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Notebook week 13 - 7c

Working with a group has benefited me more than I thought it would. At first I didn’t like the
idea of working in a group because I felt like my work would bring my group's grade down and
wouldn’t be good enough. I then quickly learned that it’s good for me to work with other people
and here are some positive ways it has helped.
● Being in a group gives me more responsibility. I’ve been turning in my group
assignments on time or earlier.
● More aware. I’ve been more aware of the effort going into my work so my group can be
happy with the outcome.
● Better feedback. I’ve gotten a lot more personal feedback that has opened my eyes to the
things I was missing and needed to change.

Even though being in a group has a lot of benefits, it’s not always easy. Here are some things I
struggle with.
● Harsh feedback. Now that I’m in a group, we feel more comfortable peer reviewing. It’s
super beneficial but it also is sometimes tricky when they say something that’s hard to
take in.
● Weight on my shoulders. Now that I’m working with other people, there’s a lot more
stress to get things done. I feel a lot more stressed and it’s sometimes hard for me to
● Self conscious about my work. My work should be something I’m proud of but I feel like
I wont meet the expectations my peers have for me.

Overall being in a group is good for me. It’s allowing me to stretch my knowledge and writing
ability and is getting me out of my comfort zone. It has also helped me with my civic
engagement because I learned a lot about what I’m missing and lacking. For example, I thought I
was doing an evaluation but my peers were able to identify I wasn’t and helped me change it. It’s
helping me feel comfortable working with other people and being more open to suggestions
about my writing.

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