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University of LaVerne CSUN SOLICITA 0 BOLSA DE ESTUDOS PARCIAL Marque a opedo de curso desejada: [] Strategy and Marketing (ULV) [Finance and Accounting (ULV) [1 Leading & Coaching the Human Organization (ULV) Data de realizagao? [1 Contemporary Topics in Public Administration (ULV) [x Janeiro [J Communication, Design & Innovation (CSUN) [Julho Ano: 2021 {1 Digital Companies & E-Business Revolution (CSUN) [x] Design Thinking & Innovation (CSUN) [| Leadership In An Age Of Disruption (CSUN) {] Business English First Lessons (ULV) Informagdes Importantes ‘Niamero do pessaport Data de Nascimento: (penal) Fwses | Naa | 0705/1994 Nome Completo: Keylla Rayanne Albuquerque Guerra a aa Endereso BRASIL _Santa Verdnica 618 Camaragibe | PE Tie ae Nine Gaise Taste Telefones: arsosoass | £81 3090-8595 819.9758 9607 Foo | coment cotta | emu ‘lla gueraoulook com / heya guerrangmalcom a oa High End- Solugbes Cargo: Estigio Experiéncia de trabalho anterior: PIBIC/FACEPE: Pesquisador (a) PIBITI7 CNPq: Pesquisador (a) ‘Auténoma? [x] Nao [ | Sim; Se sim, que tipo de negécio: Pais de Origem: BRASI ‘Tamanho da Camiseta ]P—[]M—[ x]G—[}GG Experiéncia Educacional Desereva as Universidades em que realizou curso de graduando ou pés-graduando e correlatos ‘Nome da Universidade Curso Cidade Data de Concluséo UFRPE - UACSA Engenharia Elétrica | Cabo de Santo Em Curso Agostinho -PE | Ensino Médio, Curso ou Experiéneia Internacional. Neste espago escreva os cursos, as atividades remuneradas ou voluntarias mais importantes realizadas por vocé relevantes a0 seu curriculo: ‘Nome dainstituiggo ~~ | Curso/Atvidade Cidade Data de Graduagao TFPE- Campus Reale | Tesizn en Remoinica | Reale 2015 Youth Assembly-ONU | Delegate Youth Assembly | Washingion, DC-EUA [2019 CopadoMundo -—=S*«sVotuntirdo Recife- PE 2013/2014 TEEE Diretoria Recife PE 2018 - Atual Certifico que todas as informagies prestadas sdo verdadeiras, Entendo que todos os materiais de solicitagdes enviados para a Universidade. Eu entendo que todos os materiais de aplicagio encaminhados & Universidade tomam-se propriedade da Universidade e nfo serio encaminhados para outra instituigo, nem voltardo para mim. ssn al Rayonra A. Quinta, pw, 49044 sSnV0 Conhecimento em Idiomas — auto avalngo: Como vocé avalia seu dominio na Wingua inglesa? EssasinformagOes serdo usadas para saber o nivel de inglés do aluno, Por favor, marque as opo8es, ulizando a escala endo que I € nivel mais baixo e 10 0 mais alto nivel Leitura U1 112-018 - 14-115 - 116-117-118 9 -[ 10 Escrita: (11-02-1 B-1 4-015 -116-()7-118-bi9-1 10 Compreensdo Auditiva: { JL=[]2-[ ]8-{ = 15-{ 16-1 17 Pa8-[ 19-( }10 Fala (1-02-08 -0 8-015 -116-(17-18- 119-1 10 Application for Graduate Admission Using the space below, tell us the reasons why should you be granted a scholarship. How is this program going to help you develop your professional experience, career and future life plans’? ‘This letter is mandatory and will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee as part of your application. Write minimum 10 lines. My name is Keylla Rayanne Albuquerque Guerra and I am a veteran atthe Federal Rural University of Pernambuco of electrical engineering course. My experience in previous jobs in engineering fields makes me a potential candidate for ‘your research. My main goal is to lear, Iam originally from Brazil and from a very young age I have the dream to change ‘the world in some way, and so I began to work with 12 years asa volunteer in some institutions, always maintaining a GPA 40. The whole experience was valid so I vas able to develop personal skills in which they contribute in my personal and professional life. During the fist year of the university I participated in a technical course in eleetrotechnology at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Pemambuco. As soon as I finished the technical course I was selected, at the university where I studied, as assistant professor in some scientific projects. In the year 2017 I was challenged 0 coordinate a group for the XIII National Meeting of Students of Electrical Engineering in the city of Cabo de Santo ‘Agostinho - Pernambuco. In addition, Iam part of the Academic Directory of the course and the first directory of the Student Nucleus ofthe IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) of Pernambuco. Jn 2019 1 was selected to represent Brazil atthe 24th Youth Assembly -ONU, in Washington, DC- USA, in which ‘debate on the Sustainable Development Goals ofthe Agenda 2030 In addition to being the only Pemambucana and one of| the 3 in the northeast, [had a project selected as one of the 15 best in the world to be developed. 1 am a hardworking person and with a relentless desie to lear, I have been dreaming about i ‘knowledge that | will gsi im this research will help me to help my county increase its economy with relevant technological development. That is why I study enough tobe the future of my county. I just ask fora chance. Thank you very much for your time. forall my life. The I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information furnished in this application is true and complete. I understand that all application materials forwarded to the college become the property of the college and will not be forwarded to another institution, nor returned to me, also agree to accept the appropriate college catalog as the final basis for decisions about college policy. Signatre of Applica paed® 04 202

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