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Michael Young



A high wire act in Alabama

Sen. Doug Jones has been designated the most endangered of the 34 senate incumbents

up for election in 2020. He has to walk an ideological tightrope for the next 14 months so he

could have any, hope of winning the re-election for Alabama. Mr. Jones says that he would not

run away from whomever the party’s presidential nominee is. Another reason that it is going to

be a hard election for Mr. Jones is that he is out of step with Alabama and the National Right to

Life committee gave Jones a 0% rating for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection act that

Jones had voted against. The Pain- Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would have helped

banned abortion after 20 weeks except in the, cases of rape and incest of danger to the mother’s


Mr. Jones is hoping that Mr. Moore would be his opponent again. If Moore was Jones

opponent again he was thinking that he could win by a more number like he did in the previous

years that he had been elected for Alabama’s senator. Jones is supporting Medicare for illegal

immigrants and he is using people, hard earned taxed money for Medicare for illegal immigrants

so they can get Free Medical Care. For the democrats to take over the senates and the democrats

need, to gain four seats to reclaim the majority of the senates. The republicans are trying to get

the Alabama seat, so they can have the majority for the senates. If Moore do get elected to run

against Jones it would put a safety net under Jones. But if Jones is elected for the senate’s seat

for Alabama he would have to remove his mask of moderation and his voting record would be
similar to that of Manhattan, Malibu, Montgomery, and Mobile. I think that this article is

conservative because of the way they article portrays some. Of the events that have gone on that

probably the same guy from last year’s election for the senate. Would probably is going to be

that same guy that went against Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones could probably get the win again this year

in the new senate’s election.

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