reasons too. It will, of course, give good results if it is associated with or influenced by functional benefics (See rule 9 ante). In regard to Venus it is the opinion of both Uttara Kalamrita and Bhavartha Ratnakara that its location in the 6th and 12th houses in certain cases is good for financial affairs. Here also the principle of similarity is at work, for Venus is the planet of material enjoyments and so also is the 12th house. Their mutual link through the location of Venus in the 6th or 12th house is conducive for enjoyment and enjoyments cannot be had without wealth. Although Mercury is not classified as a benefic for Scorpio natives but its association with Jupiter makes it and Jupiter conducive for wealth. (See shloka 1 of chapter on Scorpio Ascendant in Bhavartha Ratnakara). Here again the principle underlying the good results is due to the similarity of traits between Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury as lord of the house of gains i.e. wealth, while Jupiter is wealth both as lord of the house of wealth and as the significator of wealth. In shloka No. 3 of chapter on Sagittarius Ascendant, in Bhavartha Ratnakara itis stated that, if in the cases of Sagittarius nativities Saturn is located in the 3rd house and the Sun and Venus are posited in the 9th, then Saturn inits Dasa will bestow good luck. Here also the principle of similarity is in action. The Sun as lord of the house of good and Venus is good because it is having its Moola Trikona sign in the house of gains, of which house it gives the results. Saturn too although classified as a Planetary Aspects In Der ‘aorovwer Astrology O.P. Verma Planetary aspects are the combined influence of two or more planets on a native on earth. They are harmonious or inharmonious according to Lordships, “3 natural significations and characteristics of the planets in aspect. Their intensity varies according to strength of planets for a particularnative. Aspects operate like conjunctions of planets. This treatise on planetary aspects is first of its kind. equipped with Vedic interpretation of conjunctions and aspects of planets along with exhaustive interpretation of conjunctions and aspect from the view point ofmodern fast changing trends and culture of the society. O.P. Verma Timing of events has been a hard nut to crack in Astrology. Out of the different methods prevalent Vimshottari Dasa System is the most reliable one if understood and used properly keeping in mind its principles. The author has made an attempt to enlighten ithe readers with this most widely used Dasa system of Maharshi Parasara. Principles of Sudarsana is used citing a few examples. Examples of day to day life are an addendum to the utility of the work. Quotations from ancient classics and transit applications add laurels to the book. The scientific base of Vimshottari Dasa has been discussed analytically. Enough number of Charts have been discussed in the light of the principles of Vimshottari Dasa. The author has tried to eradicate the doubts about Vimshottari Dasa system in a systematic and \_ scientific way.

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