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Impact of money and genes on happiness and wellbeing

Happiness and money are two important and valuable things that people always aim to have
it live. However, many people think that to be happy they have to own millions and millions
of money, and some people think that they can be happy whether they have money or they do
not have in a way that is related to the happiness gene in the human being. Which means that
the people's opinion of view towards happiness is always having two sides or even more,
which have related to the genetic variation in each person. In the beginning, happiness is one
of the emotions that anyone can have it and express it in many ways. It is defined as the
positive mental states that contain a combination of the feeling of satisfaction and being
fulfilled. Happiness has many reasons, the first and the most important one is being alive
until this moment, having well health such as the five senses and being healthy without any
disease, being surrounded by the family, having friends, working in a comfortable job and so
on. Now a day's all people want to be happy and want to have the fulfilling surrounding
society and life. The human beings around us, the community that we are originated from,
even the media tells us every day that the only way to attain a glad, happiness, and satisfying
existence is related only to money and the income that is getting from it. However, is it true?
First of all, this depends on how each person in society see happiness translates every action
or event in his life. For example, some people can be happy by having new friends, extra time
in the gym, free memberships and other people see that they can only be happy if they have
more and more money. However, money is one of the cornerstones that nobody can live or
maintain healthy life without it since it gives people the ability to have control over their
needs and requirements. In this essay, I will demonstrate how can money and genetics
variations affect emotional wellbeing and happiness by referring to many cross-sectional
studies that aimed to use different samples in order to complete the study about the happiness
reasons . In addition to that I will show in my report how the happiness can be different
.depending on many factors and many reasons
Firstly, many people find that money important in life focused on making us emotionally,
mentally, and physically well by supporting all the needs in life. However, many studies
show that less money can cause you to be unhappy or having emotional pain as in (Diener et
al, 2010) study, which shows a high correlation between income and happiness in which the
high income can bring more happiness for the people. For example, in some agencies when
workers start to get more salary, it consequences in greater residing standards for people as
nicely as more cost-effective and more abundant goods and services. Besides, this
improvement leads to a proper life for workers. “Although except cash and wealth life seems
difficult, to tons focusing on the possessions affects our intellectual health, the strength of
mind and delight badly as nicely as damages our relationships and lead to unhappiness. While
other studies (Kahneman and Deaton, 2010) show that high income can bring the feeling of
satisfaction to life (ration of coefficient around 1 for the high income, and regression
coefficient of 0.03) when a person can spend the money in the things that are matter such as
study or health. However, by comparing also the results of many different studies on the
relationship between income and wellbeing, it was visible that the presence of the money is
important for being satisfied which will result in the end of happiness. Moreover, money and
income can bring happiness by the way that we can use it, so if a person is using his income
in a way that is effective for sure it will bring for his satisfaction and will cover his needs
effectively. In this way, he will not be stressed out by thinking about how he can pay money
for anything that he truly needs. However, since the absence of money can lead that people be
unhappy or not well emotional, due to the overthinking of how can they maintain their life
and meet the needs that they want it, since these days we cannot find anything free.
Therefore, the high income and money can improve the evaluation of life, and their absence
could lead to diminishing both the emotional wellbeing and economic wellbeing of the
person's life. Which in the end will lead to depression and other mental diseases that result
.due to being unhappy or due to being not well emotionally
Secondly, the donation of money can bring happiness for the person who donates and the
person who gets the money "Happiness does not result from what we get, but from what we
give" Ben Carson. Therefore, high income could be one of the reasons that can help people to
give other people who require money. To support this idea, many types of research done to
demonstrate how giving money can help in boosting the mood and bringing happiness. One
of these studies was by (Dunn, 2009), which was concerned with the effect of money on
happiness and how it can help in happiness. This study aimed to show that people who have
higher income and can give other people money; they tend to be happier than other people
with limited income, which will be only concerned with their own needs. This shows us how
higher income for many people can be a great reason for being happy, since by helping and
giving other people what they need of money your body can release many hormones that are
related to happiness. In this case, the happiness is detected in two sides, the first one is the
person who gives the money and the other one is the person who gets the money where we
can go back to our first statement that the absence of money makes you unhappy, but when it
is available, you will be happy. this shows how the money and high income is important for
many people and how it is a life-changing tool that can take some of us from the depth of
sadness or depression to the peak of happiness. However, the way of using money is what
affects its quality in making you happy or not. Because some people waste their money, buy
things that they don’t need it, they don’t donate money for anyone, buy harmful tools, and
hurt other people using this money, which at the end will cause an opposite action of making
you sad or depressed rather than making you happy. So it is very important to use the money
.in the most appropriate way the can exactly bring happiness to your life or other people's life
On the other hand, many people believe that money is only a tool, it cannot make us happy
because happiness is resulted due to many things in life, and we can happy if we have money
and if we do not have it. Researches show that emotional wellbeing is highly related to
genetics in the human that causes us to be happy or not. This means that there are some genes
related to happiness and emotional wellbeing, which release normally the hormones that are
highly related to be happy or that can help the body to heal itself. One of the studies (neve,
Christakis, fowler, frey, 2012), this study aimed to demonstrate the happiness and how the
genetic influence it. They have used in their study groups of a sample which some of them
were twins (to eliminate the genetic variations). However, the study shows that the people
who they are twin have 33% of satisfaction in life according to the tests that the researcher
give it to the sample. The study used also to give such evidence on the effect of genes on
happiness, and how it helps in the emotional wellbeing that will encourage the economy.
Moreover, happiness can be highly affected by other factors such as culture, income, and
social life. For example, the people who have better education show more happiness levels
than other people who they don’t, also the job has an effect on happiness levels since the
people who they have a good job they will strongly have more life satisfaction and more
happiness. This means that that genetic factors also play a role in the influence of happiness
and individual wellbeing rather than saying that money is the only influencer in the people's
happiness. Moreover, according to personal preference, many people feel that you want to
have more money or money is not a limitation for them to be happy. Some people can be
happy by having their friends around them, eating their favorite food, having enough time to
sleep and so on. All these reasons are the result of the genetic variations that we have inside
our body that has few effects of money and high income on our happiness levels. Therefore,
money is not the only reason for being happy, sometimes it causes mental illness due to the
overthinking and the disorders that happen due to the money and thinking to have more and
more of it rather than being grateful of what you have of it rather than thinking of more and
.more of money
To sum up, happiness is one of the most important feelings and emotions that we need it as a
human to maintain our lives in the best way and continue to have the full range of satisfaction
rather than a rejection of events. Happiness can have many causes and reasons that start from
the middle of our DNA and genes and end with the surrounding society. In the study of
happiness and its causes, people have been divided into many, that some think happiness can
come from money and money are the only way that makes us happy. Also, other people think
that happiness is mainly related to how our body translates the society's actions into emotions
concerning the personal variations and genetic variations and how our genetics affected by
many things that influence it and influence what makes us happy. In my opinion, I believe
that happiness is a thing and emotion we can make to ourselves and we can bring it many
ways. money for me can be a tool, I believe it is one of the important things that we need it to
have a good life, good school, and good health but it is only a tool to get these things and be
more satisfied. We all look to be happy and working to maintain our mental and physical
health; money can help the portion that is related to physical health more than the mental,
because some times when we are under tension due to the circumstances in life and the events
that surround us, the money has nothing to do. Simple, the money cannot save our
relationships or fix it; money cannot make me have more friends or more peace. Because for
me happiness can come to me when I have more friends around and when I have my family
with me. Many people have the same reasons and other people find it less important than
money and higher income to be happy, which at the end conclude that the genetic factors are
the predominant factor that can tell us and influence our body with the surrounding area in
many ways that can make us happy. Moreover, people who think money is the only way to be
happy, they should use the money in a good way, to maintain this happiness. Because at the
moment where they lose this money, they will unhappy because they related their happiness
.to it


 Diener, E., Ng, W., Harter, J., & Arora, R. (2010). Wealth and happiness across the world:
material prosperity predicts life evaluation, whereas psychosocial prosperity predicts
positive feeling. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(1), 52–61
 Kahneman, D., & Deaton, A. (2010). Does money buy happiness….or just a better life.
Princeton: Princeton University. Mimeo.
 Essays, UK. (November 2018). The Relationship Between Money And Happiness
Philosophy Essay. Retrieved from
 De Neve, J.-E., Christakis, N. A., Fowler, J. H., & Frey, B. S. (2012). Genes, economics,
and happiness. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 5(4), 193–211.

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