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Michael Young

Mrs. Bazil

English 4


Endurance essay

Shackleton and his team survived the Antarctic weather for years. Shackleton is good at

judging character, keeping everybody busy so they wouldn’t think about their predicament.

Shackleton kept his team together by his leadership and his friendship with the team.

When Shackleton and his team were on the ice he kept everybody moving. So that they

didn’t have time to sit around and think about the trouble. They were on the ice and they had

keep their self-busy by playing games and listening to the music on the banjo. One of the

members had played the banjo, for the whole team on the boat while they were stuck. When the

team got to Elephant Island and were there for a few days. Shackleton decided to head for South

Georgia so he could get, some help to get his team back to the main land. To get out of the

frozen tundra and off Elephant Island Shackleton choose who would stay. On the island to wait

for him to return so they made a plan if Shackleton. Didn’t make it back that they would go to

Deception Island. If Shackleton didn’t reach them by middle of August they would head to

Deception Island.

While they are out hunting before they left their camp on the ice and Shackleton sent

some men hunting so that they could have some food. So they could eat and also Wild had got

chased by a sea leopard and then the men were trying to help Wild out of his predicament.

Between Shackleton’s leadership and the friendship with the team and they were so close, they

felt like they were brothers even though they came from different families. While they were out
in the harshest elements of weather that the Antarctic could throw at them. They still made it

through and with their friendship, they became so close that they felt like brothers and couldn’t

live without each other. When they were getting ready to move the camp again to another part of

the flow, Shackleton got trapped on another piece of ice. They had tied the flow together with

rope and when the roped snapped that’s, when the team helped Shackleton to get back on the

side of the flow that the team was on. Shackleton leading the men to Elephant Island as a part of

the journey, the leadership of Shackleton had kept the men from jumping over board. They

would not even survive for five minutes in the water. Their protective layers would have gotten

soaked as soon as they were in the water and since they were already, soaked with water and so

they would not last too long in the water.

While they were stuck on the ice and were at the camps the men started to get into fights

with each other. While they were at the camp on the ice Shackleton didn’t give them a chance to

sit around and think about their families. They would leave behind if they would have had died

out on the expedition. Shackleton knew that the team was capable of going father than what they,

thinking where they could go in the conditions that they were in. While Shackleton was getting

ready to head to, South Georgia to get help and come back to get the others with the relief boat.

Even if Shackleton it took a while to get to South Georgia, he still made it back in time before

they were going to head to Deception Island. If Shackleton didn’t make it back to the rest of the

team back on Elephant Island. The team would go to Deception Island if Shackleton if they

didn’t make it back to them.

Shackleton new that he had to keep his team together and kept them going. Between

Shackleton’s leadership and the friend ship that helped keep everybody together. To how what
these men went through the weather and how the team survived the Antarctic weather I don’t

think that I could do it.

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