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Name : __________________________________________________________

I . Encircle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentences

1. The children (dance, dances) with their teacher.

2. The dentist (check, checks) our teeth.
3. My sister and I (sleep, sleeps) in one bed.
4. He (sell, sells) the chicken.
5. The farmers (plow, plows) the land.
6. The fishermen (catches, catched) fish and other seafoods last night.
7. You (make, makes) me feel happy.
8. The princes (looks, looked) at the pretty maiden yesterday .
9. I (cooks, cooked) yummy food a minute ago.
10. Sofie and Pikachu (plays,played) jump rope a while ago
11. The cows (gives, gived) us milk.
12. My dad (drive, drives) a car.
13. Her parents (love, loves) to play Wii.
14. The people (rushes, rushed) to the window.
15. The Filipinos (respect, respects) their elder.
16. The janitor (plants, planted) oregano.
17. The flowers (smells, smelled) sweet.
18. Sebastian’s parents (is going, are going) to Hongkong.
19. Mommy (are baking, is baking) our bread today.
20. They (are reciting, is reciting) poems.
21. I (is studying, am studying) now.
22. She ( are sitting, is sitting ) down.
23. The boys ( are playing, is playing) basketball.
24. You ( are writing, is writing) a letter aren’t you?
25. Gina and Mina ( is watching, are watching) a movie.
26. Michael ( is praying, are praying) the rosary.
27. The frogs ( is jumping, are jumping).
28. The children ( are singing, is singing) Christmas songs.
29. Her family (is planning, are planning) a picnic.
II. Look at the picture below. Draw a possible thing that would happen inside the box.
Write a simple description of it on the blank.






III . Read the sentences below, box the adjective in each sentences, draw an arrow to the
noun it describe.

1. The children love the red flowers

2. I want to hear lovely stories

3. Mommy brought a big fish

4. A strong man help me.

5. The heavy books are all kept

6. It was a clear sky.

7. A round ball hits floor

8. I saw a haunted house

9. It’s a sunny day

10. I ate a sweet mango.

IV Complete the following sentences by arranging the adjective correctly. Write your
answers in the blanks

Tiny, five, white

1. Our dog gave birth to ____________,_______________,__________puppies

Blue Big, beautiful,

2 I saw a ____________,_______________,__________whale

Nutritious Two red

3 Mommy bought ____________,_______________,__________ apple

Four, sweet, brown

4. Henry ate ____________,_______________,__________ potatoes

Violet two small

5. Sofie picked ____________,_______________,__________ eggplant last week

V.Complete the table below by writing the synonyms and antonyms of the words

Synonyms Antonyms

 little    big

 cruel bad   

clean    Dirty


pretty    ugly

 Difficult easy  


VI Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjective in the parenthesis

1. Circle B is (big) _________ thank Circle A

2. Circl C is the (big) ________ of them all

3. The soldier is (bave)_________than policeman

4. The army is (bave )___________than the policeman and soldier

5. The giraffe is (tall) _________than the horse

6. The dinosaur is the (tall) __________than the horse and giraffe

VII Encircle the verb in each sentence. Then identify whether the adverb tells manner,
time or place

___________1, Daddy drives the car safely.

___________2. Jenna lives in Suburbia.

___________3. Tita reads the book so fast

___________4. Anthony takes a trip to Bulacan.

___________5. We always pray at night

___________6. Mina and Tina are buying shoes made in Marikina.

___________7. We went to church last Sunday

__________8. His bag is under the chair

VIII Write 2 sentences about the pictures

. ______________________________________________________


. _____________________________________________________

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