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Tamera Davis
Northern Oklahoma College
615 N. Monroe St.
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078

April 24, 2020

Dear Mrs. Davis,

I have selected four writings that can tell you something about me as a writer. They include my
writings from my senior year of high school, to your Composition class! With having writings
from senior year to now, they definitely have shown to me how much I have grown as a writer.
Each one of my English teachers were very special to me because I always struggled being able
to write. As you read these, I hope you enjoy reading them and seeing how much I have grown in
my writing abilities.

The first writing piece was a piece from your Composition class. It is important to me, because I
talk about how much family means to me. This piece allowed me to show my passion for writing
about something that is personal to me. I picked this piece because it shows me and whoever else
who reads it, just how important family is. This piece was also my last piece to write for your
college class, and one of the most important pieces I have written.

The second piece was the first piece we had to write in your class. I picked this piece because it
was the first piece for you to see just how well I could write. I was nervous to write it, because it
was the first one for your class. The piece is important to me not only because it allowed you to
see how I could write, but I discussed a very powerful topic. It was over conversation and how
powerful it is. I am not a very outgoing person and conversation is hard for me. But after writing
this piece, it allowed me to see just how important conversation is. It made me realize I do not
need to be scared to talk to people, and that conversation will always be around, so I needed to
learn how to be more outgoing! After writing the piece, I have definitely become more outgoing
and that is what makes that piece important to me!

The third piece was a piece from Composition I. This piece, when the professor announced the
assignment, my heart dropped. She said we would have to go and interview someone who was
alive or who remembered something about the topic of our choice. At this point, I was not ready
to go out and talk to someone because I had never interviewed someone before. I was very
nervous and tried everything I could to get out of this assignment. Not because I couldn’t write
it, but because I did not want to go and interview not just one, but two people! I wrote everything
I could on the essay from my knowledge of the topic, except for the interview part.. When the
professor said if we did not interview at least one person, we would lose a lot of points, I knew I
had to face my fears of interviewing someone.. Finally, I decided to get over my fear and found
someone to interview. After interviewing the individual, I made myself look like a big fool,
because the interview was the easiest part of the entire essay! I loved the individual I
interviewed, she was very helpful and gave me more information than I could have thought
possible! This piece was important to me because it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone,
and realize that interviewing someone is not as hard as it seems. I felt accomplished after this
piece of work because I was one of the few people who actually had the courage to go out and do
an interview.

The last piece is one of the few pieces we had to write for my senior english class. I was not
really a fan of this english class, mostly because of the people in the class. Most of the people
never did their work, and with me being the person I am who likes to do their work early, I was
always laughed at in this class. I tried to not let it affect me, but it was hard when it was an
everyday thing. But this piece of work was important to me, because I talk about my heroes. I
had to write the piece over readings we had read during the semester, so I could not really
discuss my real heroes. My real heroes are my family, most importantly my mom, she does
anything and everything for me and I could not live without her! She may not always see it, but
she really does mean the world to me. Even though I could not write about my real heroes, the
people I talked about are still very important. Like Martin Luther King Jr., he is a very important
role model in many lives today and in the past years. Because he stood up for what he believed
that was right in life. That is why this piece is important to me because it allowed me to see how
the people I discussed were considered other people's heroes in real life.

I have developed and grown as a writer throughout my senior year english class to your
Composition class now. One of the biggest things I noticed about the growth of my writing is
that I have become more of an outgoing person. These writing pieces have allowed me to step
out of my comfort zones and grow as a person. As you always say, writing will always be with
us, so the more I keep writing, the better I can become as a writer. In the beginning, I did not
want to take anymore English classes because I was tired of writing in high school. But after
taking college English classes, I realized how much better I could write, and how important
writing is now than I thought. If I had a writing toolbox, something I would include in the
toolbox is to remember, writing is easier than I think. I get overwhelmed easily, and I just need
to remember, I can get through this and I will be glad when the process is over. The next tool I
would have is to get rid of all distractions. This is a big tool I would have because I get easily
distracted when working on homework. Just the fact that I know my phone is setting there does
not mean I need to be on it. The final tool I would have is to maintain a healthy schedule. Now
with schooling being online, it is easier for me to prioritize my time. I have always been pretty
good at time management, but sometimes time gets the best of me. These tools are important to
me because I can better myself and focus on my school work, rather than my phone. Also, I can
be less stressed if I have my school work planned out ahead of time.

As seen in my writing, I have definitely developed as a writer. Over time I have noticed my
strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses with writing, but having them
does not mean you are a bad writer. I have noticed some of my strengths as being a better writer
over time, being able to get out of my comfort zone, and overall being good at managing my
time to write an essay. But I have also noticed some of my weaknesses. Some of my weaknesses
include my grammar, and not putting correct punctuation where it needs to be. But that takes
time to fix and I will get better at it soon. I have also noticed that I use a lot of what you like to
call “dirty words”. I try not to use them as much in my writing, but sometimes I do and forget
that I am not supposed to, or I read over my work too fast and do not catch all of them. But
strengths and weaknesses do not determine how you can write, it just shows that you are learning
how to write better and learning to fix your mistakes and better yourself in writing.
In conclusion, I have definitely become a better writer over the years, and I hope it shows
through in my writing. These pieces were the most important to me and that is why I chose them.
Writing is not always easy, but it gets easier as you go through life. Writing will always be with
you, and you should always continue to write and better your skills. What I see next for myself in
my writing career is important. With the career I chose, I will always be writing. Whether it be
patient charts, records or anything like that, writing will always be with me. By taking your class
you have made me a better writer and I am glad, because I need to be able to write correctly
because of my degree choice. I am now prepared to do my future jobs because of the writer I
have become. It is all thanks to my high school teachers and now my college professors. I want
to thank you for taking the time and knowledge to invest in my future career!


Cheyenne Herrmann

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